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[A little disclaimer; there will be a little bit of angst in the following 2 or 3 chapters, so yeah, enjoy!!]

Tsukishima Kei's POV:

I was kind of disappointed that Y/N wasn't gonna watch our match, but at least I won't have to worry about looking good in front of her. 

Earlier, I didn't mean to catch her attention while I was shirtless. I just saw her staring at the other guys and I just told her to "stop staring". I only realized it when Yamaguchi pointed it out, I felt myself blush a little bit. I can be real stupid when she's here.

The team that we were up against finally showed up inside the gym, as we all lined up to greet them.

Takeda-sensei started introducing the other team, but my mind was thinking of other stuff that I'm not suppose to be thinking at this moment.

What was Y/N's relationship with Kageyama back in middle school?

Were they close?

I've noticed that Y/N's sketches of Kageyama were the most accurate out of all her other sketches. That's not a big deal, right?

Why did Y/N leave early today?

How much taller can I get? I wonder how dinosaurs have se -

That was a random one.

Anyways, before I knew it we were starting the warmups as I shook off the thoughts from my mind.


Y/N L/N's POV:

5:34 pm

I just finished cleaning the whole house, I sighed to myself before I flopped down at the couch. Honestly, I could be a really good housewife if you ask me. I wonder if I've already met my future husband - okay there's no time to be thinking about that, I'm hungry and have homework to do.

I pull myself up from the couch before walking up to the kitchen, opening the fridge to look for what I can eat. I saw some leftover pizza from last night that I ordered because I couldn't be bothered to cook, I took 2 slices out and put them on a plate to microwave it.

I put the pizza inside the microwave, and then now I have 2 minutes to rethink my life choices as I wait for my pizza to be done.

I looked at the calendar as I saw that the training camp and the week long Tokyo Camp was getting close, as well as the final exams. To be honest though, both of the camp made me nervous more than the final exams. I just know that I won't be needed in the camp and I'm just scared of feeling so left out from all of them, then I'll be really awkward afterwards. I just have a hunch that it'll go really bad.

I wonder which teams are gonna be in that camp? I hope Seijoh won't be there so that I won't have to face Kindaichi and Kunimi, don't get me wrong I love them as friends but, I just don't want a reunion. I just know it'll be awkward, especially if Kageyama will be there.

I known that Karasuno had a few matches with them before, especially at their last match that went on for about 3 sets and was neck on neck with the scores above 30. It was a really impressive match, I got to watch it in person. When I was watching the match, I wasn't sure if I'll be supporting Aoba Jousai or Karasuno, but I watched it anyways.

I always feel guilty whenever Tsukishima would call Kageyama "King", leaving him really pissed at the nickname.

That's because you were the one who thought of the name, Y/N, good job.

I thought to myself as I recalled the events back in middle school.

~flashback brought to you by Kageyama's stage actor~

I was sat down at a park along with Kunimi and Kindaichi. They were talking about their last match in volleyball, I wasn't really paying too much attention on their conversation because I was too focused with the flower that I was sketching.

"Oi, Y/N," I heard Kindaichi say.

"Hm?" that was all I can manage as an answer, not even looking at them.

"What do you think of Kageyama Tobio? You know, that setter from our volleyball team," my attention turned to them, as I felt my whole face blush.

Kageyama Tobio is my current crush. I've had a crush on him since the first time I saw him play, which was back in first year of middle school. I found him really cute, even though some would call him 'scary' I didn't mind. To be honest, I can't see him as a scary looking person. His face looks so innocent and kind, why would anyone call him scary?

"Hello, Y/N?" said Kindaichi, as I snapped out of my thoughts.

"What?" I asked.

"Y/N L/N.exe has stopped responding," I hear Kunimi say, as he smirked at my blushing face.

"Nevermind that, I was wondering what your thoughts with Kageyama are?" asked Kindaichi once again.

"I-I think... he's a good volleyball player," I said, almost like a whisper.

"Yeah, he is pretty good, but the way he treats his teammates are just plain out being a jerk," said Kindaichi, as I looked at him raising an eyebrow.

"What do you mean? How does he treat you guys?" I asked, curiosity filling up my veins.

"He's been acting really bossy and would always set really fast that no one can spike! Since now one can spike his sets, he would get really mad and blame it at everyone for not being good enough," said Kindaichi, it was really visible he was really angry. I mean, Kindaichi isn't really that hard to read.

"He just gives orders that none of us wants and can't do," added Kunimi, opening his water bottle and taking a sip.

I looked back at the park and stared from afar.

"He's like a king... a king that no one obeys to..." I mumbled, not realizing that Kindaichi and Kunimi had heard it.

"Y/N," I heard Kindaichi say, I looked at him and saw him smile. "That's a good one! Kageyama Tobio, the King. Haha!"

I laughed awkwardly at what he said, not knowing that it will soon be the nickname that Kageyama will despise in the future.

~end of flashback brought to you by Oikawa's stage actor~

I heard a beep from the microwave as I came back from my senses. I remember witnessing Kageyama's last match back in middle school. Everyone seemed to have their back on him, as I heard a few sneer his nickname, the "King", in the crowd making me feel really guilty.

I'm sorry, Kageyama.

I shook off the thought as I reassured myself that Kageyama's doing fine now and that he has the whole Karasuno volleyball team behind his back. He'll be fine. Honestly, I've been thinking a lot of Kageyama. Maybe, this should have been a Kageyama x Reader rather than Tsukishima Kei x Reader. Who and what am I talking about?

I sighed, taking my pizza out of the microwave then, getting a glass of water before going up the stairs to my room. I'll be needing some energy while finishing up my homework.

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