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Y/N L/N's POV:

"Oya?" I heard Akaashi say when I peeked inside the third gym.

"Oya oya?"

"Oya oya oya."

What language are they speaking?

I looked around the gym and saw that Tsukishima was with them, who looked as surprised as I was when we made eye contact.

"Are you here to sketch your favorite ace again, Y/N?!" asked Bokuto, with both of his hands on his waist.

"Favorite ace?" I hear Tsukishima say, while raising an eyebrow.

"Y-yeah, sure," I said, followed by an awkward laugh.

They were playing in teams of 2, Bokuto and Akaashi were on the same team while Kuroo and Tsukishima was on the other. It was literally a match of a setter and a wing spiker between 2 blockers. I sat down at the side of the gym, watching them peacefully while casually sketching down onto my sketchbook.

After they were done, they sat down beside me for a short water break. Tsukishima was beside me and I noticed that he was looking down at what I was drawing.

"How come you picked volleyball players as your models?" I heard him ask, I smiled a little about his comment.

"One time, when I first saw a volleyball match one specific player caught my eyes," I said, still looking down at my sketchbook. "He was the ace of their team, and because of him I got really interested with volleyball. Though, I chickened out before even joining a volleyball team so I just started sketching out players."

"Solely because of that?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"You know," I said, looking up at him. "He may not be the best player, but to me, he was more than enough to inspire me. But, it's not just that, whenever I'd see him spike the ball and score... The way his face lit up made me really happy and proud as well, without even having any kind of relation with the player."

"To inspire you to what? To draw athletes?" he said, chuckling a little bit.

"Hey! He was really good when I watched his match, alright?!" I said, nudging his arm a little bit.

"Who's that player that inspires you anyways?" he asked.

"Oh, he has the same last name as you! His name's Tsukishima Akiteru!" I said, excitedly at him, also smiling widely.

I saw his eyes widened as he looked at me.

"That was the question I wanted to ask you back in the second week of our school year! When you said to ask the question I was trying to ask you again in a another time when I'm actually comfortable around you," I said.

I, then, remembered what Yamaguchi had told me about Tsukishima. This is it. Shrek style.

"Yamaguchi mentioned that you have an older brother, is he your - "

I was cut off by Tsukishima.

"His my older brother," he simply said, looking up at the court as my eyes widened and my smile grew wider.

"Really?! What high school did he went to? He's probably in college now, right? - wait, I'm sorry I'm getting ahead of myself," I said, while I started to panic since I saw Tsukishima's expression. He seemed like he doesn't wanna talk about it, especially when I remembered what Yamaguchi told me.

I calmed down a bit, and sat down beside him, fiddling with my fingers.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to," I said, looking down.

"It's alright," he said.

"Megane-kun! Let's play again!" I heard Bokuto say, then Tsukishima sighed before standing up.

"He went to Karasuno and joined the volleyball club, but he wasn't good enough to play. He's now in college," he said, before walking inside the court making me look back at him.


The next day, Karasuno was once again up against Fukurodani. I looked up from my sketchbook and saw that Bokuto was about to spike and it looked like he was gonna hit the ball hard, but he then saw Tsukishima in front of him so he stopped himself and just touched the ball softly making it land to the other side of the net.

Everyone seemed to have noticed Tsukishima's sudden change when it comes to his blocks that one time. One by one everyone was slowly improving and their mistakes were decreasing, though they still would lose, but that wasn't enough to stop them from improving.

After I found out that Akiteru, whom I looked up to back then, was indeed Tsukishima's brother I didn't brought it up again to him. I was already satisfied with his answer last night and I feel like I'll just piss him off if I ask anymore questions.


Night time, back at the third gym with the boys.

They were in the middle of something, then we heard Hinata and Lev come in asking if they could practice with them.

"Lev, I thought you were practicing receives with Yaku?" asked Kuroo.

"H-he said I was doing okay, so he let me go today," he said, I can tell that he was lying.

"Are you sure you didn't run away?" asked Kuroo, smirking a little bit.

Hinata said that Kageyama wanted to practice on his own for now so, and he made Kenma set a little bit for him but after 5 sets he said he was tired.

"I'm surprised you even got Kenma to set for you," said Kuroo.

So, Hinata will be joining them as well. After that, they were gonna be playing a 3 on 3 match.

The teams were Hinata, Bokuto and Akaashi versus Kuroo, Lev and Tsukishima.

"Isn't this a bit unbalanced?" said Akaashi. It was true, everyone who's about 190 cm tall was on the other team.

I've put down my sketchbook for now and focused on watching the match as well as keeping score.

While at the match, Bokuto and Kuroo would be like their mentor, while Akaashi keep in charge of keeping an eye of the two to make sure they didn't do or say anything stupid. While the other 3 first years just listened to them, I smiled at the scene.

One time, Hinata was about to spike as the 3, 190 cm tall, guys stood up in front of him. It was not a wall anymore, it was like an umbrella. But, in the end, Hinata manages to spike the ball and aimed at Lev's fingertips. It was really impressive, even I watched in awe.

Before we could finish, 2 managers got inside the gym and told us if we didn't wrap up now there'll be no dinner for us. Of course, because of that, we cleaned up the gym before walking outside to go to the cafeteria.

Art // Tsukishima Kei x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now