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3rd Person's POV:

The captain of the Karasuno volleyball club said his closing remarks and other reminders to the team before dismissing them.

Y/N had left the gym about an hour early because she was told by her parents that they'll be going home really late so, she needed to go home early to buy some things to eat for dinner. It was nothing new, ever since she was in middle school it's always the same. Her parents aren't always home, due to work.

After cleaning up the gym, everyone was starting to pack up their things and was ready to go home after a long day. Daichi had announced that he'll be treating the team with some steamed buns because of the hardwork they did today.

"Tsukishima, Yamaguchi, come with us!" Sugawara said to the two, who was a already ahead from the rest.

"I'd rather not -"

"Sure!" said Yamaguchi, ignoring Tsukishima's glares. Yamaguchi followed the group, as Tsukishima sighed before walking up to them knowing that he doesn't have any other choice but to go follow.

To be honest, he was also starving so, steamed buns would do the job until he got to his house for a decent dinner.

The group was walking down the road, chatting pretty loudly talking about stuff that happened earlier in practice.

"Your serves is getting really good Kinoshita," said Narita to his fellow second year.

"Yeah, you're really getting better at serving! I'm really enjoying receiving them!" exclaimed Nishinoya.

"Thanks," said Kinoshita smiling at his friends, as Ennoshita patted his back congratulating his friend.

"Don't get too cocky, I'll show you my serves are really good as well!" challenged Tanaka to Kinoshita, raising his fist up the air.

"You're so inspiring, Tanaka-senpai!" said Hinata, jumping up and down, as he mimicked Tanaka raising his fist up the air.

"Haha, say it again!"


"What about me, Hinata?" asked Nishinoya to the oranged hair kid.

"I hope I'll receive someday like you, Nishinoya-senpai!" exclaimed Hinata, excitedly as he watched his senpais eye lit up.

"That's right!" Nishinoya laughed, putting both of his hands at the side of his waists.

"Receiving, huh? Finally you'll get good at something," snickered Tsukishima, looking down at Hinata who was now glaring at him.

"Shut up, Stingyshima!"

"I would if I can hear you down there," the tall blonde guys smirked, adjusting his glasses.

"Tsukishima, you - !"

"Oi, Hinata!" shouted Kageyama. "Don't forget, you just hit Y/N earlier on the chin!"

"I - I already said sorry to her!" Hinata said, his voice had a hint of sadness.

"Don't be too harsh on him, Kageyama," said Sugawara, patting his fellow setter's back. "Y/N already said she was alright."

Tsukishima felt unease with the idea of Kageyama being concerned to Y/N. How did he even know her? They don't seem that close though.

Questions clouded Tsukishima's mind as they got to the store. Daichi had told the rest of the guys to wait outside as him and Sugawara buy some steamed buns. The rest of the group didn't complain to this as they let the two third years inside the store.


Y/N L/N's POV:

I walked around the store with my earphones on, restraining my hearing, along with my giant hoodie that goes straight down to my thighs and some leggings. I wore a giant hoodie because It was the closes thing to me before I left the house. I stood in front of an isle debating whether or not I'll eat instant ramen instead of just cooking something at home.

Well, instant ramen is considered cooking. I think anything that requires fire to an edible food is considered cooking, I think.

I just said, "fuck it", and just took 2 pack of instant ramen. I'm already hungry, I don't wanna bother spending an hour to make something that'll probably taste okay. I started walking to the cashier as I saw two familiar faces, making me take off one of my earphone from my ear.

"Oh, Y/N!" Sugawara said, waving at me, the volleyball club captain was with him as well. I think his name was Daichi.

Haha, Sugamama and Dadchi.

I tried my best not to laugh because of the thought, as I waved back at Sugawara at the counter.

"Done with practice?" I asked, stating the obvious.

"Yeah, how about you?" asked Daichi, as I placed down the 2 pack of instant ramen.

"I bought a quick dinner for myself," I said, pointing down at the packs.

"That's not very healthy," said Sugawara. I'm not your child.

"It's fine, unlike you guys I don't have to worry too much about what I eat," I said, paying for my instant ramens.

"Still, it's good to be healthy," Daichi said, taking the bag of steamed buns from the person at the cashier. "Would you like some steamed buns?"

Sugawara, Daichi and I walked out of the store, as he offered me one of the steamed buns.

"Oh, no thanks, It's fine -"

"Just take it, Y/N!" said Sugawara, as he took my hand and placed the steamed bun on top of it.

"Y/N!" I heard my name get called as I looked up front I saw the whole Karasuno volleyball club, waiting outside the store.

"Hey," I said, as I took the steamed bun that Sugawara gave me. Daichi and Sugawara starts giving out the steamed buns to the other guys. "What are you all doing here?"

"Daichi-senpai is kind enough to treat us with steamed buns!" Hinata said, showing off his steamed bun before taking a bite, I chuckled at him.

"You're adorable," I said, patting his head, as I saw his face turn to red. "Uhm, Hinata - ?"

"Y/N CALLED ME ADORABLE!" Hinata shouted, as the other guys looked at him.

I saw Nishinoya and Tanaka look at Hinata with a shocked face, as I saw Kageyama and Tsukishima glare at him. I didn't mind the two, I just laughed at Hinata's reaction.

"I can't blame her, haha," Yamaguchi said, laughing as well.

"That's alright, Yamaguchi, you're adorable, too!" I told him, placing my hand on top of his shoulder. Yamaguchi laughed at this.

"I don't really think I am, but thanks," he said, scratching the back of his head.

"Really? Well, you should think so," I said, smiling widely at him, before taking a bite of my steamed bun.

"What about us, Y/N?! What about us?! Are we adorable too?!" I heard Tanaka and Nishinoya ask, as they got really close to my face making me startled.

"I mean, you're all adorable!" I said, admitting it.

I mean, they are all adorable. How come not may girls from Karasuno like these guys?

Everyone was silent because of what I said. I looked at them one by one and saw that they were all blushing, except for Tsukishima who was covering his face from something. I wonder if he's okay? I also realized that I also called Kageyama adorable, making me regret my decision on saying anything.


How come even though they only met me today, they're already acting like they've known since day 1?

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