twenty three

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"how could i not notice something was wrong?" san was beating himself up for neglecting the other's health.   

"you looked skinnier, but i assumed you were on a stupid diet. and, even if that was the case, i should've said something." san sighed and caressed the smaller's cheek, wooyoung holding his hand.

"sannie, i'm okay. really." he tried to reassure him, but the older looked him in the eyes with a firm face. "wooyoung...have you been starving yourself?"

"what? san, no! you always eat with me, why are you even asking?" wooyoung held both san's hands and looked at him. "not always. when you didn't talk to me, jongho said you weren't eating. and the past few days i was too busy and saw you for just a few hours a day. wooyoung, tell me the truth."

"okay, i-i didn't eat much in the past week or so... but really! i wasn't starving myself, i just- i just couldn't bring myself to eat, when i thought about you and your parents..." he trailed off, san sighing and looking down, then back at wooyoung's eyes.

"woo, i love you. and i want you to be healthy, alright? there's nothing to worry about me." he smiled askingly at his boyfriend and, when the other nodded, he pecked his lips. "i'm sorry."

"don't be. it's okay." there was a knock on the door and yeosang walked in, alongside seonghwa. the two went closer to the bed and yeosang crossed his arms, trying to look angry. "come on, yeo, don't look at me like that."

yeosang just hummed and turned his head, but soon gave in and went to give his best friend a hug. "you scared the shit out of us, bastard." wooyoung laughed as he returned the hug.

"are you going to excuse me for not coming to the part now?" he asked and yeosang hit his arm jokingly. "you are lucky to have me as a best friend."

"yeah, yeah, i love you too." they all laughed as the two fought for a few more minutes. seonghwa also said a few things and then he and yeosang left, because wooyoung "needs time alone with his boyfriend".

"so..." the younger started as he looked at san, who was now laying beside him. "when are they going to discharge me? i want to move in with you as soon as possible."

"be patient, baby." san smiled and the smaller snapped his head at the pet name. "what?" the older chuckled as he saw wooyoung's startled face.

"y-you've always called me cutie and now y-" he was cut off by san's lips landing on his, the older cupping his cheeks and moving closer to him. "i love you."

"i love you too, sannie." the younger smiled and snuggled in his boyfriend, the two laying peacefully for a while.


later that day wooyoung was discharged from the hospital and he and san were now walking to san's house. "are you sure it's not better to call a taxi?"

"san, i'm fine. i can walk on my own." wooyoung reassured him, but the older just sighed. soon they were in front of the big house and san went to open the door. the two boys walked in the living room, all of their friends sitting on the furniture or on the floor.

"what are you guys doing here?" san asked, as he got everyone's attention. "you both couldn't make it to the party, so we brought the party to you." yeosang smiled proudly.

"no, no, no. wooyoung needs to rest and i'm definitely not in the mood for a party." the raven haired said and yeosang pouted. "but it's gonna be just us, we canceled the big party, we didn't even bring alcohol. it'll be just a casual meeting."

san looked around and everyone had those innocent smiles on their faces. "please?" pleaded the pink haired and san turned to look at wooyoung. he nodded with a smile, making the older sigh in defeat. "okay. but wooyoung needs a large meal and rest."

"i'm not a baby, san." he pouted and the older sent him a worried look. "but you're my baby and i'm going to take care of you." he leaned to peck the younger's forehead, earning a smile from him.

"okay, loverboys. stop standing there and let's do something." mingi said from his place on the coach, yunho sitting on his lap. "look who's judging."

jongho raised a brow and earned a glare from both mingi and yunho, hongjoong caressing his hand, as he leaned to peck his cheek with a smile. "i see everyone's got comfortable, so why don't we watch a movie?" seonghwa suggested and, as everyone agreed, they chose something to watch and turned it on.

an hour later everyone was sound asleep in their seats, only san and jongho were awake, admiring their sleeping boyfriends. "hey, can we talk?" san asked his brother and he nodded, the two carefully standing up and going to the kitchen.

"what's up?" jongho asked and grabbed a glass of water. "how are things with joong?"

"good, everything's been going well. i...really like him, hyung. like really." he smiled, his brother doing the same, as he brought him in a hug. "i can see that. i'm so happy for you. and i have some news."

"what is it?" the younger asked, confused. "i asked wooyoung to move in here...and he said yes." san looked at the floor, as his cheeks heated up. "really? that's great!"

"wait. here? does that mean the three of us will now live together?" he asked, his eyes widening. "y-yeah. a-are you against it?" san was getting really nervous about his brother's reaction. he wanted everything to go well and for the three to live happily together. "no! of course not. i'm actually excited about this. i can finally stop doing everything for you, because you'll have your 'baby' with you."

jongho laughed as san hit his arm. he then hugged him tightly, the younger wrapping his hands around his brother's waist. "i have an idea." san said and pulled away to look at jongho.

"why don't you ask hongjoong to move in with us too?"


sorry for the late update, enjoy <3

writer out

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