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HIKARU had missed the serenity of the province. He had missed the smell of the ripe grains ready for harvest. He had missed the clean, fresh air.

He wandered on the street. It was the time of the day that the people were busy on their own small world.

The market was full of people. Some people were ignoring him, some stared at him and some looked at him in curiosity. He was sure that some of them might have recognized him while some wondered why there was a stranger inside the walled city. The people of the small city practically know each other, if not personally then even just in the face.

“I heard that there is Kashimura san’s pig died last night.” He heard a lady said.

“That was the third this week, right?” Another lady commented. “What do you think killed them?”

“I heard that it was almost the same death. He was drained of blood.”

“Oh my!”

“But they couldn’t find any trace of blood in the pen.”

“What could have done that?”

Hikaru stared at the women. His heart beat fast.

“I heard that they are talking about scouting tonight.”

“They should! They should! We should be careful.”

Hikaru didn’t finish the conversation as he walked away fast enough. He didn’t want to think about its possibility but it seems to him that the walled city was already invaded.

“Who could it possibly be?” he asked himself. He couldn’t believe that it went pass his uncle’s nose.

“Impossible, really!” he tried to convince himself.

He walked aimlessly as he tried to console himself. “What else can it be? But then, why would it feed pig’s blood. What was it thinking? Why here?”

“Ouch!” he complained as he bumped into somebody. The person he bumped into was taken aback, as shock as he was as he saw HER sprawled on the pavement.

“Gomenasai!” he apologized and helped the girl to stand.

“Iie.” She answered and leaned on him as he helped her stand.

Hikaru was taken aback as he saw her eyes. They were as light blue as the sky and her long wavy hair was definitely real. It was the color of golden brown, same as the grains in the village’s farm.

She smiled shyly at him and bowed. “Arigatou.” She said timidly.

Hikaru couldn’t help but stare at her. “A-anou… watashi wa Hikaru desu.” He introduced himself and extend his hand to her.

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