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"thank you for today." wooyoung said, pecking san's cheek. the two were walking along the beach, their hands intertwined. it was late noon and sun was starting to set, colors splashing in the sky. "it was my pleasure, cutie. do you want to go eat somewhere?"

wooyoung nodded with a smile and the two made their way to the car. "should we call yeosang and seonghwa for the double date?" the younger asked. "no, today is for us."

san put a short kiss on wooyoung's lips and got in the car, the other following him. they drove off to a nearby restaurant, san parking the car in the front. 


yeosang was lying in his bed, shirtless as seonghwa was straddling him, leaving wet kisses all over his chest. the pink haired's eyes were tightly closed as the pleasure spread through his body. seonghwa was just about to remove his and the younger's pants when yeosang's phone rang. he tried to ignore it, but it didn't stop.

"dammit." he sat up and angrily grabbed his phone from the night stand. "hello?" he said rather annoyed. "mom, no, you can't come now- no, don't, i-" he couldn't finish because the line was cut, making him groan in annoyance. "my mom will be here in 15 minutes." he said sadly to his boyfriend, the other just smirking.

"we have enough time for a quick one." this made yeosang smirk too and the two went back to what they were about to do.


san woke up on a saturday morning, feeling the place beside him empty. he opened his eyes and turned around to look for wooyoung. they slept at san's house last night, doing whatever they could think of because jongho stayed at hongjoong's place. they ended up watching a few movies with quick make out sessions throughout them.

san groaned as he got out of bed and went to find his boyfriend. he checked the bathroom and when he didn't find him he thought he was downstairs but wooyoung was nowhere to be seen. the raven haired looked around confused as he went back to his room, seeing there was no sign of wooyoung's clothes which were all around the floor last night. he grabbed his phone and dialed his boyfriend's number, waiting for him to pick up.

after a few more seconds of ringing there was no answer so he hung up. he tried again but there was no response so he decided to call yeosang. "hello?" san said impatiently as the other finally picked up. "san? what's up?"

"yeosang, have you seen woo? he left before i woke up and he's not picking up." the worry in san's voice could be recognized and yeosang hurried to answer. "calm down, he always has his phone on low volume. maybe he just didn't hear it."

"are you sure? i'm getting worried." san was pacing around the room, bitting his lips nervously. "san, he's okay, just wait a little longer. i'm sure he'll call you." yeosang reassured him before the two hung up. the raven haired sat on the coach in the living room, leaving his phone on the coffee table as he stared at it.

a few minutes passed but there was no call. san's eyes skipped from his phone to the front door waiting for wooyoung to either call him or walk in. half an hour later the boy heard a sound from the door then footsteps and jumped to see who it was. he frowned when he saw it was jongho.

"i'm happy to see you too." the younger said sarcastically but then saw how stressed his older brother looked. "what's wrong?" he sat on the coach next to san and put a hand on his shoulder. "wooyoung- he wasn't here when i woke up and he's not picking up his phone. i called yeosang but he too didn't know anything and now i'm losing my shit."

"okay, first breathe." he motioned for san to sit back down as he was now starting to pace around again. "it's saturday, he doesn't have anything to do and he wouldn't just go out without even leaving me a note."

"san, you're overthinking. stop stressing about this. he probably just went out for a walk or something. i'm sure he'll be back soon." jongho rubbed san's back with his hand, making circles, as his brother started to calm a bit. "do you want me to make you some tea to calm you down? it helped before."

san just nodded and sighed. his brother went into the kitchen to make him tea, the raven haired checking his phone for missed calls a few times.


it was later that day when san got a call from yeosang. "he's here." he had said. "but he doesn't talk. when i mentioned your name he just broke down in tears and then fell asleep. i don't know what happened but i'll try to talk to him. for now, you just stay at your place and wait for me to call you."

"i should go there." san got up from the coach and headed to the front door rubbing his teary eyes. "no, san. yeosang knows him the best, you should trust him." jongho stopped him, putting a hand on his shoulder. "h-how can i just sit here and do nothing?"

"please, calm down. everything will be okay." san just plopped on the floor his tears running down his cheeks. jongho kneeled down and hugged him, rubbing his back. they stayed like that for awhile, san going into his room after he calmed down. he locked himself in there for the rest of the day, not bothering to even go downstairs to eat. jongho brought him some food in his room but his brother barely touched it.


"are you going to tell me what happened?" yeosang sat next to wooyoung on the bed, putting his hand on the younger's shoulder. "did san call?" yeosang sighed as he nodded. "i told him to wait for me to call him before he comes here."

"thank you, yeo." wooyoung tried to smile but frowned almost immediately as he recalled the events from earlier. "you know i'm gonna make you talk eventually, right?"

"i know, just give me some time."


some twists coming :)

writer out

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