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san finally decided to talk to wooyoung. he couldn't handle avoiding the other anymore, so now he was standing in front of him in the pool. "i'll leave you two alone." yeosang said as he followed the others out of the pool, earning a pleading look from wooyoung.

" you want to talk about?" he stuttered, avoiding san's eyes. "look, woo, i'm sorry, i really am. i know i'm an idiot and a coward and i know i messed up but please, can you forgive me?" san grabbed his hands under the water and looked at him with pleading eyes. wooyoung knew he was sincere. he wanted to trust him.

"i'll understand if you-" wooyoung finally looked at him and interrupted him with a kiss, cupping his face. he was longing to taste san's lips again. the taller was taken aback at first but quickly came back to his senses and wrapped his arms around wooyoung's waist. the younger pulled back and looked down, his hands resting on san's shoulders. "i-i-"

"just shut up and kiss me, cutie." san said and wooyoung did as he was told. he cupped the other's face again and pressed his lips against san's. the taller put his hands on wooyoung's thighs, the smaller wrapping his legs around the taller's waist. "i guess we can't go on separate ways, cutie."

he didn't let wooyoung answer, pecking his lips. "you aren't against me calling you 'cutie' anymore?" san smirked at the other, making him blush. "well, i guess i am kinda cute, so..." he smiled as he leaned forward, resting his head on san's shoulder. "i missed you so much this whole year."

"stop, i'm embarrassed enough." wooyoung said in his shoulder, sending shivers down the taller's spine. "didn't you miss me?"

"no." san gasped and let wooyoung down so he could face him. "didn't you at least think about me from time to time?" the raven haired looked at him with puppy eyes. "no." of course, he was lying, but he couldn't tell san that. the taller scoffed and turned around, heading out of the pool.

"where are you going? i was joking!" wooyoung went after him. "come on, help me get out of here." san stopped and turned around, stretching his hand for wooyoung to hold, a frown on his face. wooyoung grinned as he grabbed san's hand and pulled him in the water, catching him off guard. "are you crazy? i could've drowned!" wooyoung just laughed and swam away, the other following him. "come here or i'm not going to talk to you again!"

"i was okay with that for a year. i'm gonna live with it!" wooyoung let out a short high pitched scream as san approached him and went underwater to put him on his shoulders. "no, please don't. i'm sorry." san just smirked and threw the smaller in the water. "now we're even."

"i hate you." wooyoung said, his wet hair covering half his eyes, not letting his glare be seen. "i know you don't, cutie." san swam to him and wrapped his hands around his waist, a smirk on his face as he kissed him. wooyoung rested his hands on the taller's shoulders as he smiled through the kiss.

"ah, they're whipped." yeosang, who was watching the two for a few minutes said to the others. they were all in the living room and the swimming pool could be seen from the big windows. "see? my plan worked perfectly."

"what plan?" wooyoung asked as he and san went in with towels around their necks. "wait...did you see what we- oh my god." he turned around and hid his face in san's chest, making the other smile at him.

"my baby boy is finally a man." yeosang exclaimed, jumping on seonghwa, as the older lost his balance for a moment. "okay okay, cutie, let's go take a shower."

"have you lost your mind? i'm not going to shower with you." wooyoung finally lifted his head. "what? it's not like we haven't seen each other like that before!" the others tried to hold their laughs at the scene as san looked at the embarrassed boy with a confused look.

"i'm going to shower now, alone." he went upstairs and into the bathroom. "so, what's for dinner?" san broke the awkward silence. "well, we all know what you are going to eat." jongho smirked at his brother as san gasped.

"where did you learn to talk like that, what happened to your innocence?" he put his hand in front of his mouth. "yeah, he was very innocent with hongjoong earlier." mingi said, earning a shocked look from both hongjoong and san. "what?!"

"okay, hyung, calm down." jongho got up and walked to him, putting his hands around his brother's arms. "i'll explain later." he whispered and san nodded slowly, inspecting his face.

he then looked at hongjoong, who avoided his eyes with red cheeks. "i'm gonna go take a shower." he said and slowly made his way to the bathroom, still shocked, forgetting about the other boy inside. he entered the big bathroom and stripped from his wet clothes, turning to the shower cabin. san saw wooyoung's silhouette and just then remembered the younger was there too. a playful smirk made its way on his face as he opened the glass door, facing wooyoung's back. san stepped inside and wrapped his arms around him, startling him.

"it's me, calm down." he whispered in his ear, resting his head on his shoulder. "how is that supposed to make me calm down? get out of here!" wooyoung whisper shouted, his cheeks blushing as he felt the taller's private part touch his tigh. "and why should i, you're my boyfriend, which means i can do that." san said and turned him around, kissing him, his arms still on the other's waist.

"i-i am your what?" the smaller asked, looking right into san's eyes. "my boyfriend. why? are you not?" he made a step back so he could see his face better. "i am! i-i mean, if you want t-"

san didn't let him finish and attacked his lips again, kissing him roughly. he could live just on the taste of wooyoung's lips and that made him go crazy.


hope you like it guys~

writer out

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