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Y/N L/N's POV:

"Y/N, I want you to meet Takeda-sensei, he's the advisor of the volleyball club," said the Art Club teacher. Damn, I really need to know these people's names. It's not because of my memory, it's because the author just didn't bother to make up names for these extras since she's writing this at 4 o'clock in the morning.

"Pleasure to meet you, sir," I said, bowing politely.

"Pleased to meet you as well, Y/N," said Takeda-sensei, as he adjusted his glasses. He was quite short, I had to look down a little to meet his eyes.

I'm not one to brag about my height, so don't get any wrong ideas.

"Y/N, I'd like you to watch a few practices and matches of the Karasuno volleyball," said my advisor. "By doing so, I'd like you to sketch their poses and analyze their anatomy. I'll be taking your sketches and will be making them as references for future classes."

This is a nightmare. I already know it, I already tried to avoid my ex-crush before walking in this office and now you want me to watch their practices and matches after school? Oh, great.

"I already had Takeda-sensei's permission for you to watch their practice and matches. I also heard that the volleyball club will be having a camp in Tokyo, Takeda-sensei is kind enough to let you go with the rest of the club members."

Stop talking, I don't wanna hear about it.

I wish I could say that, but I'm too scared of getting in trouble and too lazy to say something so, I'll just shut up.

"It'll be our pleasure, Y/N. I hope you'll find those students helpful when drawing. Especially at the Tokyo Camp, there'll be a lot of good players there that might spark your interest. Oh, and please, let me remind you that the Karasuno volleyball players are quite energetic," said Takeda-sensei, he doesn't sound too sure about what he was saying. I think he meant 'really energetic'.

"What do you say, Y/N?" asked my advisor, looking back at me.

The way she looks at me, I know that I can't turn down her request. Well, I can't turn down any request from a teacher or else they'll think of me as 'disobedient' and might put me in detention. So, I have nothing else to say but -

"I would love to," I said, faking a smile. My specialty.

~time skips~

The school bell rang as everyone excitedly stood up to go home or to go to their own clubs, but me I just let out a sigh and starts to pack up my things.

"Tsukki!" I heard Yamaguchi say behind me, followed by his footsteps.
"Let's go -"

"Yeah, I got it," Tsukishima say, lazily.

I didn't know I'll be relating to someone this much about something.

I heard Tsukishima's chair move as I saw them walk pass me. I stayed inside the classroom until, everyone was gone. I just couldn't stand thinking that I'll be spending the next 2 hours or so at the gym, sketching my ex-crush and his teammates.

Well, it's do or die.


Tsukishima Kei's POV:

After Y/N came back at lunch break, she seems bothered about something. I tried not to think too much about it, but I can sense that it's really bothering her. Is that weird? Actually, don't answer it, it is. Wait, who am I talking to?

Anyways, after school would just be the usual with those chaotic idiots in the gym. The guys seemed to be more energetic and more motivated after our lost to Aoba Jousai at our last match. I get it, they wanted to go to nationals and beat Aoba Jousai. I mean, I also do but, not to that extent.

They're wasting their time on pushing themselves too much.

Yamaguchi and I walked inside the gym after changing inside the club room, we saw the King and the Tangerine bickering about something in the middle of the gym as I sighed in annoyance. Don't these two ever stop talking?

"BOKE HINATA BOKE!" shouted Kageyama.

"BAKAGEYAMA!" shouted Hinata.

Slowly, our club members starts to occupy the spaces in the gym. In the middle of our warmups, the Coach along with Takeda-sensei and Kiyoko got inside the gym.

I didn't bother to look as I heard Tanaka and Nishinoya screaming and simping over Kiyoko. These idiots.

"KIYOKO-SAN!!" shouted Tanaka and Nishinoya, running up to Kiyoko.

"Kiyok -" I heard Tanaka stop. "Who is she? And why is she so pretty?"

"Alright, everyone, gather up!" Takeda-sensei announced, I finally looked at them but then I felt myself heat up as I saw who was in between Takeda-sensei and Kiyoko.

I am not a simp, I told myself, as I made my way towards the others.

"Tsukki -"

"Shut up, Yamaguchi," I told him, glaring at him as I saw him smirk a little bit, seeing my blushing face.

I ignored it and looked back at Y/N, she looked around the gym and to the other guys. Finally, she met my eyes.

I feel my body getting weak, but then you smiled at me. I tried to maintain a normal expression but, I know that I'm failing. I hate you so much, why must you look at me like that?

Before I could even do anything else that will probably ended up with me embarassing myself, Takeda-sensei starts talking.

"I would like you to meet, Y/N L/N, she's a member of the Art Club. Her advisor asked me permission to let her watch our practice and future matches to sketch. She'll also be occupying us at the upcoming Tokyo Camp. Please, welcome and treat her like your own member."

They better treat her well.

How come in matches I can be so calm? But when it comes to Y/N I just shut down? I am not Tanaka nor Nishinoya to be like this.

"Nice to meet you, sorry for the intrusion! I hope I won't be a bother to you," Y/N said politely, smiling a little before bowing her head.

Is this some kind of sign? I'll have the chance in spending more time with her, she'll also be at the camp. Why did I suddenly feel lucky, but unlucky at the same time?

I looked at the other guys as I saw a few of them blush. I can't really blame them.

Yeah, I know, she makes you feel like that.

But, what caught my eyes was the King is blushing? That's new.

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