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san drove back home with hongjoong sitting in the front seat next to him. "are you okay, hyung? ah, how did i not know about this!" san unbuckled his seat belt frustratingly as he parked in front of his house. "san, i'm okay. i was just a little taken aback, that's it."

the raven haired was going to say something else but stopped as he was met with jongho's gummy smile when he entered the house. "awe, my two favorite hyungs are here!"

san and hongjoong looked at each other as the younger hugged them. "what's wrong with you, you're never that...nice." hongjoong looked at him suspiciously. "i hate you." jongho pouted as he pulled away.

"just tell us already, i'm tired!" san complained and plopped on the coach. "okay, don't get mad at me but, yeosang called me...and i might have said yes to a road trip with him and the others, and seonghwa and wooyoung are gonna be there, and you two are coming, and it's too late to say no, because we're going tomorrow! i love you, hyungs!" jongho said in one breath and made two finger hearts before running away.

"choi jongho!!" san and hongjoong both yelled as the other hid into his room.


"are you sure about this?" seonghwa asked as yeosang told him about his plan. "don't you have trust in me? you'll have a chance to talk to hongjoong and wooyoung will have no other choice but to talk to san. by the end of the trip we might get invited to a wedding." yeosang clapped his hands, looking proudly.

"yeah, yeah, of course you evil mind." seonghwa sat next to him on the bed. "but how are you going to make them all to come?" yeosang pecked the other's lips and smirked. "jongho will convince san and hongjoong, he's the best when it comes to these two. yunho and mingi never miss a chance to go somewhere for free. and i'm just not gonna tell wooyoung that san's coming. easy."

"ah, i love it when you get all sweet about the others and come up some big plan." seonghwa said as he cupped the other's face. "don't you dare tell anyone i'm doing something for someone other than me!" the black haired just pressed his lips against yeosang's and smiled when he pulled away. "i love you."

"i love you too, you dork."


wooyoung was laying on his bed, staring at the ceiling. all of his friends were doing something so he was alone in his room with nothing to do. he thought of calling jongho but san would probably be with him, so he just layed there, his head full of thoughts. he heard the sound of his phone and saw he had a message from his best friend.

we're going to my villa for the weekend
pack your things!

wooyoung was a little surprised but a trip sounded great to him.

okay, who's coming?

yunho, mingi, seonghwa and a few more friends

okay then

we're leaving at 8 am!

wooyoung put his phone on his night stand and started packing his things. yeosang's villa was huge and it had a pool, and most of the time no one was there, so it would be only them which made wooyoung even more excited.


wooyoung woke up, hearing the sound of his alarm. he snoozed it as he opened his eyes, and got out of bed, feeling good. he was usually tired when he got up early but when it came to trips, especially with his friends, he didn't even need to sleep to feel great.

the dark haired boy quickly got ready and grabbed his things, leaving his dorm room and making his way to the parking lot where he was meeting the others. he saw yeosang and seonghwa and walked their way.

"good morning, guys!" he said excitedly. "someone's in a good mood." yeosang joked, earning a short glare from his best friend. soon came yunho, mingi and hongjoong, wooyoung being surprised to see the last one.

"hey, joong, i didn't know you were coming too!" the dark haired boy smiled at him. "yeah, it was kinda...unexpected." the older said as he looked at yeosang when he said the last word.

"okay guys! while we're waiting for the last two to come, let's decide the seats. we're going with mine, hongjoong's and yunho's cars. mingi and yunho want to be alone so yeah. wooyoung, you're with me, seonghwa's gonna go with joong and we're gonna separate the other two in our cars." wooyoung was confused, while hongjoong looked shocked.

soon came the other two boys, and when wooyoung saw them, his confused looked turned into a shocked one. "good morning, everyone!" jongho said happily as he approached them, san walking behind him, looking at his feet.

"yeosang, can we talk for a moment?" wooyoung asked and yeosang followed him a few steps away from the others. "what is going on, kang yeosang?"

"oh, you're using my surname now." he tried to laugh the tension away but it didn't work. "okay, i'm sorry i didn't tell but you wouldn't have came if you knew." wooyoung arched his eyebrows. "and what makes you think i'm coming now that i know?"

"please! it's just two days." yeosang looked at him with puppy eyes and wooyoung sighed. "okay. but what's with seonghwa and hongjoong?"

"well they are ex boyfriends and it seems joong didn't know about us, so now they're awkward and i want them to be friends again." wooyoung was yet again taken aback after hearing this so he just nodded as the two made their way back to the others.

"okay guys, let's go! as for you two, san comes with me and wooyoung, jongho you go with hongjoong and seonghwa." san was now the one who was taken aback as jongho just smiled innocently. everyone got in the cars and were soon to leave.


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writer out

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