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"so...want me to drive you to school, cutie?" san decided to brake the awkward silence, trying to cool his cheeks down. why was he even affected by this situation? it's not like sleeping with random people was something new for him. "how many times do i have to tell you to stop calling me 'cutie'? i'm embarrassed enough by this whole thing!"

wooyoung abruptly stood up from his chair, looking at san with pleading eyes. he was on the verge of crying and he didn't even know why. "okay, okay, i'm sorry, i'll stop. why are you so emotional suddenly?" san also stood up, stepping closer to the other boy.

"you know perfectly well why!" wooyoung looked at his feet, as he was too embarrassed to face the other. "i was your first, big deal! at least you forgot about me and moved on, while i couldn't stop thinking about you through the whole year!" san raised his voice as he stepped back. "w-what?" wooyoung snapped his head at him, shock in his eyes. "just...forget it."

san turned around and walked out of the house, leaving a confused wooyoung staring at the door. "i guess the talk didn't go well." jongho entered the kitchen. "yeosang said he would beat my brother's ass if he does something to you but i can do it myself, if you want." he put his hand on wooyoung's shoulder and smiled reassuring.

"no, he didn't do anything." the boy sighed and grabbed his phone, turning to jongho. "i'll go now, he probably left already, so I have to catch the bus, if i don't wanna be late." wooyoung started walking to the front door, hearing jongho's voice behind him. "want me to call him?"

"no, it's okay." wooyoung glanced back at the younger, smiling lightly at him as he opened the door. he went out and, as he guessed, san had already left with his car. the boy made his way to the bus stop, looking at his phone. he still had some time before his first class started so he walked calmly on the sidewalk, watching the passing cars.

as he approached the bus stop, he saw the bus already arriving and quickened his pace. he got in and paid the driver before taking one of the free sits in the back. he watched through the window on the whole way, lost in his thoughts. did san mean what he said earlier? it would be so awkward between the two after that conversation. but why did he even care, it's not like they were close or something.

wooyoung felt the bus stop as he arrived at his destination. he quickly got off and hurried to his dorm room to get his stuff. "wooyoung!" he heard his best friend's voice and stopped in front of his room's door, waiting for him. "i'm so sorry we left you last night. hongjoong got into a fight and i didn't see you, so i thought you already left and-"

"yeah, i heard about it, it's okay, yeosang." wooyoung interrupted him as he opened the door. "was everything alright? jongho said there weren't any problems but still..." his friend sighed and nodded. "nothing happened, don't worry. now let me get my things, because i'm going to be late for my class." he didn't let the other answer and entered his room, closing the door behind him.

he leaned against it and closed his eyes. "what's wrong with you, wooyoung? come to your senses." he pushed his thoughts away and grabbed his things, leaving the dorm. yeosang already left and he was thankful he didn't have to explain himself anymore.

he hurried to go to his first class, entering the room right before the teacher. he quickly sat on his place and tried to focus. after a few minutes the door was opened and wooyoung saw san entering, his eyes looking puffy and his skin pale.

is he sick? wooyoung thought and shook his head. "choi san. it's only your second day here and you're already being late?" the teacher looked at him with an arched eyebrow, before letting him sit. he passed by wooyoung but didn't even look at him. what's wrong with him?

wooyoung tried to focus on what the man in front of the whiteboard was saying but all he could think about was san and his wellbeing. the class ended painfully slow and, as wooyoung tried to go and ask the taller if he was okay, he just rushed out of the room. "oh, he did not." the boy said to himself before running after san. as he cought up with him, he grabbed his arm, turning him around to face him.

"are you avoiding me now?" wooyoung asked straightforwardly, looking right into san's eyes. "yes, i am. aren't you feeling better without me bothering you?" san said quietly, his expression was blank as he stared at the floor. "why do you think like that?"

"because you hate me? because i ruined your life?" wooyoung was taken aback by his words. "what? san, i don't hate you! and you didn't ruin anything!" he grabbed his shoulders and made him look at him. "woo, let's just do what you wanted to. let's just part our ways and live our lives, okay? it'll be better that way." for you. san removed wooyoung's hands from his shoulders and turned around, walking out of the building. he didn't feel like staying there anymore. just looking at wooyoung made him want to cry.

since when did that boy mean so much to him?

san walked to his car with teary eyes and drove back home, leaving his brother confused as he just went into his room and stayed there for the whole day.


i hope you guys enjoy reading this book as much as i enjoy writing it!

also, leave comments if you like it!

writer out

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