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Y/N L/N's POV:

"I'm home," I said, I closed the door behind me before sighing.

I'm exhausted.

Once again, Kei unintentionally walked me home. I, then, remembered what I told him before going inside my house.

I hope he passed the message...

I thought to myself, laughing at the matter. I looked down and saw that my parents were home sine I saw that their shoes were there, I smiled as I took off my shoes.

"Mom, Dad..." I called out looking through the kitchen.

"Ah, Y/N, how's Tokyo?" my Mom said, as she placed down plate on top of the table.

I walked inside, setting down my bag and walking up to them. I saw that my Mom had prepared a ton of food, I was not that hungry because of the barbeque we had before going back to Miyagi.

"Sit down, let's eat," My Dad said, gesturing down at the seat beside him.

"I'm not really -" I stopped myself.

I know that my Mom worked hard cooking all of this food, and it'd be such a waste to not eat it. Besides, I've been craving for my Mom's dishes for the past few weeks so, even though I'm not that hungry, I'll eat!


"I'll be in my room," I said, before going up the stairs. I was so full because of dinner and was also full due to the questions my parents have been asking.

They were joking around about me being in a relationship and also bringing up some few embarassings stuff about me when I was a kid. Don't get me wrong, I love being with them, but it really did drain the non existent battery that I have left when I got home.

I opened the door to my room and flopped down onto my bed.

"Ah, finally..." I sighed, before grabbing a pillow and hugging it.

I was ready to fall asleep without changing or brushing my teeth, but before I could do that I heard my phone buzz twice from my pocket. I groaned before taking out my phone and saw that I got a text from Kindaichi and Kunimi.

Did Kindaichi convinced Kunimi to text me, again?

I opened Kindaichi's message first, it says:

How is the Karasuno team doing? You said that you were going to their camp, I hope you got home safely! Go to their matches, maybe we can see each other there!

I wasn't really feeling like socializing today in any way, shape or form. But, I kinda feel bad if I didn't reply. So, I just text him saying:

The team's improving. They might beat you this time, and I will be going to their matches. You better win so, we can see each other.

I sent the text and looked at Kunimi's message, making me laugh a little bit.

Insert what Kindaichi texted you here.

I copied and paste my reply to Kindaichi and sent it to Kunimi, before setting down my phone on my bedside table.

I looked at the window from my bed and remembered Kei. I'm sure he's already at home by now, I wonder if his brother ever visits them. He probably does, I've just never seen him.


Tsukishima Kei's POV:

"I'm still playing volleyball, because of what happened in high school," said Akiteru, I looked up at him.

When I got home Akiteru was already here and insisted to talk to me. It has been a while since I last properly talked to him, because after what happened I suddenly became more distant to him.

I listened while he explain why he still plays volleyball. He was in college and is still in a volleyball team.

To be honest, I'm glad that he still play. While he was talking I remembered what Y/N said to me before she got inside he house.

~flashback brought to you by Yaku's kick~

"Hey, Kei. If your brother ever visits you from college, can you please tell him I said 'Thanks'?"

"As if, he knows you," I said, as I saw her pout a little bit. Shit, don't do that, I'll kiss you if you do that - wait what?

"Tell him, some girl said thanks because she saw one his match back when he was in middle school and got inspired to know more about volleyball," she said, with a small smile.

She turned around to walk towards her house, but stopped, turning around to look at me.

"Oh, and Kei, I hope you'll find your love for volleyball."

~end of flashback brought to you by Kenma's PSP~

I smiled to myself after he was done explaining, I stood up and looked at him. He stopped tossing the ball and then looked back at me.

"Nii-san," I said, he waited for me to answer. "A friend of mine said, Thanks."

I saw Akiteru's eyes widened, but he seemed confused about it.

"What do you mean?" he asked, raising an eyebrow at me. I sighed looking away since I feel my face blush a little bit.

"S-she said that she saw one of your match when you were in middle school and that made her inspired to know more about volleyball," I said, I saw Akiteru's face lit up.

"R-really?" he said, as I nodded. "Was I really that cool back then?!"

"Why would I look up to you, if you weren't?" I said, mumbling, Akiteru didn't seem to hear it.

"Haha! That really motivates me to play more! Did she join a volleyball team?" he asked, he sat down while I sat down beside him.

"No, she isn't really the athletic type," I said, looking down at the ground. "But, she is really good at making art. She looks up to a lot of players and would sketch them every time they caught her attention. I think she's more passionate about making art other than sport, so she just decided to focus on the other but still having some kind of relation with the sport."

There was silence, I was waiting for Akiteru to say something but, instead I heard him laugh.

"You sounded like you like her!" he said, patting me at the back.

"O-oi! That's not what I -"

"Sure, Kei."

"It's not like that. I just think she's like a form of art because of her beauty," I said, blushing even more.

Silence again.













"So, you like her?"

For fuck's sake -

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