twenty four

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"what?!" jongho looked at san with shocked eyes, the older just laughing lightly. "i said, let's invite hongjoong to move in with us."

"are you crazy? how can i possibly ask him that?" jongho filled his glass with water again and drank it in one breath, as he was getting really nervous because of san's suggestion. "why not? you've known him for years now, he's your best friend and your lover. where's the problem?"

"i don't know. i don't think he'll want it." jongho frowned and looked at his feet, leaving the glass on the counter. "of course he will. how would he say no to an angel like you."

jongho's cheeks heated up, as he got embarrassed at his brother's comment. "stop it, it's embarrassing."

"jongho." san started, as he grabbed his brother's hands and made him look him in the eyes. "you're my brother and i know you, and i know hongjoong too. he'll be really happy, because you make him happy."

"do you think so?" the younger asked with hope in his voice, san smiling at him. "of course. trust me, okay?"

"okay." he nodded and his brother hugged him, patting his back. "what are you two doing here?" hongjoong walked in, as they pulled away from the hug, jongho snapping his head at him.

"n-nothing." he said, his voice giving him up, as he mentally slapped himself. "jongho wants to ask you something." san decided to say, as his brother was too awkward to talk.

"o...kay. what is it?" the oldest walked to jongho's side and smiled. san walked out of the kitchen to give them some privacy, lifting his thumbs at them, his brother sending him a pleading look, as he was nervous.

"aren't you going to tell me?" hongjoong asked, turning the younger's head to look at him with his two fingers. "i- um- do you- we-"

"jongho, calm down." the older soothed him with his voice. "just tell me." jongho looked at him and took a deep breath. "do you want to move in here with me, san and wooyoung?" he asked in one breath, closing his eyes to not look at the other.

there was silence for a few seconds and jongho started panicking, as he thought hongjoong didn't like what he heard. "it's okay if you don't want to. maybe it's too soon and you don't-"

hongjoong cut him off, as he placed a kiss on his lips, cupping the younger's cheeks. "i'll be glad." he smiled, as jongho finally opened his eyes to look at him. "wait, a-are you serious?"

"of course. jongho, i love you." the younger's eyes widened at these words and his eyes got teary. "really?"

hongjoong nodded and kissed him again, the younger wrapping his hands around his waist. "i love you too." he said, as he pulled away and both smiled at each other. "let's go back to the others." hongjoong said and they both walked back into the living room.

everyone was still sleeping, except for san, who was now playing with his just half awake boyfriend's hair. wooyoung closed his eyes again and snuggled in san on the coach, the older smiling at him before turning his head to the newcomers.

"well?" he asked quietly, looking at jongho and hongjoong. "are we getting another roommate?" he continued, as both boys weren't saying anything.

"what roommate?" wooyoung asked sleepily and opened his eyes to look at the others. "hongjoong's moving in here, so the four of us will now live together!" san said excitedly and looked at the boys. "wait, really?" wooyoung questioned happily and looked at the oldest.

hongjoong nodded with a smile and the younger jumped up from his place on the coach, walking quickly to hongjoong and jongho to give them a hug. "i'm so happy!" he pulled away, the two smiling at him. wooyoung then sat back next to san, everyone waiting for the movie to end to wake the sleeping ones up.


a week passed, through witch wooyoung didn't stop whining to san about how much he wanted to already move in with him. today was finally the day and the younger couldn't hide his excitement.

"just two hours left." he said happily at lunch, making all his friends sigh and his boyfriend smile. "calm down, woo. we practicality live together since i asked you to move in."

"yeah, but now it'll be official!" he looked at san with his sparkling eyes, causing the older to melt at the look. wooyoung then smiled brightly and kissed san shortly, still looking in his eyes, as he pulled away.

"aren't you excited about me?" hongjoong put his hand on his chest dramatically, as to seem hurt. "well, i am, but you have jongho, so..." he trailed off, everyone at the table letting a small laugh.

"okay, kids, let's go to class." seonghwa interrupted their thoughts, getting up from the table. "i'll see you later, baby." san said to wooyoung, pecking his forehead.

the younger unwillingly went to his next class with yeosang and mingi, the others going either home or to their classes.


wooyoung was waiting impatiently for the last minutes of his class to end. just a few minutes kept him from running to san and giving him the biggest hug. the dark haired counted the last seconds left and, when the class ended, he rushed out of the room, waving his friends goodbye.

he ran straight to his dorm to get the last bit of his things and then stormed out of the building and to the parking lot where san was waiting for him by his car. "are you ready?" the older asked and smiled, wooyoung nodding, then pecking his lips.

they drove for a few minutes, before arriving at the so familiar big house. wooyoung got off and quickly ran to the door, waiting for his boyfriend there. san laughed lightly and went to the younger to open the door.

"welcome to your new home, baby." he said, as he made space for his boyfriend to enter. wooyoung ran happily in the living room, where hongjoong and jongho were already sitting. "welcome, wooyoungie." jongho stood up and hugged him, both smiling like little children.

"since when was my brother so childish?" san asked and laughed, hongjoong joining him. they both sat on the coach and watched the other two laugh and jump happily around.


heyy, so...the end is near :'

anyways, i hope you liked the chapter <3

writer out

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