twenty five

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"guys! dinner's ready!" wooyoung shouted from the kitchen, as he put some plates on the table.

it was his third week at san and jongho's house and he was more than happy with his choice to move in with them. he was now finishing up the meal he decided to prepare for the others and waited for them to come out of their rooms.

"baby, you've cooked so much! you didn't have to." san said worriedly as he entered the kitchen, seeing how many side dishes wooyoung had prepared. "oh yes, he had to. we've been eating noodles and toasts for the past week." jongho complained, as he sat by the table, looking at all the food with hungry eyes.

"well, i'm sorry i can't make you a five star restaurant meal, it would be great if you tried cooking for once." san said back, sitting opposite his brother. "calm down, you two." wooyoung interrupted their fight and sat next to san, placing a small kiss on his cheek.

"it's okay, sannie, i wanted to cook all of this for you to enjoy, so just stop talking and eat." he shut them and focused on the food, as hongjoong appeared in the room. "wow, woo, it smells delicious."

"thanks, joong. did you have a good nap?" wooyoung asked and hongjoong nodded with a smile. the two started a small conversation, leaving their boyfriends out. san and jongho sent each other questioning looks. "we're still here, you know?" san looked at his boyfriend, wooyoung arching his eyebrow and then sighing, before feeding the older a spoonful of rice.

the other two laughed and started eating, wooyoung and san doing the same after a few seconds. they talked about random stuff as every other night, laughed at hongjoong's lame jokes or discused their plans for the next day.

"so..." san went to hug wooyoung, as he was doing the dishes later that night. "tomorrow is saturday."

"and?" wooyoung asked as he turned his head a little to face the older. "wanna go on a date with me?" san's cheeks blushed, as the younger turned his whole body towards him and smiled. "of course." he pecked his boyfriend's lips and wrapped his hands around him, san looking down shyly. "cute." wooyoung commented and kissed san again, this time more passionately.

"i love it when you get all shy around me, mister confidence." wooyoung commented, earning an arched brow from san. "'mister confidence'? seriously?" he tilted his head and looked into the younger's eyes. "do you want me to show you confidence, cutie?"

wooyoung was surprised by san's sudden change of behavior, but didn't even have time to proceed the older's words, as he attacked his lips once again. san pressed his body as close as he could to wooyoung's, wrapping his hands around his waist.

he started leaving small kisses all over the smaller's jaw and neck, sending shivers down his whole body. a quiet moan escaped wooyoung's mouth, as san pressed his member against the younger's tigh.

"let's go to our room, huh?" the older asked, as they pulled away, wooyoung nodding his head, before jumping on san and wrapping his legs around his waist. san carried him to their room, not separating their lips, as he tried to be careful not bump into a wall or catch the other two's attention.

good thing the walls in the house were thick, because both couples weren't even a bit quiet. as san and wooyoung got to their door, the older opened it and walked in, pushing it with his leg. he went to the big sized bed and put wooyoung down carefully, hovering over him.

san really enjoyed that night and, judging by wooyoung's loud moanes of pleasure, he was sure he enjoyed it too. they were the happiest when they were together, and no matter what they did, it was always incredibly enjoyable and sent hot waves through their bodies.

it was like a fever.


3 years later

"san, hurry up! we're going to be late! jongho and hongjoong are waiting for us!" wooyoung shouted through the bathroom door, as san was taking an eternity to get ready.

they were finally graduating from university and wooyoung was really excited, although the others didn't seem to care much.

"okay, i'm ready." san stepped out of the bathroom, wooyoung pacing around nervously. "finally!" he said as he saw his boyfriend and grabbed his hand, dragging him down the stairs. "hurry up and put your gown on!" he demanded and crossed his arms.

san hurried to do it, because he didn't want to piss wooyoung. he did it once when they were in a hurry to go to the cinema and he wouldn't make the same mistake twice. the younger watched as san was struggling to fix the hat on his head and stood up to help him.

"let me do it, dummy." san pouted, but put his hands down and watched his boyfriend. "okay, all good. let's go!" he grabbed san's hand again and rushed out of the house, jongho and hongjoong waiting outside. "are you finally ready to go?"

jongho whined and after a nod they all sat in hongjoong's car and drove to their university. as they arrived, they noticed the rest of their friends and walked to them, chatting a little through the ceremony.

after they got their diplomas, san grabbed wooyoung's hand and pulled him to the side. "let's get out of here." he said, the smaller looking confused.

"but, the others-" wooyoung tried to protest, but was cut off. "just come with me." he then nodded and both went back to the car. they got their gowns and hats off and got in the car, san driving away to somewhere. wooyoung was confused, but decided not to question his boyfriend's doings.

"where are we?" the younger finally asked, as they were walking on a small path between some rocks. san just smiled and held his hand. they soon came to the end of the path, the beach coming in sight.

wooyoung's eyes widened and he opened his mouth, as he saw the view. the sunset was coloring the sky in warm colors, a light breeze could be felt and the calming sound of the waves filled the late afternoon. san lead wooyoung towards the sea and turned to face him.

wooyoung just now realized there were rose petals spread over the sand, making the atmosphere even more lovely. "sannie, what's all this?" the older smiled again and took a deep breath, before grabbing both wooyoung's hands and getting on one knee.

the smaller's eyes widened and he felt tears threatening to fall. "jung wooyoung, will you make the honor to be yours forever and marry me?"

wooyoung sobbed before nodding eagerly. "yes, god, yes! of course yes!" san pulled out a ring and put it on the younger's finger, standing up to kiss him. the smaller wrapped his hands around him so tight, as if he was afraid this was a dream that would end any moment.

but it wasn't. it was reality and both san and wooyoung couldn't be happier to live this reality with the one person they truly loved.

the end


soo, it ended!

i hope you all enjoyed reading this book as much as i enjoyed writing it. i was really excited, while creating it and it makes me happy so many people read it. like, thank you for nearly 1k reads!

i love you and thank you for reading <3

writer out

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