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[Sorry for the late update😅]

Y/N L/N's POV:

It was the end of the first day, and it was time for personal practice where each can work on their own. I stayed at the gym for a while, and then I overheard Tsukishima and Yamaguchi's conversation.

"Oh, Tsukki -"

"I'm gonna go take a bath and go to bed," said Tsukishima waving his hand at Yamaguchi, without even looking at him.

"I was just wondering if you were gonna practice anything one your own..." said Yamaguchi.

"We've already done a lot of practice today," said Tsukishima. "Practicing as hard as you can isn't always a good idea, you know."

After that Tsukishima turned to my direction, as I acted like I wasn't listening to their conversation.

"Are you still gonna stay here?" he asked, as I looked up at him.

"Maybe a few more minutes," I said, smiling up at him.

"Alright," that was all he said before walking out of the gym.

I looked back at Yamaguchi, who seemed kinda bothered about Tsukishima.

"Yamaguchi!" I called out for him, as his attention turned to me.

"Y/N," he said walking up to me.

"I know something's bothering you, care to share?" I said, giving him a small smile. He sat down next to me and sighed.

"It's about Tsukki," he said, I waited for him to continue. "He doesn't seem like he's even trying to improve on... anything really."

"I totally get what you're saying, I can see it and I know Coach Ukai probably noticed it too. Do you have anything in mind that might reason for him in not trying?" I asked, tilting my head a little bit.

He took a few seconds to think about the question, before answering.

"Well, there was this one time back in middle school. Tsukishima went up to me and asked me if I want to go with him to a match that Karasuno was playing, he said his older brother was going to play since his brother's in his third year he wanted to go watch the match," said Yamaguchi, I listened closely to him. Older brother? "Tsukki said that his brother didn't really want him to go to his matches since he will get nervous if he was there, so Tsukki wanted to surprise his brother."

Tsukishima has an older brother... that plays volleyball...

"Long story short, when we got to the match we didn't see his brother inside the court. I saw Tsukki's disappointed face and I knew that he was hurt, he must've gotten his hopes high that he'll be seeing his brother inside the court," Yamaguchi said, as I looked up front at the gym.

"What happened after that?" I asked.

"Tsukki never talked about it ever. He just seemed like it never happened, and -" Yamaguchi was cut off by Kinoshita who was calling out for him.

"Yamaguchi! Wanna practice a few serves with me?" asked Kinoshita who was inside the court.

Yamaguchi looked at me, worried that he might leave me hanging.

"Go on, I'll be fine here," I said, as he nodded and went up to Kinoshita.

I looked down at my sketchbook and tried to recall what Yamaguchi said.

An older brother, huh? There's a 50/50 chance that it must be Amemaru's old ace, Tsukishima Akiteru...

I shook off the thought as I stood up and walked outside the gym. Outside the gym was just silence, except for the echoes of gym shoes and the other guys shouting.

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