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Y/N L/N's POV:

I am star struck. Tsukishima Akiteru is in front of me. I am being such a fan girl, I'm actually cringing at myself.

"N-nice to meet you!" I said, bowing my head to Akiteru.

"The pleasure's all mine," said Akiteru, bowing slightly while waving his hand at me. "Kei have told me all about you."

Kei talked about... me?

"Kei had told me you still play volleyball! I was really glad to hear that, I thought you quit playing since I didn't see much of you in high school," I said.

"I wasn't really good enough to be playing back in high school," he said, sounding disappointed.

"That's alright, at least you're still playing now, right?" I said, giving him a reassuring smile.

"Are you about to go home?" asked Kei, as I nodded.

"Yeah, I just bought a few things in the store," I said, gesturing down at the plastic bag I was holding.

"Are your parents home as well?" he asked, making me smile a little bit because of his concerns.

"Yeah, they are! So kind of you to ask," I said, it sounded like sarcasm, but trust me it wasn't.

"... I totally feel like a third wheel..."

I blushed because of what Akiteru had said, I think he didn't expect us to hear what he said. He only realized it when both Kei and I looked at him, also Kei was glaring at him.

"S-sorry, I didn't mean to," he said, laughing akwardly.

He seemed so different from Kei, he's more of a softie. Sure, Kei also has a soft side, but Akiteru seems to show it more than his younger brother.

"We'll walk you home," I heard Kei say, ignoring his brother.

"You don't have to -"

"Either way, we'll still walk in the same direction so no need to refuse," he said, before he started walking as Akiteru and I followed him.

Damn, I was just trying to be nice by saying that you don't have to... Geez, I always get outsmarted by this guy.


The walk home was pretty exciting for me, actually. I got to hear a few more stories from Akiteru about his experiences in volleyball now that he's in college. It feels so natural talking to him, it wasn't awkward at all.

"So, you're a classmate of Kei, right?" he asked, as I nodded.

"Yeah," I answered.

"I'm glad to hear that he's also closed to some people other than Tadashi," he said, with a smile across his face.

"You make that sound like Kei's a loner or something, haha!" I said, laughing.

"Don't talk about me as if I'm not in between the two of you," said Kei, looking a little bit irritated.

Akiteru and I both laugh, and then there was a few seconds of silence.

"Are you two dating?" asked Akiteru, all of a sudden.

I felt my face heat up and Kei also seemed shock with the sudden question.

"No," I heard Tsukishima say, I looked up at him and his face has no sign of any expression whatsoever. I shrugged it off. I mean, why would I be bother by it? It's not like there's something going on between us, other than this confusing feelings. It wasn't a big deal.

"Yeah, no," I said, agreeing.

Akiteru somehow looked disappointed.

"O-oh, I'm sorry for assuming," he said, apologizing, while scratching the back of his head. I waved both of my hands at him, giving him a smile.

"No, no, it's alright," I said, I looked back at the street and saw that we were getting near to my house. It was almost time to part ways with the two Tsukishimas.

The three of us stopped in front of my house, we saw that the lights inside were on, indicating that my parents were home. Akiteru kept on walking a few steps before realizing that Kei and I had stopped, then walked back to us.

"This is my house. Thanks for unintentionally walking me home, Kei and Akiteru," I said, emphasizing the word 'unintentionally' like always.

Though this time I saw Kei smirk. Akiteru just looked at the both of us, not understanding the inside joke between us.

"Yeah, yeah, just go inside already," he said, patting my head. Of course, I blushed because of his actions.

Why you gotta be like that, huh?!

"Bye, then, it was nice meeting you, Akiteru," I said, bowing to the two before walking back to my house. I looked back and saw that Akiteru was waving back at me while Kei had started walking away already.

I waved back, after that Akiteru realized that his brother had already walked off and immediately followed him. I laughed to myself because of this.

"I'm home," I said as I got inside my house.


What excuse should I make up this time?

I started thinking about what kind of excuse I'll be telling my teachers so I can leave school early to go to the Karasuno's volleyball match.

Should I tell them I wasn't feeling well, again? I mean, it has been a month since my last excuse about that, maybe my teacher won't mind. No, they probably will.

Argh! I wanna watch the match now!!

I was too focused on thinking for an excuse that I didn't even realize that it was already lunch break. I sighed, taking out my bento and shuffling to the left towards the window. I glanced over at the desk that was behind mine, Kei's desk. It was empty, of course.

I sighed once again.

Think, think, think....

Use how many brain cells you have in there, Y/N!!

"You know, what? Fuck it," I said, standing up before packing up my bento and sketchbook inside my bag.

I started walking to the Teacher's office, with full confidence. I was stomping like an ogre to the Teacher's office.

Shrek would be proud of me.

I found myself in front of the door that goes to the Teacher's office, I inhaled and exhaled.

I can do this.

I can do this.

I can do this.

I can...


I turned my back from the door. WHY AM I SUCH A CHICKEN?!

I heard the door behind me open.

"L/N?" I turned around and saw my art club advisor.


"Do you need anything?"

I looked down at the floor.

"You can tell me, come inside."

I followed her inside the office, greeting the other teachers in the process.

Art // Tsukishima Kei x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now