Chapter 20

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Chapter 20
Vareen's Point of View

Flashback continuation...

"Ohhh, hmm." I can't help myself but to moan when he started licking and sucking my wet folds. He licked fast as he entered his middle finger in it. Mas lalo akong napaliyad when he finger fucked me. "Fero, oh my!

Pinaghalong sakit at sarap ang nararamdaman ko ngayon sa ginagawa niya, kung gaano siya kagaling magfingerstyle sa gitara ay ganoon din siya ngayon.


He reached over to the nightstand that was right next to the bed, opened the second drawer and started digging for a condom. Nagsimula na siyang mainis nang hindi niya mahanap ang hinahanap niya, I can't stop myself but to giggle.

"Fuck." Fero cursed to himself when he still couldn't find anything. I stretched out my arm and decided to give it a try and just like that my hand found a condom in an instant. 

I took it out from the drawer and flashed it to Fero with a winning grin, umiling siya at napangiti. Inagaw niya sa akin iyon and he quickly opened it, at minadaling isuot iyon sa sarili niya.

"Who's eager now, Fero?" I smirked.

He placed a quick peck on your lips and murmured, "That's the name you'll be screaming today, babygirl." And with that you felt him entering your wet entrance with a hard thrust surprising me with so much pain because of he's hard, long and big.

"Just trust me, baby. Trust me." He kissed my lips trying to remove the pain away. He stopped entering his full length and he wiped the tears that came down from my eyes. "Hey... ititigil na ba natin?"

"Hell, no!" Sigaw ko at ipinulupot ang binti ko sa bewang niya, diniin ko ang kaniyang katawan sa akin at iyon din ang pagpasok ng kabuuan niya sa loob ko. 

Fero started moving his hips back and forth slowly inside me. I can't help but to close my eyes and bite my lower lip as he pulls in and out. Fero started to picked up the pace, thrusting faster and faster as he groaned under his breath.

"Ughhh, shit!" he groaned.

I moved my hands to his back and moved my hips along with his, meeting his thrusts. "Fuck, Vareen!" Fero said with his raspy voice.

Ibinaon niya ang mukha niya sa leeg ko and I can feel his mouth nibbling my sensitive skin.

"Fero... ohhh" I sighed in pleasure.

Fero pulled his length out almost all the way before thrusting in again with a fast and hard thrust and earning a loud moan from my lips. "Oh my god..."

TRINITY (Completed) (2020 Ver.)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon