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Y/N L/N's POV:

After announcing that I will be accompanying the Karasuno volleyball club in the future, one by one they introduced themselves to me. I tried my best to remember all of their names, but I'll probably memorize them unintentionally as the days goes by.

I tried to categories each and one of them so that I can remember them easily.

1, the captain, aka the dad.

2, the mom, I can already tell.

3, the softie intimidating looking guy.

4, the libero, the small simp.

5, the other but, tall simp.

6, the next captain.

7, the adorable senpai.

8, the one who'll take #3's place of being a softie.

9, Kageyama Tobio, creepy milk guy, who I had a crush on back in middle school.

10, the small tangerine.

11, Tsukishima Kei, the guy who sits behind me in class.

12, Yamaguchi Tadashi, the guys who I got paired with that one time for a project.

That sounds about right. The only people I actually know here are Tsukishima, Yamaguchi and that milk guy. Great, this will be great.

Their captain took charge afterwards as they continued their warmups. I walked at the front of the court towards the stage and helped myself up, sitting down before pulling out my sketchbook.

They seemed to be pretty unique individuals, not gonna lie. But, that wasn't why I was here, I was here to draw them not to analyze them. Well, I do need to analyze them for the anatomy.

Anyways, I waited for them to finish their warmups since it wasn't that exciting to draw. Every now and then, I'd catch a few eye contacts from some of them, mostly Tsukishima but, he seemed unfazed and would usually just look away. Am I that weird looking? Is there something wrong with my face? Yes, everything about it is wrong.

After finishing their warmups, they started pairing themselves into two teams to start playing. I don't know that much about volleyball, except for the rules and positions, but other than that I have no idea on anything else. But, I do know that I can be that one anime character in the crowd explaining everything that the main characters do for the people watching who can't process what's happening.

When they started playing, I started sketching. The first person that I started sketching was their libero, he seemed to stretch his arms and legs a lot and do a lot of cool poses especially that one move that he calls "Rolling Thunder". I think it's pretty cool, childish, but cool.

It took me about 20 minutes to finish sketching their libero, I think his name is Nishinoya since I would casually hear them say "Nice receive, Nishinoya!" after he received the ball. From a girl who don't know that much about volleyball, I was pretty amazed.

After one sketch, I looked around the team to see whom I'll be sketching next. My eyes stopped at their second year, I think his name was Kinoshita. He was pretty skilled at serving, still needs some work, but he is pretty skilled. I tried to remember his pose as he served the ball earlier.

After Kinoshita served the ball, the other team receives it, the person who received it was Tsukishima. I saw the ball fly up as I heard the mom of the group, I think his name was Sugawara, shout "Nice receive!" before setting the ball to the shaved head guy who simps over the manager along with the libero. My eyes widened as he spiked the ball straight down, scoring a point.

They're really good.

I thought to myself, continuing my sketch of Kinoshita. 15 minutes later, I was done with sketching. It was a pretty simple sketch, I just got to emphasize the pose not putting too much details on the drawing.

"Nice receive!" I heard a familiar voice call out, it was Kageyama. I saw him move a little backwards for the ball, I also saw that he looked at his teammates before setting the ball and calling out a name. "Hinata!"

The small tangerine from the other side of the net jumped high, like really high, making me watch him in awe. But, before he could spike the ball it was too short, the other team scored.

"Kageyama!" The small flying tangerine shouted.

I looked over at Kageyama as he seemed pissed about his set, can't blame him though. He looked at my direction as I was caught off guard, he looks like he was glaring at me but, looking back at his previous actions back in middle school it's just his usual stare and he just can't seem to soften his expression. I think that's the case.

"Sorry," I heard Kageyama say, as he bowed down to his senpais.

"Shake it off, it's alright," I heard the Jesus looking guy say, as Kageyama nodded to him.

I looked over at the flying tangerine as I was still in awe about his jump. It was really impressive, such an adorable baby crow. I tried remembering his pose, as I started sketching him. He looks like he was flying, and that just inspired something in me. I don't know what it is. I just felt a sudden joy after seeing him like that.

I heard a whistle from their manager, it seems that Tsukishima's team won the first match because of the error that happened between Kageyama and the flying tangerine. As they walked at the side of the court, drinking and wiping off their sweat, I looked back up to look for the small tangerine but he was nowhere to be found.

"Hi!" I heard someone say that made jump a little. I looked over of my right as I saw the tangerine smiling up at me. "I'm Hinata Shoyo!"

"Oh, nice to meet you. Your jump was really impressive," I told him, as his eyes widened with excitement.

"Really?!" He said, as he jumped up at the stage to sat down beside me. "That jump felt really good, but Bakageyama has to ruin it for me!"

"Bakageyama?" I said, smiling at the nickname. Yeah, that's right, he's an idiot.

"Hey there," I heard someone say as well. I looked to see who it was and saw a familiar face.

"Oh, Yamaguchi," I said, smiling at him.

"Would you mind me looking at your sketch?" He asked, as he got closer to Hinata and I.

I nodded at him as I gave him my sketchbook, Hinata also looked at it. I blushed slightly as their faces turned surprised.

"Woah! This sketch looks so good!" exclaimed Hinata. "Look, that's me! That was my jump earlier!"

"How did you sketch that so fast?" asked Yamaguchi.

"It's just a really simple sketch, nothing special -"

"Nothing special? That's more than special," A another voice say.

The three of us looked up, as I blushed at his statement.

"This is new, Tsukishima's complimenting someone!" Hinata said, as Tsukishima looked down at my sketchbook. "But, it is true, this is more than special!"

"I think it's pretty exquisite," said Yamaguchi as Hinata looked at him confused.

"What's 'ekuwisit'?" I didn't mean to laugh at this but, I did. The laugh was louder than I wanted it to be.

They seem pretty nice.

I think I'll enjoy my time here.

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