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Hello there!

This is kind of a tradition in this account so— uhm....

I won't be continuing this story.

Yeah... sorry about that. This is the second story that I did not continue. haha.

I'm just losing motivation to continue this, tbh I'm not even sure that people even enjoyed this story but this chapter will be THE LAST chapter.

Enjoy and sorry!

[P.S There's not much of Tsukishima in this chapter, so sorry]

Y/N L/N's POV:

I was sat down at the bus with the rest of the Karasuno team, heading back home. I was beside Kiyoko and Yachi the whole time, across to where I was sitting was Kageyama. Almost everyone was asleep, except for me, Hinata, Kageyama, Tanaka and Nishinoya.

I looked over at Kageyama's seat and saw that he was already looking at me, he noticed and looked away.

I thought nothing of it, as I remembered my conversation with Kei before we step foot inside the bus.

~flashback brought to you by 'I found you' and 'You found me'~

"You're a life saver, Kei," I said, sighing once we were out of sight from Terushima.

"Tch, just don't go near him - actually don't go near anyone who's like him," he said, he seemed annoyed but I knew he was just concerned.

"So, you do care..." I said, smirking up at him.

"Never said I did."

"You do, now."

"No, I don't."

"Yes, you do."

"No, I -"

"Yes, you do, Tsukki," we both heard Tadashi say.

"Shut up, Yamaguchi," snickered Kei.

"Sorry, Tsukki,"

~end of flashback brought to you by 'I love you' and 'Please don't leave me'~

I felt myself blush a little bit, remembering the scene that had happened a few moments ago. Tadashi and Kei was sat down behind where I was, asleep. Kei has his headphones and sleeping mask on, while Tadashi was drooling a little bit. They both looked adorable.


I looked to my left and saw Kageyama, he was holding up an extra carton of milk.

"I found extra milk in my bag, would you like one?" he asked, he looks intimidating at first look but I can see he's trying his hardest to not be awkward. Same.

"Thank you, Kageyama," I said, taking the milk carton from him. It was still cold, how the fuc - ?

"Kunimi and Kindaichi..." I heard Kageyama say, making me look back at him. "How are they?"

I smiled at his question.

"They're doing fine. I do still get to keep in touch with them," I said.

"Did they say anything about their practices?" he asked.

"If you're asking me to be a double spy, I'm not doing that. Anyways, they don't really text me that often since they practice a lot and just says that they're working hard through text," I simply said.

"I guess they're working hard with Iwaizumi and Oikawa -"

"You mean your parents?"


"What? Oh, nothing."

That was the end of that conversation. I started drinking the milk that Kageyama gave me as I start thinking about Kunimi and Kindaichi.

I wonder what those two idiots are up to. Well, Kunimi isn't really much of an idiot but he is when he's with Kindaichi. I guess being an idiot can be contagious sometimes.

Then, I remembered something. I wanna apologize to him. To Kageyama. I'm not even sure if he knows about what I'm apologizing for, but it'll help me get off this guilt that I've been feeling. That sounds really selfish of me...

"Hey, uhm, Kageyama," I said, he turned back to me. "I... I'm sorry..."

His eyes widened, and stopped drinking his milk.

"For what?" he asked, obviously confused.

"You know, that nickname... I mean, your nickname... The King..." I said, while scratching the back of my head.

"What about it?" he doesn't seem fazed about me mentioning his nickname.

"...It's my fault Kunimi and Kindaichi started calling you that..." I said, avoiding eye contact. "It wasn't on purpose! I swear! I wasn't really thinking when I said that, Kunimi and Kindaichi only took it out of context - but it's not like I'm blaming them it's just—"

"Y/N," I stopped and looked at Kageyama, he was smiling a little bit. It was not his scary smile, it was just a normal smile.

Goddammit don't look at me with that smil—

Wait, why is my heart not beating fast? Why am I not getting flustered with his smile? That's how it always is, right? I'd look at him and I'd be a blushing mess.

For the first time in four years, I didn't blush at Kageyama smiling while looking at me. Now that I'm thinking about it, I haven't really been blusing to Kageyama that often like I used to.

Is this....?

Is this... character development?

I didn't know even an insert name character can get a character development... Oh, right, the fourth wall...

"The nickname doesn't bother me as much like before anymore," he said, calmly. "Sure, I hate it when Beanpole calls me 'King', but that's about it. This team..."

Kageyama looked back at the seats behind us, I looked back as well. Everyone was asleep, I realized that even Hinata, Nishinoya and Tanaka fell asleep. They looked tired, but peaceful.

"This team made me realize that inside a court, I am not alone," he said, with determination in his voice. I looked at him, he now has his usual smirk proudly while looking at me. I smiled softly at him.

"I'm glad to hear that, Kageyama. I really am," I told him.

"Can I ask? How did my nickname start anyway?" he asked, all of a sudden.

I looked up front where Takeda-sensei and Coach Ukai were.

"Kunimi and Kindaichi were talking about you one time, they somehow got to the subject that you were tossing really fast that none of them can spike. They also said you were giving out orders to them and, you know what happened. At some point, I just mumbled that you're like a King who no one obeys to. They misunderstood what I said and thought it was an insult, but I didn't know that it'll be your nickname for the next years," I said, looking down at the milk carton Kageyama gave me.

"Hm," that was all he can say, he looked out of the window.

He looked serious and was deep in his own thoughts. I started to stare at him longer, but then he shot his head at me making me jump a little. He looked at me really intensely.

"What does 'mumble' mean?"

I stopped myself from laughing, but instead I let out a small 'pfft' while covering my mouth.

I found it hilarious because he seemed so serious while looking out of the window and when he was looking at me. You're telling me that he was only thinking about what 'mumble' means?! I swear, I can't with this guy—

"Did I say something funny?" Kageyama asked, innocently.

"Sorry, it's just—"

I can't talk while trying not to laugh.

Kageyama just looked at me dumbfounded, whiles I tried my best not to laugh to not disturb the others.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2020 ⏰

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