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san's hands traveled on wooyoung's body, the touch making the smaller shiver. wooyoung tugged his hand in the taller's raven black hair, the other one finding its place on his neck. after a few seconds the two pulled back, gasping for air. "we should stop." wooyoung said, breathing heavily, his voice low. "i have to-"

"leave these damn dishes and let's go to our room." san said impatiently against the other's lips, attacking them again. he turned them around and started walking forward untill the smaller leaned against the kitchen counter. he moved his hands on wooyoung's tighs, making him sit on the counter, not separating their lips.

wooyoung wrapped his legs around san's waist, gluing their bodies together. "fuck these dishes, let's go." wooyoung said as he pulled back for air, making san smirk and lift him, his hands supporting his legs around him.

the taller walked them upstairs and to the room, which yeosang told them they'll share, being careful not to bump wooyoung into a wall. he opened the door with one hand, the other still supporting the smaller. the black haired went in and closed the door, glad they made it to their room without any problems. fortunately everyone was either outside or in their rooms and didn't see them make out, while trying to reach the room.

san layed wooyoung in the bed carefully, before climbing on it too. he took a moment to admire the smaller's rosy cheeks, puffed lips and a little dampened hair. he moved a few strands from his face and put a small kiss on his forehead. he pulled away only to remove his and wooyoung's shirts before diving in to kiss the smaller again. san started leaving kisses all over his face and jawline going down to his neck. he bit one place and then licked it leaving a small dark spot and then a few more, before moving down to his chest doing the same.

wooyoung's moans filled san's ears and made him shiver out of pleasure. as the taller's lips made their way down to the younger's pants, san quickly removed them, before doing the same with his. he pressed his lips on wooyoung's in a passionate kiss bitting the younger's lower lip, to which he let a quiet moan, the taller using the opportunity to explore his mouth with his tongue.

san began to leave little kisses everywhere on the smaller's body once again as he reached wooyoung's boxers removing them painfully slow with his teeth. "stop...teasing me...choi." san smirked as wooyoung let out a moan, when the taller fully removed his boxers and threw them somewhere on the floor before removing his own.

"you're very impatient, cutie." another moan followed as san moved his hand along wooyoung's length. the black haired crashed his lips on the younger's, this time kissing him slowly, putting all he had in that kiss as he tugged his free hand in wooyoung's hair. he quickened his other hand's moves continuing to kiss the other's lips sensuous. a few seconds later wooyoung emptied himself in san's hand making the other smile in the kiss.

he pulled away, wooyoung opening his eyes as he didn't feel san's lips on his. the taller licked his fingers demonstratively, looking right into the smaller's eyes, a smirk finding its place on his face. wooyoung watched him impatiently grabbing his wrist. san chuckled as he placed his member near wooyoung's entry, teasing the smaller.

"dammit, san, just fuck me already!" san smirked and crashed his lips on wooyoung's, a thrust following after that and making the younger arch his back. san thrusted in him slowly, as he didn't separate their lips, one hand in the younger's dark locks and the other on his waist. wooyoung couldn't stop the moans escaping his mouth as the other moved in him.

"f-faster..." wooyoung mumbled as san smirked. "what did you say, cutie?" he asked teasingly, breathing against the smaller's lips. "fuck, choi, i said faster!"

"your words are an order to me, cutie." he quickened his pace, making wooyoung squeeze the sheets beneath him, arching his back, as san hit his point. "damn, san, why are you so good at this?" the younger let a moan as san emptied himself deep in him.

san felt like never before, the smaller drove him crazy with his moans. he looked like a mess, his hair was messy, his eyes were closed, his cheeks were red, his puffed lips slightly parted as he breathed heavily.

the most beautiful mess san had ever seen.

"you are so perfect." he said as he put a slow, gentle kiss on wooyoung's lips, tugging his hands in the younger's dark hair. he pulled away and out of wooyoung, laying beside him. "do you think the others heard us?"

"heard you." san chuckled and caressed wooyoung's cheek. "and even if they did, it's not like they didn't expect this to happen, so..." san pecked wooyoung's lips and sat in the bed. "where are you going?" wooyoung whined and grabbed his hand.

"don't worry, cutie. i'm just going to get a towel to clean up here." he smirked and got up, putting on his boxers and walking out of the room. "what did you do to me, choi san?" wooyoung asked himself smiling like an idiot.

he was so whipped for san and they barely even knew each other.

a smile made its way on his face as san entered the room with a towel in his hand. wooyoung checked his body up and down, just now realizing how fit he was. his eyes then went up to the taller's face. his plumpy lips, which were in a rosy shade, sparkling chocolate brown eyes, in which wooyoung could lose himself, sharp long jaw and- oh god, he was staring.

"you like the view?" san smirked as he sat on the bed next to his boyfriend. wooyoung's cheeks turned bright red and he covered his eyes with his hand. "come on, how long are you going to be shy around your boyfriend?" san cleaned them and layed down again, giving the smaller a kiss.

"weren't you supposed to sleep on the coach?" wooyoung arched his eyebrow and smirked. "oh, now you want me to go? okay then." san sat in the bed but wooyoung pulled him back and cuddled in him. "you're not going anywhere, idiot." he moved even closer to him, hiding his head in his neck, as san chuckled and wrapped his arms around the smaller.

"i'm not leaving your side, cutie." they cuddled for a few minutes before they both fell asleep.


okay, i suck at writing smuts but i hope you like it ><

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