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a few days later san woke up early in the morning, met by a sleeping wooyoung as he opened his eyes. the raven haired smiled to himself, it indeed felt good to wake up next to his boyfriend. he took his time to admire every feature of wooyoung's face, before caressing it and putting a kiss on his forehead.

wooyoung hummed pleasantly and snuggled in san, burying his head in the crook of his neck. "you're so warm." the younger said, sending shivers to the other's body. "good morning, cutie." san smiled, wrapping his arms around wooyoung's waist once again. he pulled away a bit to look at the older, smiling back at him.

"good morning." he leaned in and gave san a kiss. the raven haired stared in his eyes, not saying a word for awhile. "what?" wooyoung asked, grinning at the other. "you're beautiful." san said as he leaned and kissed the smaller slowly, pulling him closer. the dark haired blushed as he smiled sheepishly when they pulled away. "look at you, blushing because of me. it's so cute."

"stop it." wooyoung groaned as he lightly hit san's arm. "is this the only reason you like me?" he asked, acting like he was offended and making san chuckle. "no. i also like your soft lips." the red color creeped on wooyoung's cheeks as san smiled lovingly. "what else?" the raven haired looked straight into his boyfriend's eyes as he continued.

"i like your dark chocolate eyes, in which i always get lost, i like how you melt when i touch your soft warm silky skin, how my hand fits in your fluffy hair, how your lips feel like home, how your voice is my favorite sound and your laugh my favorite melody, i like everything about you, wooyoung." wooyoung felt his eyes teary as he listened to the other's words. "is this enough for you?"

the smaller nodded his head fast as he needily kissed san, cupping his face. he glued his body to the older's, feeling the need to be as close as he could to him. san squeezed him in his arms and deepened the kiss. "i'm sorry." san said when they pulled back, confusing the smaller. "for what?"

"because a year ago i didn't know how incredibly great you are and hurt you. i'm sorry." wooyoung smiled and pecked san's lips. "don't be. if that night didn't happen, we might have never came this far. plus, drunk or not, i clearly remember how good you were." wooyoung teased him, winking at him as san chuckled.

"i want to take you somewhere after school." san smiled and pecked his lips. "where?" the younger asked curiously as he tilted his head. "you'll see."


the two boys walked to their first class, meeting with yeosang on the way. "hey, lover boys. you're in a good mood." he said, having a mischievous grin on his face. "anyways, are you guys free later today? seonghwa suggested we go on a double date."

"can we do it tomorrow? i have something prepared for the two of us today." san said, yeosang grinning at him. "oh, i know what you mean. have your time then." he winked at san, earning a hit from both boys.

the day went by slowly for wooyoung, because san didn't tell him anything about what they were going to do today and the curiosity killed him.

"come on, tell me." wooyoung whined as he tugged san's arm. the two were walking to the parking lot where san's car was parked. "you're really impatient." he smiled as he booped the smaller's nose and got into the vehicle. wooyoung pouted as he sat on the passenger's seat.

san turned the engine on and drove off, instructing wooyoung to fasten his seat belt. the older put his hand on his boyfriend's tigh, squeezing lightly as he saw he was sulking. wooyoung hummed pouty but still intertwined his fingers with san's. the raven haired smiled at this as he focused on the road.

after a few more minutes the car was parked in front of a cemetery building and the two got out. wooyoung was confused as he didn't know what they could probably do at such place. "i'm going to introduce you to my parents." san said as if he read wooyoung's thoughts. "a-are you sure?" the younger asked and san grabbed his hand in his own.

the older just nodded with a smile and went in, still holding wooyoung's hand. san lead their way to a room on the second floor and took a deep breath before entering, wooyoung staying at the door. "hey, mom, dad. i'm sorry i haven't came for awhile. i've been doing well, jongho too. you know, he is now dating hongjoong. can you believe it? i haven't seen him this happy in a long time. are you two doing well?" san smiled as he wiped a tear away.

"actually, mom, dad, i brought someone with me today." he looked at wooyoung, who was now walking to him. he grabbed his hand smiled, before turning his head to face the urns. wooyoung bowed respectfully and smiled. "mom, dad, this is wooyoung."

"hello, i'm honored to finally meet you. your son always talks about how great you are. i can see he resembles you very much." san chuckled as he listened to wooyoung praising him. "he is my boyfriend, mom. i know you really wanted me to introduce someone to you one day and i thought this was the right time. wooyoung is the cutest and most caring person i've met, mom, you'd love him." not as much as i do though.

san grabbed wooyoung's hand and placed a kiss on it, earning a loving smile from the boy. the two stayed there for a while, both talking about each other. wooyoung decided san needed some time to talk to his parents alone so he went out to wait for him.

"i wish you were here. why did you have to leave so soon? i really miss you. jongho has been taking care of me this whole time and i was just playing around. but now that wooyoung is here, i feel so much better. he...he changed me, and in a good way." san wiped his tears and put a smile for his parents.

"mom, dad, i-i think i love him. no, i know i love him. it hasn't been that long since we're together but...i just can't imagine my life without him anymore. look at me ranting to you again, that's what i always do. next time i'll come with jongho, i'm sure he would want to talk to you. i'm going now, i love you." san caressed the glass which protected the urns of his parents and made his way out to the main entrance.

"hey, are you ready to go?" wooyoung asked as san grabbed his hand and nodded, leading him out of the building.


here's the chapter, babies!

writer out

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