twenty one

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"did you bad mouth me to your dad?"


"did he say something against me?"


"then did you talk about my good sides?"

"san, stop. my dad loves you and so do i. it doesn't matter what exactly we talked about." woyoung grabbed san's hand across the table and smiled reassuring. "where did the cocky, confident choi san go?"

"he called in sick today." san pouted and squeezed his boyfriend's hand. woyoung laughed softly and leaned over the table to peck the older's lips. "are you better now?"

"no, i want more." wooyoung chuckled and pecked san's lips again. the raven haired pouted again and the younger repeated his motions. a few more pecks followed until wooyoung decided to stop.

"if we don't stop this now, i swear i'm gonna let you fuck me right on this table." the younger said, surprising himself, as well as the other. san suddenly felt his cocky side coming back and smirked. "then why don't we go to my place, cutie?"

wooyoung felt the butterflies in his stomach when he heard san using that nickname again. he abruptly stood up, leaving some cash on the table, as he grabbed san's hand and walked out of the café.

"calm down, woo. wait until we get in my room and i'll be yours." he winked at his boyfriend, as he saw the younger was tensing up. "no, we're going to my dorm. it's saturday, jonho's probably home."

wooyoung called a cab and quickly got himself and his boyfriend in, telling the driver to hurry after giving him the address. a few minutes later they were in front of the dorm building. wooyoung paid the driver and got out of the car, followed by san. the walked fast to wooyoung's room, holding hands as always.

"you seem to be in a hurry, cutie. are you okay?" san smirked as wooyoung glared at him. the got to the room and the younger unlocked the door, pushing san inside, as he too went in. he shut the door and looked at san. his gaze went from the older's eyes to his lips and it wasn't a second later when both were attacking each other's lips.

"you're really needy, aren't you, cutie?" san teased him, as he pushed him on the bed. "just shut up and kiss me." wooyoung breathed out and san did as he was told, colliding his lips with the younger's.

san removed his shirt when they pulled away for breath, wooyoung doing the same, as he didn't want to waste time. the older then dived in to kiss his boyfriend again, moving from his lips to his jaw, and then his neck. he started sucking on a spot and, when he heard wooyoung's soft moan, he knew he found his special place and smirked. san continued leaving wet kisses all over wooyoung's torso until he reached his pants.

he removed them with the speed of light, doing the same with his afterwords. he then went back to kissing his boyfriend's lips, sliding his hand in his underwear. he moved it painfully slowly and wooyoung couldn't stop his moans from escaping his mouth. san teased him some more before he grabbed the fabric and removed it.

he quickened his hand's movements and soon wooyoung came with a load moan. "i love it when you cum for me, cutie." san whispered in the younger's ear teasingly, wooyoung putting a hand on his neck to pull him in for another kiss. it was rough, but sweet at the same time and it sent butterflies to both of the two's stomachs. san felt his boxers getting really tight so he removed them and turned back to wooyoung.

"suck." the older said as he put his fingers in front of wooyoung's mouth. he obligated and started moving his tongue around them, looking straight into san's eyes. that made the older lose control over himself.

"okay, that's enough." san pulled his fingers and put one in front of wooyoung's hole. "are you ready, cutie?" the younger could only nod eagerly and san didn't waist any time, putting his finger inside him. he moved it a bit, then added one more and twisted them a little.

san pulled his fingers out and looked at wooyung as to ask for permission to continue. he nodded and san went in slowly, a moan escaping the younger's mouth. san thrusted a few times, before quickening his pace.

"oh god, san..." wooyoung was a moaning mess, as san thrusted deep inside him, meanwhile placing rough kisses on his lips. "damn it, you're so good."

san smirked as he enjoyed the sight under him. wooyoung's messy hair, his chapped lips, the little sweat drops on his forehead, his warm toned skin, his fit body. san was in love with every bit of it.

"i'm close." the older said as he thrusted a few more times, hitting wooyoung's special spot and earning a load moan. a few seconds later he came deep in wooyoung, pulling out and laying next to him, both breathing heavily.

san removed some dampened hair strands from his boyfriend's face and placed a kiss on his forehead, as a smile crept on his face. "it was incredible. thank you."

wooyoung said with a low, tired voice and san smiled even bigger. "i love you, cutie." he leaned and kissed the younger, this time the kiss being slow and gentle. "i love you too, sannie."

"aww, what's with the nickname? i thought you didn't like it?" san chuckled and wooyoung snuggled in him. "i don't like it when others call you that."

"then from now only you are allowed to to use it." san tightened his grip around wooyoung and kissed his head. "do you want to move in with me?" the taller suddenly asked, taking the smaller aback. "i hate to leave you here alone."

"are you serious?" wooyoung pulled away to look at san. "i mean, why not? our house is too big for just me and jongho anyways." he smiled and caressed the younger's cheek.

"so, what do you think?" san was actually worried to hear his answer. he spontaneously decided to ask him and wasn't sure if he was going to like the idea. "are you sure jongho's not going to object to this?"

"of course not. maybe we'll annoy him sometimes, but whatever." san chuckled and looked at wooyoung. "okay then, i'll be glad to move in with you, sannie."

san's cheeks heated up, as he heard the nickname again, so he just smiled and kissed his boyfriend. they layed like this for a while and soon both fell asleep, cuddled, with a smile on their faces.


okay, i really enjoyed this 'heated' moment. i hope y'all like it too <3

writer out

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