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jongho was sitting on the bed in his and hongjoong's room, the older sitting on a chair on the other side of the room. "so, uhm, about what happened-"

"i like you, jongho." hongjoong said and the younger snapped his head at his best friend, not expecting these words to come out of his mouth. "w-what?" he was speechless, everything he wanted to tell hongjoong just disappeared and he sat there with wide eyes.

"i know this is a bit confusing, even i don't know how it happened and i don't expect you to-" jongho didn't let him finish as he quickly walked to him, cupping his face and kissing him. "i like you too, hyung."

hongjoong smiled at the younger and stood up to hug him.


san opened his eyes slowly and smiled when he saw wooyoung cuddling him. the smaller boy was so beautiful while he slept peacefully in san's arms. his arms and one leg were wrapped around the older's body as his head was hidden in the crook of his neck.

san caressed the smaller's head and pecked it, wooyoung cuddling him even more when he felt the touch. he was clinging on san like a little child and the older found it adorable.

"how can you be so cute when you're sleeping?" san asked himself, admiring wooyoung's sleeping face. "stop staring, choi." he groaned and turned to lay on his back, stretching his arms and legs in the air.

san smiled at the sight as wooyoung turned back to face him and grinned. "it's nice waking up next to you." he said, the other smiling brightly as he pecked his lips. "why are you always making me go soft for you?"

wooyoung chuckled and sat in the bed, groaning quietly as he felt the light pain in his lower back. "does it hurt a lot? was i too rough?" san asked worriedly as the smaller put his hand on his waist. "i'm fine, don't worry. and you were perfect."

"do you want me to carry you around?" the raven haired asked as he winked, earning a hit in the arm from the smaller. "don't make me regret last night." wooyoung glared at his boyfriend and he pouted.

his face softened and he smiled, putting a small kiss on san's lips. he then stood up and went to the bathroom in their room, still fully naked, limping a little. the older bit his lip at the sight of wooyoung's body, his eyes fixed on him as he hid in the bathroom.

san heard a knock on the door and it was opened by yeosang. "come down for break- oh my god, san! you could've at least put some underwear on!" he put his hand in front of his eyes, not wanting to look at the other's naked body. "grow up, yeo, it's not like i have something you don't."

san got up and put some clothes he found on the floor on. "whatever. breakfast is ready so you two can come eat." he left the room after san gave him a nod. wooyoung came out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist, his fit chest exposed to san's eyes. "close your mouth, you're gonna eat a fly."

he smirked and quickly put some clothes on, throwing the towel at san. he almost dropped it as he was zoned out for a bit but still cought it and rushed into the bathroom, embarrassed.


"how's your back, wooyoungie?" mingi winked as the other entered the dining room with san following behind him. wooyoung's cheeks turned bright red as he glared at his friend and hurried to sit on one of the chairs. "wanna feel it for yourself?" san smirked as mingi made a disgusted face.

they all sat on the dining table and ate their breakfast silently. "go pack your things, we're leaving in an hour." yeosang announced as they finished eating. he then turned to wooyoung and dragged him in the kitchen, the younger looking confused. "what?" he asked as yeosang pointed at the kitchen sink with a serious look on his face.

wooyoung then looked at the durty dishes and immediately started to apologize as he had forgotten about them because of san. "i'm sorry, i got distracted and forgot about them."

"yeah, his name is choi san." wooyoung blushed as he looked away from his best friend's eyes. "let's do it together. it will be faster this way." the younger nodded and the two started doing the dishes.

"so, how was he?" yeosang smiled mischievously as wooyoung almost dropped a plate. "yeosang!"

"what? the walls are thin." he shrugged as the younger glared at him with red cheeks.


"well, look at you two." san smiled as he saw jongho and hongjoong walking down the stairs with intertwined hands. jongho ran to the coach, where san sat, and hugged him tightly, surprising him. "thank you, hyung." san smiled and wrapped his hands around him.

"i haven't seen you so happy in a long time. hyung, you better take good care of him." he said as he pulled back from the hug. "and you better take care of wooyoung or i'm going to beat your ass." yeosang stepped in the living room with wooyoung following behind.

"okay, everyone, stop threatening my boyfriend." the younger said as he sat next to san on the coach, intertwining they fingers. "i like you being all confident, cutie." the raven haired winked at him as he pecked his lips, earning some dissatisfied sighs from the others.

"stop making out on my coach and go pack your things. where are mingi and yunho?" yeosang said tiredly as he looked around. "i think they're in the bathroom." hongjoong said from his place on the chair.

"oh god, the house is a mess with you guys here." the pink haired complained as he went upstairs to find his boyfriend. the others just laughed and went to pack their things.


i'm updating a little late today but i had a really busy school day so bare with me, please :')

i hope you enjoy the book!

writer out

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