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san was lost in his thoughts about wooyoung throughout the whole day. the other boy was clearly avoiding him but he was at least able to see him laugh with his friends. "hey, san." the raven haired boy felt someone sit on the chair in front of him in the coffee shop he went to after school.

"hey, joong. i'm sorry i called you so suddenly." san smiled as he took a sip from his coke. "no problem. i needed some rest so you saved me." hongjoong laughed and ordered his drink as the waiter came.

san knew hongjoong for a few years now. jongho was close friends with him so they saw each other often. hongjoong was the eldest of the three and he has always been there when they needed him. he was the one who got them through their parents' passing.

the blonde was a trouble maker sometimes but he still was serious when he needed to be. and as he was the only one other than wooyoung and his friends that san knew at the university, the raven haired decided to meet up with him. he hadn't seen him for almost half a year now, because the other was overseas.

"so, how are things with you? it's been awhile since we last hung out." hongjoong said, running his hand through his blonde hair. "well...i finally found someone i like and i totally messed up things with him. other than that everything's been the same." he said with a sarcastic smile.

"you mean wooyoung?" san almost choked on his coke as he heard the boy's name. "how did you-" hongjoong chuckled before interrupting him.

"yunho and mingi told me about you two. but it seems you aren't as close now." san sighed and put his head on the table. "it turns out that was his first time and at first i didn't care but then i felt bad so i told him it was better to part ways. then i kissed him and now he probably hates me, even though yeosang told me he actually likes me back." he mumbled and lifted his head to meet hongjoong's blank eyes.

"why do you two act like you're in some lame drama?" hongjoong chuckled and leaned back in his chair. "thanks, hyung, that helps a lot." san said sarcastically, making the other laugh.

"okay, don't feel bad. you always piss people off but how can someone stay mad at such a baby." hongjoong stretched his arms to squeeze san's cheeks as the other glared at him with a pout. "stop. i'm a grown up man, joong."

"yeah but you're acting like a middleschooler who has his first crush." hongjoong looked at him with a reasurring smile as he continued. "didn't you say yeosang told you wooyoung actually likes you back?"

"yes?" san answered confused. "then why are you frowning so much? just don't be the dick san for once and try to understand him. and that doesn't mean you should blame yourself." the blonde haired boy said and san finally smiled. hongjoong never failed to calm him down.

"thanks, hyung. so, let's talk about you now." san leaned back on his chair, a wide grin on his face. "how's seonghwa?" he arched his eyebrow and smiled but the smile soon left his face as he saw hongjoong frown a bit. "we...broke up. actually, i...may have went overseas because of that. well i was going to anyway but i went sooner than planned."

"hyung, why didn't you tell me?" san looked at him with worried eyes. "it wasn't that important and i'm over him now, so-" hongjoong tried to explain but san didn't let him finish. "no, hyung! you have always sacrificed your happiness for mine and jongho's, why don't you let us do it this time?"

"san, i'm really okay. you already had your problems, i just didn't want to bother you with mine." the elder stood up from his chair and kneeled beside san, putting his hand on his tigh to comfort him. "hyung..." san pulled him in a tight hug as he sniffed quietly.

"you can get mad at me but please don't cry. you know i can't stand watching you and jongho cry." hongjoong patted his back and pulled away, giving san a small smile. "i'm going to beat seonghwa's ass once i see him." san made an angry face which made hongjoong laugh.

"okay, bad boy, calm down. we parted on good terms so you don't need to worry. now let's go to your place, i couldn't talk to jongho since the party, cause i was super busy." san stared at hongjoong's face to look for some traces of lying as the older changed the subject but then just smiled.

"okay, let's go. he was busy taking care for me, so it would be nice to see you." the two boys made their way out of the coffee shop but as soon as they went outside they met two familiar faces. "yeosang!" san smiled but then he saw the boy, who stood beside him, and his expression quickly changed.

"seonghwa, it's...been a while." hongjoong said nervously and san grabbed his hand, squeezing it lightly as to tell him it was alright. "yeah, it has, how have you been?" san was on the verge to punch him but hongjoong stopped him. "i just came back home a few days ago actually. so, how do you two know each other?"

"yeosang is boyfriend." hongjoong smiled nostalgic, he already knew that but wanted to hear it from him. "what?!" san didn't seem as calm as his eyes widened. "hongjoong i-"

"hyung, let's go." san looked at him with worried eyes as he grabbed his hand and walked away. seonghwa and yeosang both stood there for a few seconds, confused look on the latter's face.

"what was that?" he asked, looking up at seonghwa. "remember i told you about my first boyfriend? well, that...was hongjoong. but i swear everything's over and i-" yeosang interrupted him with a quick kiss and smiled. "it's okay, but i think you should talk to him. he didn't seem really fine."

"i know. i will."


hey, so school started yesterday and i'm already tired but here is another update for you!

writer out

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