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"do we have to sit next to each other?" wooyoung complained, as yeosang had made him sit in the backseat of the car with san. "thanks, i like it here too." san scoffed at the other.

"you two, stop acting like little kids and just think of something to discuss." yeosang shut them, looking in the rare view mirror. the two boys looked at each other and then turned their heads to the windows. the pink haired sighed and shook his head.

he tried to make them talk but unsuccessfully. san hated the awkward silence between him and wooyoung but he couldn't bring himself to start a conversation.


"so..." jongho said from the backseat of hongjoong's car. "okay, i'm getting tired of you two not talking. can't you just make up and be close again?" hongjoong and seonghwa glanced at each other, looking away almost immediately.

"i'm sorry." seonghwa started. "i'm sorry i hurt you and that i didn't tell you about me and yeosang." he turned his head to look at hongjoong.

"it's okay, i stopped talking to you, how could you tell me?" the blonde looked at the road ahead. "can we just...be friends again? like we used to be before my confession?" hongjoong smiled nostalgic. "won't it be awkward?"

"i don't care, joong. you're my best friend! i want you back in my life, and if you want the same, we can make things work! so please, just tell me what you want." jongho watched from the backseat, smiling at the scene. "oh god, hwa, of course i want to be your best friend again! but promise me our friendship will last, okay? i don't want to go through the same shit again."

"i promise, i'll do anything to protect it." the two boys looked at each other, smiling, as jongho scoffed. "ah, you're making me cringe! are we close to yeosang's villa yet?" hongjoong blushed as he answered. "we're almost there."

a few minutes passed and the car stopped in front of a big beige house with a flower garden a large swimming pool. the three boys got off the car as the other two vehicles parked behind them.

"welcome to kang villa!" yeosang exclaimed as he ran through the garden. the others followed him, all looking around like tourists, except for wooyoung, who had been here numerous times. "okay! come with me so i can show you your rooms."

they went in the house and made their way to the living room, everyone taking a seat on the coach and armchairs. "we have four bedrooms so we'll sleep in pairs. yunho and mingi will obviously share a room, me and seonghwa too, hongjoong will share with jongho, and wooyoung with san. that's it!" everyone was satisfied with their roommate, except for san and wooyoung.

the two were now left alone in the living room, both too awkward to move. "i'll just sleep here, you can have the room for yourself." san said without looking at the other. "t-thank you." wooyoung didn't know what else to say so he just stood up and went to find his room.

"i see you two haven't made any progress." jongho sat on the couch next to his brother. "no." san sighed and leaned back. "i don't think this was a good idea. everyone's getting along super well and i can't even talk in front of wooyoung. i think i should just go home."

"what? no, you're not going anywhere! i'm here too, you don't need to focus only on wooyoung." jongho hugged his brother and san wrapped his arms around him. "thanks, little brother."

"okay, let's go!" jongho stood up excitedly. "what? where?" san sent him a questioning look. "to the pool! we can't just sit here all day. come on." the younger grabbed his brother's arm and went straight out and to the pool. "wait, i'm not even in my swimming shorts!"

"who cares!" jongho ran, still holding san's hand, and jumped into the pool. san let out a high pitched scream before landing under the water. he got his head out of it and slicked his hair back, glaring at his brother, who was now swimming away from him.

"swim back here, you coward! i'll drown you when i get to you!" san shouted, his brother smiling innocently from the other side of the pool. had heard the two, everyone made their way outside. "what are you two doing without us?" yeosang yelled as he too jumped in the pool, followed by the others.

a few seconds later everyone was splashing water on someone and excited shouts could be heard from afar. "how are things between you and seonghwa? did you make up?" san and hongjoong were leaning against one of the pool's walls. "yeah, we did."

he said quietly, looking down. "are you okay, hyung?" san asked, putting a hand on his shoulder. "i'm just glad i can be with him again, even if we're just friends." he smiled as he looked at san but the other was even more worried now. "enough about me, when are you going to talk to wooyoung? the boy hasn't stopped staring at you since we got here."

san blushed at hongjoong's words, his eyes landing on the dark haired at the other side of the pool. wooyoung has indeed been staring at san the whole time. he wanted to talk to the older, to make up with him and be friends with him again. but when he saw san in the pool, with his wet t-shirt showing of his body structure, his damp hair slicked back, allowing wooyoung to take a good look at his face.

wooyoung felt the need to go straight to the boy, to hug him...to kiss him. what was that? his heart skipped a beat at the thought of san's lips on his. san's warm, soft li-

"hello? earth to wooyoung!" the boy snapped his head at yeosang. "are you daydreaming about san again?" the dark haired's cheeks turned red and he looked down. he felt the water move around him, someone standing in front of him.

"wooyoung, can we talk?"


school is going better than i expected, so here's another chapter for you guys!

i'll try to update twice a week from now on <3

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