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[First of all, Thank you for 100+ reads!! I'm sorry this chapter is a bit boring...]

Y/N L/N's POV:

I sat down at my desk with my earphones on whiles waiting for the teacher to get inside the classroom and start the day. I had my sketchbook wide open in front of me but, I just can't seem to draw anything. This is weird.

I guess I'm just having art blocks today, or not. I sinked down at my chair resting my head looking up at the classroom's white ceiling, sighing before closing my eyes.

"Look at you strawberry blond.
Fields rolling on
I love it when you call my name."

I opened my eyes once again, but instead of the classroom's white ceiling there was Tsukishima leaning on his desk whiles looking down at me, smiling. I feel my face heat up.

"Can you hear the bumblebees swarm?
Watching your arm
I love it when you look my way."

"Good morning, Y/N," I hear him say through the lyrics of the song Strawberry Blond by mitski.

"Oh, good morning, Tsukishima," I said, trying to act calm.

We stayed like that for a few seconds as his smile grew wider, as my face heats up more.

I slowly put both of my hands at the side of his face, he seemed stunned with what I was doing but, he let me continue anyways.
It felt like we were the only people inside the classroom, I looked at him in the eyes and he looked back at me. He grabbed both of my hands that were at the side of his face.
Tsukishima Kei, you make me weak.
He then starts to close the gap between us as he slowly gets closer to my face. He keeps looking down at my lips then back to my eyes. I don't know what he's thinking, I don't seem to care that much.
All I know is that I also want to close the gap between us, he was inches to millimeters away.
I can feel his breath brushing against my lips, he's so close.
Before I knew it -

I snapped out of my own imagination and quickly sat down properly. I covered my face with my hair as I feel my face heat up.

This feeling is too familiar, I don't like it. The way he makes me feel is the same way when I first met that stupid milk guy. I hate this.

We only interacted with each other for about a day and now I'm acting like this?! Talk about easy to get.

Why did my mind suddenly went to me kissing him?! I -

He's just the guy that I've been sitting in front of this whole school year, what's the big deal! I can't wait to disappoint myself with these feelings and my own imagination. I looked up at the classroom door, praying that our teacher would just come inside the classroom and start the lesson already!

I flopped my head down on top of my sketchbook with a loud thud. I can feel the stares of my classmates, but good thing my social anxiety didn't took this opportunity to be worried about nothing.

I felt a pencil poking me on the shoulder.

"Oi! Oi! Y/N!" I heard Tsukishima call out, as I lazily lift my head and turned around to look at him.

"What?" I said with no expression whatsoever, before I knew it, he started laughing making me confused. "Why are you laughing?"

"You have a huge red circle on your forehead!" he said, still laughing. I didn't mind the red circle in my forehead I already know that it's from me smashing my forehead against my desk, but seeing him laugh kinda calms me. I don't know why?

"You're actually laughing," I said, grinning at him when he finally stopped.

"I'm not an emotionless smart ass character in an anime," he said, leaning on his desk, smirking.

"I can see that," I said, looking at him.

After that our teacher finally came and had to make an excuse about something, like being caught up with a conversation with a another teacher or maybe it was too crowded in the train station, either way none of us students care about why you teachers are late. We just wanna survive this hell hole.

But, this time, our teacher has been my saviour.


Lunch break!

Time to relax with my earphones and sketchbook, while drawing random people I would definitely see around the halls. Before I could put on my earphones I felt someone tap my shoulder, I turned around and saw Yamaguchi with a pack of pocky on hand. Tsukishima was sitting beside him, with his chin rested on top of his palm.

"Want some?" he asked, I smiled at him and kindly took one.

"Thanks," I said, putting the pocky in my mouth as I put in my earphones without a care in the world.


Tsukishima Kei's POV:

"Tsukki?" whispered Yamaguchi, I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Why are you whispering?" I said, as he got closer to my desk.

"How did it go with you and Y/N when walking her home?" he asked, still whispering, I feel my face blush and looked away. He saw this and smirked. "It went fine, huh?"

"Shut up, Yamaguchi," I said, filling my mouth with rice.

"You two seemed closer," he said, as I took one last glare at him as he laughs. "Alright, I won't ask anymore questions!"

"You do know she's just in front of us?" I told him, whispering.

"She can't hear us," he said, as he starts snapping his fingers behind Y/N's back who was too busy drawing.

I rolled my eyes at Yamaguchi as we continued eating our lunch.

I then starts to recall the events this morning. What was she thinking? Why would she smash her forehead on the table? Is she trying to be meme? If she is, I'd still like her. Wait - what?!

I looked up at her, as I saw her scribbling down on her sketchbook. Then, I remembered, did she fix the sketch she did of me? The one that the idiot Tangerine ruined? I wanna see that sketch, actually I wanna see all of her sketches.

I want to open the door to her imagination through her sketchbook.

I hope she'll let me.

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