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wooyoung cried for a few long minutes, before he felt calm enough to continue. "are you better now? do you want to take a nap?" san asked, but the younger hurried to shake his head. "no, i need to say it now, because i don't know if i'll have the strength to do it later." the raven haired just nodded and waited for the other to talk again.

"a few years ago my father was coming to see me. he was out of the city to buy something for his inn. it was dark and it was raining and he...he lost control of the car and caused a car crash on his way." he paused to take another deep breath and wipe his tears, standing up at the same time as he turned his back to the other boy. "two peopled died - a man and a woman. i asked my mom about it and read the articles. san...those people- they...they...t-they were your parents." wooyoung didn't dare to look at san, but he could feel the older tense next to him as he also stood up.

"i-it's all my fault. everything. they died because of my father...because of me..." he turned to face his boyfriend. "i just couldn't look you in the eyes when i knew all of this. i- i-i'm so sorry san. i'm sorry..." he broke down in tears, his legs giving him up. he fell on the floor, crying, as he looked down. "i'm so sorry, san. i'm sorry. i-" san needed a moment to assimilate everything, before he knelt in front of wooyoung, bringing him into a tight hug. "stop, please. it's not your fault. don't apologize for something you didn't even know about, please. just calm down, okay?"

"n-no... y-you should hate me! you should yell at me, be mad at me, leave me...! how can you still be here?" wooyoung said with a weak voice, as he tried to push san away, but the older just tightened the hug. "because i love you, dummy! i love you." san pulled away and cupped the younger's cheeks, looking into his eyes.


"i love you so much it hurts to even think about you blaming yourself for this. i'm in too deep already, wooyoung. i can't leave. i won't." san said with a smile as wooyoung broke down in tears again, leaning in to hug the older. "i love you, san." wooyoung said, as he looked into san's eyes. the raven haired smiled and leaned in to kiss him.

"i want to meet your dad." san said as he pulled away, the other taken aback at his words. "w-why?" he asked confused and worried at the same time. "i just want to talk to him, don't worry." wooyoung nodded and snuggled in san, still sitting on the floor.


"w-what?" jongho sat on the coach, as his legs were weak. yeosang had just told him about wooyoung's father and the younger was shocked. "please, don't hate him, jongho." the pink haired sat beside him and put a hand on his shoulder.

"i-i don't hate him. he didn't do anything, i-i just didn't expect you to tell me something like this. does san know?" he turned his head to look at the other, worrying about his brother's response to this. yeosang nodded and sighed. "wooyoung is with him right now so he probably told him already. i'm worried about what he would say."

"san loves him, he won't be mad." jongho smiled weakly and looked at his hands. "and...what about you?" the pink haired asked hesitantly, as he wasn't sure if he wanted to hear the answer. jongho just shook his head and smiled.

"i want to be, but i can't. wooyoung is my friend and he isn't even at fault. plus, it was all an accident and it's been years already so it's pointless to get mad." yeosang smiled and hugged his friend, the younger wrapping his hands around his waist.


"mingi, come on. it's not gonna work!" yunho whined at his boyfriend, as he had spent half an hour to win him a plushie from the mashine. "no! i'm not going anywhere until i get you that plushie. i almost got it- yes!" he threw his hands up in the air and hugged his boyfriend out of joy, as he finally got the plushie. yunho just laughed at him and hugged him back.

"for you, my heart." mingi said dramatically, as he handed the puppy toy to yunho. he smiled brightly and grabbed it, hugging it closely to his chest. "thank you, minmin." mingi's heart skipped a beat, as he heard the nickname. he wrapped his hands around yunho and squeezed him, putting a kiss on his cheek.

"come on, big baby. let's go eat something. you spent almost one hour here, i'm starving." yunho complained and mingi just smiled at him. "let's go."


"what do you all want to drink?" seonghwa asked and the others told him what they wanted. he and yeosang were on a double date with jongho and hongjoong in a cozy coffee shop. seonghwa came back to their table with the drinks and sat next to his boyfriend.

"i knew you're the better choi. san ditched us for wooyoung when i asked them to have a double date with us." yeosang pouted, as the others just laughed. "it was a matter of time for you all to come to your senses."

another laugh from all followed, as they took a sip from their drinks. they spent some time in the coffee shop, laughing and talking about different things. after an hour they finally decided to go for a walk in the nearby park.

they were walking around when they saw two familiar boys coming to them. jongho hurried to go straight to wooyoung with a serious look on his face. the dark haired stopped in his tracks, as he saw him, and dropped his head, not having the courage to look at him. for his surprise jongho's look softened and he wrapped his arms around wooyoung.

"w-why-" he was cut by jongho who shook his head. "it's not your fault and it's not your father's fault either. it was an accident so don't beat yourself for it, okay?" wooyoung looked taken aback and all he could do was nod and tear up, embracing jongho in a tight hug. san smiled at them and wrapped his arms around both.


i have a soft heart, so i can't keep the sad hours long in this story ><

anyways, hope you like it, sweeties <3

writer out

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