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"hey guys! i'm glad you're here!" a shorter but physically stronger looking boy welcomed the four boys with a gummy smile. wooyoung remembered he saw him last year. "hi, jongho, do you remember wooyoung?" yeosang asked, hugging his friend.

"of course! he drank almost everything I had last year." he laughed as he jokingly bumped his hand in wooyoung's shoulder. "yeah, hi, i hope there's water or something this time."

they went to the kitchen to grab something to drink, jongho giving wooyoung a glass of coke. "should I stay with you, or are you going to be okay alone?" yeosang asked his best friend and when he received a nod he made his way to the center of the room where all the people were.

wooyoung was yet again left alone in the kitchen but at least this time he wasn't drunk. he decided to go dance to make the time go faster. the dark haired boy walked through all the boys and girls and started dancing when he felt an arm around his waist. "why are you dancing alone, hottie, want some company?"

some random guy was trying to flirt with him but he wasn't having it. "i'm fine, thanks." wooyoung pushed his hand but the boy didn't give up. "come on, let's go upstairs and have some fun." he leaned closer, leaving a few little kisses on wooyoung's neck before he pushed him away.

"listen, idiot, i'm not going anywhere with you so just leave me alone." he said, clenching his teeth. "you-" the boy grabbed wooyoung's wrist but was pushed by another arm. "he told you to leave him alone."

before the boy could say anything, wooyoung was dragged out of the room and into the kitchen. "thanks..." he turned to face san, who was looking at him with concerned eyes. "are you okay? you're not drunk again, are you? by the way you look good!"

"i'm...not drinking...this time. and...thanks." wooyoung felt his cheeks turn red and he looked away. "i was worried you would try to get in bed with me again." here was the choi san he knew. and he thought the taller was worried about him.

"why are you everywhere i go today? are you- are you following me?" san scoffed as he tilted his head. "you mean i'm following you in my own house?"

wooyoung looked at him with his surprised eyes. "y-your house?" san nodded. "w-wait, jongho lives here, how is this your house?"

"because jongho is my brother." wooyoung's eyes became even bigger. "what?!" san laughed and grabbed the other's hand. "come with me."

wooyoung just followed him until they were in front of a door upstairs. san opened it and the two went inside. "do you remember this room?"

wooyoung looked confused for a moment but the memories then hit him and he blushed so hard he probably looked like a tomato. "oh my god. y-you mean- we did"

"my room, yes. you were actually the first one i brought here. i usually use one of the guest rooms for that." san sat on his bed, patting it for wooyoung to sit next to him. as he did, the taller grabbed something from his nightstand and put it in wooyoung's hand.

"you forgot this. i don't know why i still have it, maybe i hoped i'd see you again." wooyoung looked at the small hook earring in his hand and smiled. he had forgotten about it but san had kept it for a whole year. "is this some way of yours to trick me to sleep with you again?"

"you wish." san smirked as he layed on the bed, sighing. "and just so you know, the girl you saw today was my ex and i'm actually gay so you don't need to worry about her." why was he even telling him that?

"why should i, we're nothing to each other, so it's not actually my business." san smiled sadly, why did he felt hurt? "yeah, right." the two heard a knock and the door was opened by jongho.

"san, i need- oh, wooyoung! what are you two doing here, alone?" jongho smirked as wooyoung blushed for the hundredth time today. "nothing! i-i was actually going to leave. it's getting late and, you know, i don't like parties. i-i'm gonna find the others, yes."

wooyoung basically flew out of the room and down the stairs to find his friends. "he forgot his earring, again." san smiled at the small accessory. "i know that smile."

jongho sat next to his brother and put a hand on his tigh. "you like him, don't you?" san quickly snapped his head to look at him, his cheeks turning red. "n-no i don't!" jongho arched his eyebrow and san sighed. "okay, maybe i like him a little." he paused. "who am i lying to, i haven't stopped thinking about him this whole year."

"ah, my big brother is whipped." san glared at him and jongho stood up from the bed with his hands up. "okay, okay, sorry. anyway, hongjoong drank too much and fought with some guy and everyone left because of the mess, so i need you to help me clean."

san nodded and both went downstairs expecting the house to be empty but there was wooyoung sitting on the couch, looking at one spot on the wall with blank eyes. "i thought you left?" san interrupted his thoughts.

"my friends freakin' left me here." the two brothers laughed loudly as wooyoung glared at them, pouting. "you can stay for the night." jongho suggested, earning an elbow in his stomach from san. "what? we have many rooms and he can help us clean." wooyoung hesitated for a moment before answering.

"okay, but i want the furthest room from his." the boy pointed at san as he stood up from the coach. "and why is that, cutie?"

wooyoung blushed once again. "i told you to stop calling me that." he just went to the kitchen and started throwing empty plastic cups in the trash bin as the two brothers cleaned up the living room.

"oh he really likes you calling him that." jongho smirked as san blushed and threw an empty cup at him.


here's another update, i hope you enjoy reading it!

writer out

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