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Y/N L/N's POV:

I won't blame you if your favorite team is Fukurodani, because they are really good.

Even though Bokuto is just slumping at the back of the court, the team still managed to get ahead of us. Their other teammates was also really good, I'm actually quite relieved to know that they aren't the type of team that only leans on their ace to achieve victory.

Due to Akaashi's setter dump, it was a match point for Fukurodani. The next round, Tsukishima managed to block the spike, which was a total shut out. I saw Kuroo from the other side of the gym smirking at Tsukishima like it's his own son or pupil finally growing.

"Nice one, Tsukishima!" I said, the Karasuno team seemed quite surprised at my sudden reaction, especially Tsukishima.

"Thanks..." he said, quietly adjusting his glasses, as I saw a hint of pink across his cheeks.

I felt myself blush as well, only realizing now what I just did. I also saw Tadashi, smile at me when he saw me trying to cover my blushing face with my hair.

"Tsukishima, that's not how you talk to a girl!" said Tanaka, nudging him.

"Like you'd know how to, Tanaka," said Tsukishima, making Tanaka hit him at the back really hard.


They were stopped by the whistle of the referee and the match continued. The ball went over the net towards Fukurodani's side, and was received perfectly. Akaashi was getting ready to toss the ball, he tossed to Bokuto, finally. The ball made a loud sound hitting the ground, as I grew impressed once again. Fukurodani won the match.

This seemed to lighten Bokuto up once again.

"Nice job, Ace!"

"I'm truly the best! Hey hey heyy!"

"...hey hey hey..."

Karasuno did their one last lap of diving drills, and the week long Tokyo Camp was soon over.

I saw Nishinoya, Asahi, Tanaka and Sugawara practicing more, as I walked up to Tsukishima and Tadashi.

"Here," I said, giving them both a towel and water. "You guys did great!"

"For that one match, sure," said Tsukishima, as he wipe away his sweats from his forehead.

"You may have won about 1 percent of the matches that you guys played, but you all had your moments of improvement," I said, giving both of them a small smile.

"Thanks, Y/N," said Tadashi.

"No worries, Tadashi!" I said, patting his back.

"Since when are you guys in a first name basis?" asked Tsukishima, raising an eyebrow.

"I don't know, it just kinda happened," I said, looking up at him. "Do you want me to call you 'Kei' from now on?"

I saw Tsukishima, I mean, Kei avoid eye contact. I saw Tadashi, smile while chuckling a little bit because of Kei's reaction.

"Do what you want," he said, as I smiled.

We, then, saw Kageyama and Hinata talking about something.

"It's a good thing being that stupid isn't contagious," said Kei, making Tadashi and I laugh.

"Y/N!" I heard Kiyoko call out for me. "Can you please give us a hand with cutting vegetables?"

"Sure, I'll be there in a sec!" I said, waving at her. "See you guys!"

I patted Kei and Tadashi's backs before walking pass them and following Kiyoko outside the gymnasium.


Tsukishima Kei's POV:

Is this a level up?

Y/N calling me by my first name. I hate how much this makes me feel. It's just a name that I get to hear my whole life, but when she said it my heart a skipped a beat. What's wrong with me?

I recalled the things that had happened in this week long Tokyo Camp.

First, Y/N was interested in athletes due to my brother. She saw the match that my brother played in and because of that she was inspired by him. I've almost forgotten how much my brother also inspired me when watching his matches.

How come I've never seen her in his matches?

I wish I did see her in those matches. Maybe then, I won't have such a hard time building up a relatuonship with her. I don't care if it's a platonic or a romantic relationship, either way I'd be happy. Even what relationship we have now, I'm already satisfied with it.


I'm lying to myself. I know deep down that I'd be absolutely pissed if someone tries to steal her from me. I'm not an idiot to run away and lie to myself about that, even though I just did.

For the past few days, I've seen Y/N's expression when watching other players. The excitement from her eyes made me jealous that I wasn't the one she was looking and admiring at.

Especially the way she looks at Fukurodani's ace, I can see the admiration that she has to Bokuto just by looking at her face. Also the way she looked at Kageyama and Hinata when they did their new fast attack. I know, I'm getting jealous, I'm not stupid to not know that.

Yamaguchi and I walked outside the gym, as we saw the other teams waiting for everything to be set up. I looked over to where the managers are and saw Y/N.

She saw a another manager who was crying because of the onions she was cutting. Y/N took the knife away from the manager and gave her a tissue, before Y/N took over with the onions and cut it herself.

"Tsukki, are you alright?" I heard Yamaguchi say, making me look at him.

"Yeah," I simply said, I feel my face heat up a little bit.

Why does he always catch me looking at her? Ffs.

"You were looking at Y/N, weren't you?" He said, smirking.

After what happened at the 2nd day of the camp, when Yamaguchi started shouting at me out of nowhere. He had this new energy around him, I don't know what gotten into him.

Maybe because he also got a level up since Y/N started calling him by his first name as well...

I shook off the thought, since it was a stupid conclusion. There's no room for stupidity inside my brain.

"Shut up, Yamaguchi," I said, before walking pass him to go to Fukurodani's setter to talk to him about Bokuto's slumps at our last match.

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