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a few days had passed since wooyoung told san about his father. for the younger's surprise this actually made their bond stronger rather than breaking them up. san seemed to be really okay with all of this and wooyoung couldn't be happier.

the two boys were now walking to the jail, where wooyoung's father was, and to say he was nervous was an understatement. "calm down, woo. i promise i just want to talk to him."

"i know. it's just that i don't want you to get hurt." wooyoung frowned and san stopped in his tracks, lifting the younger chin with his hand. "i am okay, wooyoung. i have you by my side, so there's nothing to hurt me. okay?" he pecked his boyfriend's lips and smiled, wooyoung smiling back. san intertwined their fingers and the two continued walking.

after a few minutes they arrived and both took a deep breath before entering the building. "okay, let's do this." san said more to himself, as he suddenly got really nervous. wooyoung held his hand tight and they went to a police officer, who took them to the younger's father.

they went into a small, cozy room. it had a rectangular table with four chairs, a small sofa in the corner and some cabinets. the two boys sat on one side of the table, waiting for wooyoung's father to come. a few minutes passed and the door was opened by an uniformed man. after him entered another man, who wooyoung recognized as his father.

"dad." the boy stood up, san following him, as he bowed. the man smiled, but was surprised to see the older. he was actually surprised to see his son as well, because he didn't came that often. "dad, this is san, he boyfriend."

"hello, it's nice to meet you, sir." san stretched his arm and the man shook it, smiling a bit. "nice to meet you too, young man. i wasn't expecting you two though. you're visiting me for the second time this month, wooyoung, what's going on?"

"can't i just come see my father in jail?" the boy laughed nervously as he tried to keep the mood light. "actually, sir, this has to do with me." san spoke and the man looked at him in surprise.

"what is it about? you're not going to ask for my son's hand, are you?" the man chuckled, but san kept his firm look. he took a deep breath and looked at his hands, playing with his fingers. "the accident that got you in here" san started and the man snapped his head at him. "it was my parents that died that night."

silence fell upon the room as no one knew what to say. wooyoung was worried about san getting hurt from talking about his parents, the younger's father was too shocked to come up with even a few words, and san was just thinking of a way to talk, without pressuring the man.

"i'm here to say i forgive you." this cought the man off guard and his eyes felt teary. he stretched his arms across the table, grabbing san's in his own. "i am so sorry, if i was more careful, i-"

"no, it was an accident and the circumstances were bad. i'm sorry you have to be away from your family, because of this." wooyoung couldn't believe how kind san was. he could feel he was struggling with the whole situation, but was trying to be calm and collected. he put the others before him and made sure they were okay.

wooyoung found himself falling for him once again. tears threatened to fall from his eyes as he stared at san, his father on the other hand was already crying and couldn't stop apologizing.

"please, stop. you can stop feeling guilty about this, i forgive you. i moved on and am feeling better now. and, if it wasn't for this whole thing, i wouldn't have holded parties every year on my parent' death anniversary and i wouldn't have met your son there." san also teared up, but smiled reassuring, as he thought about all the good that followed after his parents' death.

wooyoung sat there and smiled through his tears, as his father looked at san and smiled apologetic at him. "thank you, thank you so much for taking care of wooyoung and for being by his side. i can't find the words to tell you how much i am sorry and thankful."

the three sat there for a while and talked about random things, wooyoung's father getting to know san more. the older then decided wooyoung needed some time alone with his father and exited the room to wait outside.

"how are you doing here? are they taking good care of you? do you eat three meals a day? are you-" wooyoung attacked his father with questions and he smiled. "i'm okay, wooyoung. it's not that bad here, i'm baring with it. and the food is good, actually. don't worry about me and tell me about san. is he good to you?"

"he's the sweetest dad. he takes care of me all the time and oh is he romantic. i just can't help but smile everytime i see him, he makes all my sadness go away with just his presence. we've been together for a while now and, honestly, it's the best thing that happened to me. we weren't actually getting along in the begging, but then something changed. he changed. for me."

wooyoung could talk about san all day and night and wouldn't get tired. his smile was so big as he was telling his father what his boyfriend was like. the man hadn't seen his son this happy until now and that warmed his heart. "do you like him that much?" wooyoung's father chuckled softly as his son smiled.

"i love him, dad. i really do." the man smiled as he saw the happiness in the boy's eyes. "then go to him. you spent enough time with me. don't make the boy wait for you so long."

"thanks, dad. i'll try to come more often from now on, okay?" the man nodded with a smile and gestured for his son to leave. they bid their goodbyes and both left the room from the doors on both sides.

"are you ready to go?" san asked, as he smiled and intertwined his fingers with wooyoung's. "mhm, let's go grab something to eat."

"okay." they headed out of the building, hand in hand. "what were you two talking about in there?"

"you." san almost fell as he stumbled over his feet. "what about me?" he asked curiously, but wooyoung ignored him and just smiled. "come on, tell me." san tried, but the other didn't say a word and the two made their way to a nearby café.


i'm back! sorry to keep you waiting.

this story would probably end in a few chapters, so get ready.

writer out

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