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the rest of the day went by painfully slow for wooyoung. he was so out of it during his classes that he answered '435' to a question about shakespeare's literature. at lunch break he almost ate peanut butter, forgetting how allergic he was to it and if yeosang didn't stop him, he would've ended up in the hospital with a swollen mouth.

he couldn't stop thinking about what san has said. why did he suddenly want to distance himself from wooyoung? and why did wooyoung care so much about it when he was the first to want this? the boy shook his head as he made his way to his do room. "woo!" he heard someone call him and turned to see it was yunho.

"you forgot your things in class." yunho handed him his belongings before continuing. "are you okay? you seem to be bothered by something." wooyoung gave him a big fake smile as he grabbed his notebooks. "i'm fine! i'm just a little tired. don't worry about me."

yunho didn't seem to believe him but he still nodded. "if you want to talk, you know i'm always ready to listen." he smiled reassuring. "i know. now go! mingi's probably looking for you." wooyoung waved his hand for yunho to go and waited for him to walk away as he continued walking to his room. when he approached his door, he opened it and went inside, closing it slowly.

he put his things on his desk and plopped on his bed, sighing. he felt so unmotivated to do anything so he decided to just take a nap.


on the next day san didn't show up at school. wooyoung frowned when he didn't see him in history class, which they had together. he preffered to think the boy had some work to do out of school or was hungover after another party, rather than staying home to avoid him.

a few more days passed by, then a week but san was nowhere to be seen. wooyoung asked yeosang for jongho's number, as he didn't have san's, and called him a few times to check on his brother but all jongho said was 'he doesn't talk'. after another day without san went by, wooyoung wasn't having it anymore and decided to go to the older's house.

"thanks for driving me, yeo." he said as he unbuckled his seat belt. "do you want me to wait here?" yeosang asked, glancing at him. "no, you should go. i'll be fine." he got out of the car and waved at his friend before walking to the big house's front door.

he rang the bell and waited until jongho opened the door. "hey, jong. you...probably know why i'm here." wooyoung smiled nervously and jongho let him in, giving him a reassuring smile. "he's in his room, as he was the whole week." they went further in as jongho continued to talk. "i've been giving him food through the door, because he didn't even let me in. he waited for me to go out of the house or to sleep for him to go out of his room. what happened between you two? i've never seen him like this."

wooyoung stared at his feet as he listened. he didn't knew san that well but still this was strange for him. "honestly, i don't know myself. i'll go talk to him." the boy made his way upstairs, hoping san would want to talk. "good luck. if you need me, i'll be here." jongho smiled and wooyoung glanced at him, returning the smile.

san heard a knock on his door and groaned. "what do you want, jongho?!" he shouted from his bed. "it's me. wooyoung. i'm here to talk."

"go away!" wooyoung sighed and knocked again. "i'm not gonna leave until we talk." san rolled in his bed in frustration. why was this boy so stubborn? "god, wooyoung, just go!"

"okay, i'm going to sit here until you come out then." wooyoung leaned against the wall as he heard footsteps. the door was soon opened and revealed a tired looking san with dark circles under his eyes, pale skin and messy hair. wooyoung almost cried at this view. "what?" san glared at him with tired eyes but wooyoung just hugged him, instead of answering.

"i was so worried." san's eyes widened as he was too taken aback to move. he almost protested when wooyoung pulled back. "why aren't you coming to school? and why in the world are you doing this to yourself?" san sighed and moved to the side to let wooyoung in. "just...sit first."

the boy did as he was told and sat on san's bed, followed by the other. "look, i'm sorry. that night was a mistake. let's just forget about each other and-" san started but was interrupted by the other boy. "why? why did you have to come back into my life to just mess with my feelings and then leave? i may be a no one to you but you- you-"

san pressed his lips on wooyoung's, not letting him finish his sentence. wooyoung's teary eyes widened as he felt butterflies in his stomach. san pulled away and cupped wooyoung's cheeks, wiping his tears away. "why did you do that?" wooyoung removed san's hands from his face. "why are trying to forget every mistake you make by just toying with my heart?"

"woo-" san tried to talk but wooyoung didn't want to listen anymore and stood up. "you know san? maybe it is better for us to forget each other and live our lives. maybe it was all a mistake."

the boy rushed out of the room and downstairs, rubbing his eyes to stop the newly formed tears. "what happened? are you okay?" jongho hurried to go to him, putting his hands on his shoulders. "it's nothing, jongho. i'm gonna leave now."

"wooyoung!" san practically ran down the stairs to catch the other boy before he left. "please, don't do this." he grabbed wooyoung's hand as he was on his way out. "no, san, you already did it. i'm just making things easier for both of us." with that being said, he removed san's hand from his own and left the house, running to the bus stop.

"i screwed up, jongho." san mumbled quietly, letting his tears fall, as his brother embraced him in a tight hug.


hey guys, i was feeling down and decided to write some more.

hope you like it~

writer out

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