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wooyoung got on the bus, tears running down his cheeks. he felt like his heart was torn into pieces. why did that hurt so much? why was he feeling so attached to san suddenly?

if only he didn't go to that party last year.

wooyoung watched the cars on the road as he tried to hold his tears but it only got worse. the seemingly endless ride on the bus was finally over and wooyoung ran to the dorms. he only stopped in front of the building to normalize his breathing, panting, as all the crying and running tired him.

he put his hands on his face, sobbing quietly, when he felt two arms wrap around him. it was yeosang. of course he had to see him like this. "oh god, woo." he tightened the hug as wooyoung started crying stronger.

they stayed like this for a few minutes before the boy calmed a little bit, then went to his room. wooyoung sat on his bed, staring at the nothingness, while yeosang sat on the chair in front of the desk, waiting for the other to fully calm.

"are you going to tell me what happened there?" the blonde said, resting his hand on the back of the chair. "he told me to forget everything and then he kissed me. he had the audacity to kiss me! a-and the worst part is that i...liked it."

wooyoung sighed loudly and layed on the bed. "then why were you crying?" yeosang asked. "because i was mad! because for a moment i thought this was right but it's not." the dark haired groaned as he kicked the air with his feet.

"and why do you think it's not right? if you like him just go and tell him, instead of losing your mind like this." his best friend stood up from his seat and went to slap wooyoung's thigh. "ouch! why are you hitting me? don't you see i need comfort?" yeosang shook his head and sighed. "you need some brain cells!"

wooyoung looked at him with sulky face as he sat in the bed. "okay, do whatever you want. just don't come crying to me again!" the dark haired hit his arm with his fist. "you showed up in front of me, idiot!"

"yeah, yeah, whatever." the two hit each other playfully before yeosang's phone rang. "it's seonghwa. i kinda left him alone in the parking lot because of you." he glared at his friend. "i should go, cause he's waiting for me. are you going to be okay?"

"just go, lover boy! i'm not a kid, i can look after myself." wooyoung pushed him to the door. "yeah, i see that." yeosang scoffed as he left the room.


"what were you two doing for so long? is wooyoung okay?" seonghwa asked when he saw his boyfriend walk to him. "yeah, he'll live." yeosang laughed, earning a punch in his arm. "what? he can handle his relationship problems alone!"

"so that was the problem? should i go talk to him, i'm pretty good at these things." seonghwa smirked and winked as he put his hand around yeosang's waist. "whose boyfriend are you, huh? want me to get mad at you and stop talking to you?" the blonde glared at the other, crossing his arms. "okay, baby boy, i'm just trying to help. let's go." seonghwa said as he pecked yeosang's lips.


san decided to turn back to school, after jongho lectured him to get himself together. his younger brother was sometimes more mature than san himself and helped him a lot. actually, since their parents weren't with them anymore, jongho took care of the house and his brother most of the time. san was more the carefree type.

he went to parties a lot, slept with different people...a lot but still tried to take care of his little brother, even if he wasn't the best at it.

san ran his hand through his black hair and went out of the house, getting in his car and driving to school. he was feeling better but he still didn't know how he was going to face wooyoung. would the other boy even want to see him?

he pushed his thoughts away as he parked and got off the car. he went into the school building and saw yeosang with some other boys so he walked their way. did wooyoung tell him what had happened? of course he did, they are best friends. san thought as he approached the blonde boy.

"h-hey, yeosang." he said nervously. "oh, if that's not mister heart braker." he said arching his eyebrows. "i guess he told you." san smiled sadly as he looked at his feet.

"should we leave you two to talk?" yunho asked, getting the attention on him. "n-no, i interrupted you, i'll go." san rubbed his neck and turned around to go to his first class. "he likes you too!" san heard yeosang say and turned back, a confused look on his face. "wooyoung, i mean. he just thinks he should be mad at you, because of that night." san felt his cheeks hot as he remembered.

"who said i liked him?" he tried to look serious but couldn't hide his little smile. "oh please, don't try to fool us." yeosang scoffed and san sighed. "just wait a little bit. he'll come to you when he's ready." san smiled as he looked at his feet and walked away.

his thoughts were now full with wooyoung. he remembered their night on that party and their kiss yesterday. he blushed again and shook his head, heading to his class.

to say he liked wooyoung was now an understatement. he was whipped for that boy but he just now realized it.

as he walked in the room his eyes landed on the dark haired boy. he was sitting on his chair and talked to some boy san didn't recognize. he was smiling so brightly it made san's heart flutter. he realized he was staring when yeosang put a hand on his shoulder and brought him back to reality.

"get yourself together, san." he mumbled to himself and went to sit as the bell rang.


how do you like the book so far? i really hope it's turning out well.

writer out

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