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after a quick make out session in the shower wooyoung and san were breathing heavily under the flowing water, the smaller's cheeks brightly red. "i should stop calling you 'cutie'." san said caressing his cheek. "and why is that?" wooyoung looked him in the eyes, leaning forward to peck his lips. "because you're hot." he smirked, earning a punch in his arm from the other.

"you're unbelievable!" wooyoung pushed the taller slightly. "but you like me." san chuckled and stepped forward to hug him. "no, you ruined it, get out." wooyoung removed his hands and turned him to push him out of the shower cabin. "come on, let me shower with you!" he whined, turning to face the smaller again, but wooyoung shushed him with his finger. "no, put your clothes on and get out."

san groaned and dressed up, leaving wooyoung alone again. he went downstairs, curious eyes watching him plopp on the coach. "get your ass up, you're wetting the coach!" yeosang said dramatically as the other sighed. "didn't you go to take a shower? and where's wooyoung, he's taking forever."

"he kicked me out of the shower." san frowned and leaned his back on the coach. yeosang was going to say something but wooyoung showed up on the stairs, making his way to the living room. "go wash yourself and change into some dry clothes, i'm not going to look after your sick ass." he threw a towel on san and went into the kitchen.

the raven haired male smirked as he got the towel and went upstairs and into the bathroom. "okay, what exactly happened in the bathroom?" yeosang leaned against the kitchen wall, watching as wooyoung went to help seonghwa with the dinner. "i showered? should i tell you the details?" the pink haired rolled his eyes and made his way back to the living room. "so, did you make up with hongjoong?"

"yeah, we're okay now. it's just, i think he's really hurt and i don't know what to do." seonghwa sighed as he washed the vegetables. "be yourself. he just needs time." he put his hand on the older's shoulder and he smiled to him. "now let's get this food ready, because i'm starving."


everyone was sitting around the big dining table, eating in silence. san was next to wooyoung, his hand finding its way to the smaller's tigh from time to time, making him blush.

"okay, you two," mingi pointed at wooyoung and san with a playful smile. "why are you acting so strange? did you f-" he couldn't finish his words, because seonghwa stuffed his mouth with bread. "mingi, just shup up and eat." he said, taking a bite from his meal.

wooyoung mentally thanked him for that as he slapped san's hand under the table. the silence fell upon them again as everyone ate quietly.

"woo, can you take care of the dishes, i have some things to do with seonghwa." yeosang whispered, while they were alone in the kitchen. "i don't want to hear anymore, thanks. i'll do it, don't worry."

"you're the best!" yeosang hugged him for a second. "yeah, yeah, whatever." the pink haired smiled brightly and ran out of the kitchen to find his boyfriend, as wooyoung sighed, looking at all the dishes that waited to be done.


san sat on the coach, his brother sitting in front of him in the armchair with his hands nervously placed on his tighs. "are you gonna talk or should i go ask hongjoong?" san arched an eyebrow as jongho sighed.

"don't look at me like that. there's nothing between us, we just kissed out of curiosity and mingi saw us." san's expression softened as he looked at his brother. "do you like him?"

"no! i-i don't know." jongho looked down and sighed. san stood up and kneeled in front of him, putting his brother's hand in his own. "it's okay. how does hongjoong feel?"

"i don't know, we didn't get to talk after that." he sighed as he looked at his brother. "what do i do, hyung?" san hugged him as jongho sobbed quietly in his neck. "don't cry, it's gonna be okay. just talk to him."

jongho nodded and pulled back, his brother wiping his tears away and smiling reassuring. the younger took a deep breath and went to find his best friend. san hadn't seen his brother like that since the time he came out to him and told him about his crush. he just hoped jongho would be okay.

the black haired went into the kitchen to get himself something to drink, seeing wooyoung in front of the sink, doing the dishes. he stepped forward quietly, for the other to not notice him and hugged him from behind, resting his head on the smaller's shoulder. wooyoung gasped at the touch, stopping what he was doing.

"do you need help, cutie?" san whispered in his ear, biting the soft part and sending shiveres down wooyoung's spine. "stop it." he said quietly, trying to hold a little moan as san moved even closer to him, rubbing his member in the smaller's tighs. "why? am i distracting you? you know, the dishes can wait."

"choi san, i swear to god, if you don't stop-" he was interrupted, a quiet moan leaving his mouth, as san's lips found their place on his neck. san knew exactly what he was doing to the younger and he smirked when he heard him. he left small wet kisses on wooyoung's neck, rubbing his hardening private part in the smaller boy.

wooyoung dropped the plate and sponge he was holding, closing his eyes to the feeling of san's doings. little moans left his mouth and he cursed mentally at how easy the taller drove him crazy with just simple kisses. he felt his skin hot, his hands were longing for san, his lips were thirsty for the older's, his member was reacting to all of this and wooyoung felt his pants tighten.

"dammit, san." he turned around and crashed his lips on san's, cupping his face, not being able to wait any longer.


i had a busy day today, so i'm a little late but here's the chapter!

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