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[A/N: I made this fanfic just for fun, so don't take it too seriously. Thanks for taking the time to read this junk😂]

Tsukishima Kei's POV:

Finally, I heard the bell rang, meaning that it's time for lunch. I saw most of my classmates standing up, some walked outside the room while others walked to their fellow classmates for a chat.

"Tsukki!" Yamaguchi said, as I saw him walk to my desk with his bento box. "Can I eat with you?"

"Why ask? You always do." I said, casually. I kinda hated the nickname he made up for me, but I didn't bother to tell him not to call me that because he never listens.

Yamaguchi took a chair from a another desk and placed it at the right side of my desk. I didn't really mind it, I just took out my bento and starts to open it. What really caught my eyes, like usual, is the person sat down in front of my desk.

It was Y/N. At the very start of the school year, she was always assigned seated in front of me. She's a quiet girl, talks when spoken to or when she has a question or a statement to say. She's quite tall for girl, I think she's almost the same height as Yamaguchi. She also had really catching E/C eyes, and soft (I think) H/C hair, that makes me want to just play with in the middle of the class but that'd be awkward since we're not that close.

Not because I might have a slight crush on her and everytime I try to talk to her I end up getting tongue tied or just flustered. I hate it that everything she do just makes me weak.

I looked as you took out your wired earphones, placing them on your ears listening to whatever music you listen to. You bent down to your bag, taking out your lunch, a sketchbook and a pencil on hand. As you flipped through the pages of your sketchbook you looked to your left, you looked out at the window, watching some few people running around and walking through the school grounds. Then, you took your usual position, you faced your whole body to your left facing the window. You placed both of your feet to the wall and then putting your sketchbook on top of your thighs, you looked around outside the window for about a few seconds before starting to scribble a few lines on your sketchbook that slowly turns into a picture.

I watched you in awe everytime. Call me creepy, and I'd agree.

Everything about you is so calming and feels warm, I hate you for that. You would usually have your drink or crackers on your left/right hand while the other holds your pencil, I hate myself for knowing that. And sometimes when you look down to your sketchbook, some strands of your hair falls down on your face and you just casually tucked it behind your ear, I hate you for not knowing how much that makes me feel.

"Tsukki, are you okay?" I heard Yamaguchi asked, at the corner of my glasses I saw him look at Y/N, knowing that I was staring at her.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I said, not acknowledging the fact that I was slightly blushing. Thank Asahi, that Yamaguchi isn't the type to tease about these things or else I'd kill him for that. I'll let the nickname slide, but this I won't.

He knows that I like her, even though I never told him. I know that he knows. He even tried to bring up the topic of Y/N in our conversation sometimes, but I try to avoid it. Even though deep down I just want to talk about her all the time.

Looking at the both of us, there will be no way we will have any other relation except for the fact that we're both in the same class.

Even in group projects I seem to be unlucky. At the back of my mind, I know that I wanted to be paired with you and I hope you knew how much anger I had in our teacher at the time when they paired you with Yamaguchi instead of me. I was so close in actually being paired with you, but the teacher has to ruin everything and I had to do a project with some loud girl who I know secretly likes me and would flirt with me every now and then.

I know that you asked Yamaguchi about me so, don't act like you don't know I like strawberry shortcake, oh how I wished I said that to the girl I got paired with when she asked me what my favorite dessert is.

I talked to Yamaguchi about school and about the volleyball club as we eat our lunch.

Clubs, that's a another one of our differences. I'm in a volleyball club, a very chaotic volleyball club, and you're in an art club, where all of the weebs are at but soon then leaves because they found out that Art Teachers don't find anime 'real art'. I can see that you're not a very athletic person and if ever I'd see you watching a match, you'd just be with your sketchbook sketching out the poses that athletes made. I hope you knew how much I hated that I'm not the athlete you're sketching.

Ever wonder when I started liking you?

No, you're not wondering because I never told you and you'll never know, unless some things happened that will make me think that I will actually have a chance on you then, yeah sure, I'll confess. I'll probably contemplate about it, but I'll cease the opportunity if it ever appears.

For now, I'll just enjoy the lunch breaks where I can just glance at you every now and then as you calmly make art.

You are such a work of art.

I hate you.

Art // Tsukishima Kei x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now