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wooyoung woke up in the middle of the night and cursed, because of his headache. he shouldn't have drank that much. he opened his eyes and looked around, surprised he's not at his room. the memories then hit him and he turned around to see the boy next to him. shit, what was i thinking?

he cautiously got up and searched for his clothes on the floor. he quickly dressed himself and made his way out of the room. it looked like the guests of the party were going home, so he hurried to follow them.


san woke up with a strong headache and slowly opened his eyes. he looked around and saw the boy from last night was gone. "he just left?" the boy sit up in the bed and felt something under his hand. "and he left his earring." he put it on his night stand as he got up to go get something for his hungover.


one year later

wooyoung woke up from the sound of his alarm and groaned before snoozing it. he opened his eyes slowly, adjusting to the light as he sat in his bed. he yawned and got up, stretching, then he made his way to his bathroom.

"ah i look like shit." he shook his head and started getting ready. he hated having classes this early but at least yeosang was there most of the time.

wooyoung pushed his thoughts away as he changed his clothes and fixed his dark hair before grabbing his stuff and opening the door of his dorm room.

"what took you so long? i've been waiting for you forever." a boy stood in front of his door with crossed arms.

"yeosang stop being so dramatic. if you're in a bad mood go complain to your boyfriend." wooyoung locked the door and walked past his best friend, walking down the hallway.

"hey, don't leave me here! you know seonghwa's out of the city for a few days." yeosang followed him, the two walking in silence.

they entered the building of their university, going straight to their first class as they were going to be late. they got there right on time, the bell ringing as they sat on their desks.

"good morning class, may i get your attention, please?" the teacher said as she walked to her desk. "we've got a new student, please introduce yourself."

she didn't seem to be really excited about this, but so wasn't wooyoung. he just layed his head on the desk, as he waited for the boy to end his introduction.

"hello, i'm choi san. i hope we can be friends." wooyoung raised his head, recognizing the voice, only to meet those chocolate eyes, raven black hair and deep dimples once again. was he seeing things? he blinked a few time as to check his vision, the same boy standing in front of the class.

"oh my god." he got his best friend's attention as the boy turned to him. "what? what's wrong?"

"that's him." wooyoung was shocked. if he knew he would ever see this boy again. "who is he?" yeosang still couldn't understand.

"do you remember that big party last year, when you left me and I got really drunk and fucked with that random boy, which I never saw after?" wooyoung shot in one breath and yeosang just nodded. "well that's him."

"wait what? are you serious?" to say that yeosang was taken aback was an understatement. "no, yeosang, i'm just hallucinating, because i didn't get enough sleep. of course i'm serious!"

"okay, calm down. maybe he doesn't remember you. just chill." the pink haired leaned on the back of his chair.

"yeah, because it's so easy to do."

wooyoung wanted to be invisible so bad right now. if the boy recognized him it was over for him. great start of the day, huh? "hey, is the seat taken?" he heard someone ask and turned his head to see the new boy smiling at him.

"y-yeah- i mean no!" shit, why was he stuttering like that? "it's free, you can sit here." perfect. "thank you. i'm san by the way." he smiled again stretching his hand for wooyoung to shake. "i-i'm wooyoung, this is yeosang." he shook san's hand and looked at his best friend.

"nice to meet you, san!" yeosang shook his hand too and smiled.

the class ended after what felt like forever and wooyoung wouldn't be happier to go to his maths class. he rushed out of the room, ignoring his best friend's callings as he went straight to the bathroom.

"okay, wooyoung. get yourself together, he doesn't seem to remember you." the boy looked at himself in the mirror and splashed some water on his face.

he got out of the bathroom and went on his way to his next class when he was pulled by his hand into the small storage room in the hallway. "you thought i don't remember you, cutie?" san whispered in his ear.

"i-i don't know what you're talking about." wooyoung felt his cheeks hot as he saw how close they were. "don't try to fool me. i can see how nervous you get around me and you blushing here doesn't help you."

"it doesn't matter. we'll just go our separate ways and forget anything happened between us." wooyoung tried to open the door and leave but the other stopped him.

"no, no, no. not so fast. as i can see you do remember that night and if i recall right you surely liked it."

"no, i did not! i was drunk and unaware of what i was doing. i haven't even done that before nor after y-" wooyoung put his hand in front of his mouth, his eyes widened as he realized what he just said.

"wait you what? you mean- i was your first?" san smirked as he got even closer to the other boy. "and you still want to forget about it, cutie?"

wooyoung blushed hard and stepped back. "stop calling me that and just shut up! i am not gay and i don't want to have anything to do with you."

he said as he rushed out of the storage room and to his next class. his cheeks were so hot he could probably bake an egg on them.

he screwed up big time. his peaceful life was over.


i hope y'all like this book <3

writer out

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