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Y/N L/N's POV:

Finals exams, huh?

Time to study, at the day before the exams because I'm lazy like that and is a huge procrastinator. Sometimes I wonder how I got good grades and how I was in an advanced class. Do I look that good of a student for the teachers to not give me a bad grade? Dang, being quiet really do pay off when inside a classroom.

It has been a week after I started going to the volleyball club's practice to sketch, and in that short amount of time they've become more comfortable around me. Every time they would have a break some of them would check up on me asking me which one of them I drew. They seemed really excited whenever they see a drawing of them on my sketchbook, it was flattering.

"When we get to the Nationals and got famous, we'll definitely remember the first artist who made a fanart of us!" said Tanaka that one time at practice, I laughed at this comment.

Should I start drawing ships of them from now on? No, I shouldn't, they'll feel uncomfortable.

I thought to myself, chuckling at the idea.

It was lunch break and I just realized I've forgotten my drink at home, making me sigh because I'd have to go to the vending machine to get a drink. I cursed to myself before standing up, as I felt someone looked at me.

"You're actually standing up at lunch break?" I heard Tsukishima say from behind.

"I forgot my drink," I told him, before walking pass him but he grabbed my wrist.

I felt my whole face heat up, as I tried to calm myself I looked back at him and saw that he was also looking at me.

"Do you need anything?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah," he said, I waited for him to continue. "Wait."

He, then, lets go of my wrist before shuffling inside his bag to get something. What is he up to?

"Give me your hand," he said, I felt myself blush even more.


"Give me your hand."

I pulled up my hand towards him, as I saw him put a few coins on top of my palm.

"What -"

"Can you buy me a juice from the vending machine?" he said, not even waiting for an answer, but instead he just turned around while saying a simple, "Thanks."

"Why bother asking if you're just gonna ignore me before answering?" I told him, I also didn't wait for him to answer, but instead I walked outside the classroom to go to the nearest vending machine.

Honestly, that guy! My heart's beating so fast, I feel like I just ran a marathon. Wait, how do I know how that feels like? I've never ran a marathon before.

I shook off the thought when I saw Kiyoko in front of Class 1-5 talking to a girl who was smaller than Hinata and has blond hair. Oh, she's the girl who went that one time at practice and said that she was gonna check if she'd want to be the next manager. Forgot her name though...

I didn't really caught what they were talking about, that made me curious a little bit. After they were done Kiyoko thanked her before walking off. Kiyoko then, spotted me as I waved at her as she smiled back before she walked pass me.

I looked back at the small girl as she was mumbling under her breath.

"I have no knowledge about volleyball whatsoever! I -"

"Excuse me?" I said, as she was caught off guard. She looked up at me.

"So t-tall..." she mumbled, but I could still hear her. "Oh, you're the girl from the art club!"

Art // Tsukishima Kei x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now