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Y/N L/N's POV:

Same this, same that.

What am I Belle from Beauty and the Beast? Seeing the usual things that the people do around me and then unintentionally memorizing them?

I don't like talking. I don't like physical activities as well. I barely have enough energy to finish one artwork, why would I bother wasting energy on socializing and doing physical activities?

Call me a typical introverted artist and I'd high five you for that, agreeing in the process.

I used to have a lot of energy as a kid, I was pretty loud. But, I didn't know that energy was something to be saved for the future because now, I have no energy to do anything.

Probably the only thing that will give me energy is food, but that's not enough to convince me to run a lap. I get tired on just running up the stairs and you want me to run a lap?

I know all of my classmates, by names and faces, not by personalities or whatever people recognize people these days. I don't think socializing in high school is that important, I mean, how many people will you guarantee that will actually stay in your life? Sure, maybe 1 or 2, but that's beside the point. Though, if you're lucky, they might stay for a life time.

Dating though? Same reason, I don't take special treatment. If you're lucky enough to find your true love in high school then, congratulations you have accomplished feeling like you're in a romance movie. But, for most people, high school love are just temporary.

Crushes? I crushed them. They disappoint me and I disappoint myself for having them. Thanks to that guy I met back in middle school, who is still in the same school but in a different class who's obsess with milk all the time that made me want to get up from my desk to go to the vending machine next to the gym because that's where you usually buy your milk and I might catch a glimpse of you. Damn you, Kageyama Tobio.

I've seen a few of your matches, and sketched a few of your poses. I know that sketching you won't make you like me back, but I still do so. Well, that was back in middle school.

I still hate you for picking Karasuno as your school, you could've gone to Shiratorizawa. But, I guess I'm just unlucky.

I tried my best to connect with a few people in my class, including that green haired fleckled boy that I got paired with one time in a group project. I did enjoy my time being around that Yamaguchi guy, I liked him, he was really nice. But, I'm not that social enough to maintain what chance of friendship I had with him.

Besides, he seems really attached with that Tsukishima guy who sat behind me and always has headphones around his neck. His last name is the same as my favorite ace back then, though I never really asked him if they had any relation. I wonder what songs he listens to? Who cares, he probably don't care what I listen to as well.

Back to Yamaguchi, maybe Tsukishima is his childhood friend or they went to the same school last year? I don't mind, I just got curious a little bit because I would accidentally eavesdrop on their conversation at lunch break while sketching. They seemed pretty close, and both of them are in the same club.

They were in the volleyball club, so meaning they're teamed with my ex-crush. Why can't I move on with that creepy milk guy? He can't even smile normally.

Anyways, in class I try to maintain my grades. Keep you grades high and we'll let you do what you want, says my parents. Whenever they'd see my report card, they would ask me what I would want as a reward for my high grades. I disappoint them everytime I ask for a new anime merch that I can't be bothered to buy with my own money, but because they're such good parents they give it to me. Just because that's the deal.

Besides showing my report card, my parents aren't always home, meaning I'm always alone in our house. That's probably the reason why I normalize spending some alone time every now and then after a huge gathering, also a another reason why I taught myself how to cook and deal with stuff. Thank the internet.

I was sat down at my desk, in my usual position on lunch break. I was peacefully sketching a random beautiful girl, sat down at a bench outside. She was wearing glasses and have medium length hair, I think she's a third year and is the manager of the volleyball club.

How did I know this? Well, the boys can't stop talking about her whenever she'd visit Tsukishima and Yamaguchi to tell them about volleyball things. What a bunch of simps. To be honest though, I can't blame them, I'd simp for her as wel -

"Y/N?" I felt someone tap my shoulder, I looked over to my left and saw Yamaguchi. I took off my earphones as I looked at him.

"Yeah?" I asked, smiling a little trying to look polite.

"Oh, someone's asking for you at the door," Yamaguchi said, kindly, smiling at me. I never properly hanged out with him but, I can tell he's a cinnamon roll.

I looked over at the door and saw my fellow club member, forgot her name though. I think she's a second year.

"Thanks for telling me, Yamaguchi," I said, smiling at him as I placed down my sketchbook and pencil before walking up at the door.

I saw the second year girl and smiled at her, she smiled back.

"Do you need me with anything, senpai?" I asked.

"Our club advisor wanted to see you in the teacher's office," she said.

"Right now?" I asked, please say no.

"Yes. Follow me," she said, turning around not even bothering to wait for my answer. I cursed under my breath as I followed her towards the teacher's office.

I didn't know teachers actually noticed me? I blended too much in the 'good students' category that they don't even bother to make a double take when seeing me around the halls, why would they -

"Ow!" I said, louder than I wanted ut to be. I'm too lost in my thoughts.

"Sorry," I heard the guy who I bumped into said, I looked up and saw the last face I wanted to see around the school grounds.

"My bad, I wasn't looking where I was going. Sorry," I said quickly, then ran up to the second year girl.

"Kageyama, look where you're going!" I heard a boy say behind me, as I walked pass him.

"Shut up, you tangerine!"

Can you also please tell my heart to stop beating so fast?

I hate it.

Art // Tsukishima Kei x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now