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Y/N L/N's POV:

After going to the store and meeting the whole Karasuno volleyball club outside, I ended up walking with the rest of the 1st years. Kageyama and Hinata had to go in a different direction so, we said our goodbyes to each other as I walk in between Tsukishima and Yamaguchi.

There was just silence since, both Tsukishima and I had our earphones/headphones on while Yamaguchi walked beside us.

My music isn't really that loud and I can easily hear Yamaguchi say something if he did. Tsukishima on the other hand, I'm not sure if his headphones are on or he just likes the look of wearing headphones even though there's no music playing. Can't really blame him, I do that sometimes too if I just don't wanna talk to people so I just put on my earphones to act like I'm listening to music even though my phone is dead. That's a one way to avoid an awkward conversation.

I didn't know what gotten into me, but I took off my earphones. Yamaguchi seemed to notice this. I think Tsukishima too but, he just took a glimpse and looked away.

"How long have you known each other?" I asked.

Is this really me? Starting a conversation? I need to check my temperature when I get home.

Yamaguchi also seemed surprised with the sudden question, and probably because I don't usually start a conversation, ever.

"You mean Tsukki and I?" he asked.

"Yeah. Sorry if I'm intruding on something, but I could sometimes hear you guys talk at lunch break beside me," I said. First of all why did I admit that? Now, they'll think of me more as a weirdo. You know what? I don't care because I am one.

"Tsukki and I have known each since we're in middle school," Yamaguchi said, as I nodded my head.

I knew it! They're childhood friends!

I don't know why I felt so satisfied when I found out I was right all along.

"How's you chin? Does it still hurt?" asked Yamaguchi.

"It alright now, it left a very small bruise but it's fine," I said, as a strand of hair fall down to my face. When I tucked it at the back of my ear I swear I saw Tsukishima smile a little.

Am I hallucinating? I swear I'm not on drugs.

Yamaguchi and I talked for awhile until, it was time for him to separate from Tsukishima and I since his house was a few blocks away. I also noticed that, Tsukishima had took off his headphones after Yamaguchi left. Maybe he wants to start a conversation.

"Do you like volleyball?" I asked, Tsukishima flinched a little from the sudden questions.

I'm trying to start a conversation here...

"Not really," he said, as I looked up at him raising an eyebrow.

"Why not?" I asked.

"Just do," cooperate with me here! I'm trying to be social!

"Then, why play it?" I said, still looking at him. "You must enjoy it a little since you're continuing to play it."

"I have nothing else to do," he said, as I sighed. I guess that's the end of that conversation.

For a few minutes we stayed in complete silence, we weren't walking really fast to be honest. We were walking fairly slow, which is odd because both of us are quite tall and have long legs that could easily walk a block in a span of a few seconds, or minutes, I'm not that athletic.

"Why do you like drawing so much?" I jumped a little when he suddenly asked me a question.

"It's like a way of expressing myself in a another form because I can't explain stuff that easily," I said, not trying to sound poetic or cool it just kinda happened. "I like to think that a sketchbook is a door that leads to the artist's wild imagination."

I smiled up at him, as he looked down at me with wide eyes. I saw him open his mouth to say something but, immediately closed it before looking away.

Is my answer too poetic? Am I that boring?

"... I hate this..."

My eyes widened from what he said. I think he meant this awkward situation? Curiosity got the best of me and I said -

"You hate what?"

He looked at me, shocked that I heard what he said.

"Nothing, I said you have such a beautiful smile, I hate it," I was startled with he said.

Before I knew it, I was blushing intensely. I looked back at the street and saw that my house was getting close. Take me away from this awkward situation. I can't stop myself from blushing!!

His words, got me weak. It was the first time someone got me weak from a compliment, I usually get weak because of an insult but, never a compliment. Well, I'm not really sure if it's really a compliment because he said that he hated it, but still he called my smile beautiful. That's enough for me to hide the fact he hated it and enough to make me blush.

I rarely experience this kinds of situations so, I don't know what to do. I'll just do what I'm good at, laughing and making a joke out of anything.

"Is that an insult or a compliment?" I asked, laughing at him, looking up at his brown eyes.

How come I just noticed how pretty they are? Hold up, what?

"I think it's close to a compliment," he said as I continued to laugh.

"Hey, can you smile for me?"

Okay, I wasn't expecting that to sound weird or anything, it just kinda happened.

He stopped and I saw his cheeks turn red a little, as he raised an eyebrow at me.

"Just one smile?" I asked, smiling up at him.

We stared at each other for a while as he gave in, chuckling, and breaking a small smile. I stared at him for quite some time.

His eyes were shining because of the moonlight, his cheeks flushed red and his lips stretched into a small smile. I realized how attactive he looks, and why girls from our school would like him. He's smart, tall and looked kind. I say looked because most of the time I would hear him tease our classmates and annoy them with some smart remarks.

Why did I suddenly noticed that now?

I'm starting to hate you, Tsukishima Kei.

"Let's go," I didn't even realized he was now walking up to me, he patted my head before walking pass me making me blush even more.

For the rest of the walk to my house it was just silence, it was kinda awkward but, I was okay with it. We finally got to the front of my house, and I looked back at him.

"This is my house, I guess, I'll see you tomorrow," I said.

"You guess? You will see me tomorrow," he said, as I chuckled.

"Touche," I said, smiling at him. "Thanks for walking me home."

"My house is just a few houses away from yours," he said, shrugging.

"In that case, thanks for unintentionally walking me home," I said, waving at him. "See you tomorrow!"

After that, I walked inside my house. Closing the door immediately behind me and slowly sinking to the floor, while I feel my face heat up.

What just happened? Was that flirting?

I know this feeling too well...

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