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Y/N L/N's POV:

"Oi, wake up," I heard someone say, as I felt someone continuously poking my cheek. I groaned and buried my face onto the pillow that I was hugging.

But then, I started to remember what had happened last night. About the 2 burglars that broke inside my house and crying onto Tsukishima's shoulders. I blushed, but my face heats up even more when I realized that the pillow that I was hugging isn't really a pillow. It was Tsukishima, I was hugging him tightly and had my face buried onto his chest.

Did I just thought of Tsukihima as a body pillow?

"Wake up, we're gonna be late," I heard Tsukishima say, as he continued poking my cheek.

I opened my eyes and looked up at him. He had his bed head and glasses on, it was obvious that he had just woke up. I realized our position and sat up really fast.

"Sorry..." I said, mumbling once I was already up, avoiding eye contact.

"It's fine. Do you want me to take a shower first or you go?" he asked, as if it wasn't awkward at all.

Maybe I'm the one who's making things awkward? Well, that's gonna be an addition to my list of skills I'm good at.

"You go first, don't worry about me," I told him, as he nodded.

"Alright, go downstairs, Mom's probably making breakfast now. Your stuff are also downstairs," he said, taking his towel before walking outside the room to go to the bathroom.

"Hey, Tsukishima," I called out for him, his head popped out from the side of the door.


"Thanks, again," I told him, giving him a faint smile.

"Don't mind it," he says before disappearing from the hallway as well.

Once he was gone, I sighed and buried my face on the bed. A lot had happened last night that I can't seem to process it fully.

From what I remembered, for the whole night I was just holding onto Tsukishima like a shy kid holding onto their mom. It was either holding onto his arm or his shirt.

I stood up from the bed and went downstairs. I recalled the events last night and remembered how Tsukishima's mom first saw me.

Geez, that was not a good first impression...

I thought to myself as I went down to the kitchen. The lady saw me come in and a smile grew across her face.

"Y/N, Good morning, how are you?" she asked, putting a plate down onto the table.

"I'm good now, thanks to you and Tsukish- Kei," I said. "Do you need some help with that?"

"Oh, no, no, no, it's fine. You go and sit down whiles I prepare the food," she said, taking the plate away from me when I tried to get one to place it onto the table.

"But -"

"No buts, dear, beside how's your wrist? Did Kei bandaged it nicely?" she asked, changing the subject. I looked down at my wrist and it was neatly wrapped in bandages.

"Yes, he did, Luckily it wasn't on my dominant hand," I said, as I insisted in helping her.

I was so eager to help her since I gave her and Tsukishima so much trouble, in the end, she had let me prepare breakfast and lunch for Tsukishima and I.



Tsukishima and I were walking down the street when I heard a familiar voice call out behind me. I turned around and saw Yamaguchi running up to us.

"Yamagu -" I was cut off because he suddenly hugged me tightly, I was caught off guard and almost fell to the ground.

"Yamaguchi, watch out her wrist, it's injured," Tsukishima say, as Yamaguchi and I broke apart from the hug.

"Sorry, Tsukki. Sorry, Y/N," he said, apologizing as I waved at him.

"It's alright," I told him.

Yamaguchi said that Tsukishima had told him everything that had happened just this morning and he wanted to see me as soon as possible to guarantee that I was okay. I felt so special when Yamaguchi said that.

Yamaguchi has also forwarded the message to Karasuno's group chat and they were all very concerned.

"Oh, right, a lot happened yesterday as well said Tanaka," Yamaguchi said, as I turned to him and raised an eyebrow. "Hinata and Kageyama had gotten into a fight, like an actual fight."

I was surprised with this. Hinata and Kageyama fighting? Not impossible, but I didn't expect it to be this bad.


When the three of us got inside the school, we were walking down the hallway and saw a lot of familiar faces in front of our classroom.

"Oi, stop shoving - !"

"I wasn't shoving you!"

"I wasn't talking to you, Ennoshita -"

"Where is she?"

"Where's Tsukishima and Yamaguchi as well?"

"Shouldn't they be with her by now?"

"Ehem," Tsukishima caught all of their attention. The whole Karasuno volleyball team was outside our classroom and was shuffling at the door to look inside the room.

They all turned around and spotted me. Their faces all lit up.

"Y/N!" They all shouted, they were ready to give me a group hug but Tsukishima stood in front of me as they stopped.

"No group hugs," Tsukishima said, coldly, as the whole team groaned. "Her wrist is injured, and she's still weak from the events last night. Don't frighten her. If you want to hug her do it one by one, not all at once."

I was stunned with Tsukishima's sudden protectiveness, I feel myself blush and relieved. Tsukishima slowly walked beside me, letting the Karasuno team hug me one by one.

Sugawara was in his full mom mode when the others hugged me.

"Tanaka! Nishinoya! Tsukishima said no group hugs!" shouted Sugawara as Tanaka and Nishinoya hugged me.

I laughed as Sugawara dragged the two away from me. Hinata was about to hug me, but was stopped by Tsukishima.

"Oi, stingyshima, what's the deal?!" said Hinata.

"Y/N lean down when you're hugging the tangerine," said Tsukishima to me, it took me a few seconds to get what he was saying.

If I hug Hinata while standing straight up, Hinata's face would be buried onto my chest like those scenes in an anime where a girl with huge breasts snuzzled a guy's face onto her chest. I blushed even more at Tsukishima's thoughtfulness and leaned down a little so that Hinata's face would just be facing my shoulder not my chest.

I hugged more of the club members, and the last one I hugged was Kageyama. After he hugged me he said:

"I'm glad you're alright."

I smiled at his comment, as I saw him blush a little bit. Throughout the whole thing, I can see that Hinata and Kageyama weren't talking to each other. They also have a few band aids here and there, it's probably because of their fight and also Tanaka's punch since they won't stop.

But, at the end of the day, I felt like I wasn't a burden to them. It feels like I was actually part of the team, even though I'm officially not.

We didn't care if we were really loud in the hallway and that a lot of people were staring at us. We just talked.

It feels great when you're a part of something so amazing.

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