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Y/N L/N's POV:

"S-shouldn't we stop them? I think they'll lose their braincells in that conversation," I said, looking at Yaku and Akaashi.

"What braincells?" said Yaku, casually, as I tried not to laugh.

"Just let them be, they'll stop any second now," he said, looking back at the two.

Just like Akaashi said, they did stop. I explained to them why I was in their Tokyo Camp and they both seemed to understand what 'sketch' means by now.

"Oh, so it's a form of drawing!" said Bokuto. "So, have you drawn us?!"

I blushed a little bit, as I gripped onto my sketchbook, putting it closer to my face.

"A-actually... you're one of my favorite aces," I said, avoiding eye contact.

"Really?!" said Bokuto, before laughing. "It's fun to meet fans every now and then!"

"Tch, don't think too high of yourself," sneered Nekoma's captain.

"Shut up, Kuroo!"

That's it! That's his name! I remembered it now!

For the rest of the night, I stayed inside the Third Gymnasium. They played a few matches, as I sketched some of them while keeping up with the scores. It was not that easy since I would sometimes forget that I needed to keep scores, as Yaku reminded me about it every now and then.

After their match, we were walking down towards the cafeteria for dinner when Kuroo walked up to me.

"Hey," he said.

"Hey, do you need anything?" I asked, looking up at him.

"I wanna apologize about something," he said, I raised an eyebrow at him.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I may have pissed off your team's middle blocker with the glasses," he said.

"Oh, Tsukishima. Did he went to the third gym with you guys?" I asked.

"We invited him to block a few spikes for Bokuto. I told him about the Shrimp and I thought that he'd say something about him not letting the Shrimp surpass him or anything, but I was wrong. He said that he was no where near as talented as that Shrimp," he said, as I processed what he said.

"That's pretty odd, Tsukishima isn't really the type to say something like that towards Hinata. Don't worry too much about it, he'll be fine. But, I'm actually more surprised Tsukishima joined you guys," I said, laughing a little bit.

"Well, I am good with words," Kuroo said, proudly, placing a hand on his chest while the other above the air.

"You mean, you pissed him off to join us," we hear Akaashi say from behind, as I laughed at his comment.


The next day was the same, except the managers had gotten watermelons for the teams to eat. I even helped them with preparing the watermelons since only one of them knows how to cut a watermelon into slices.

"You're really good with knives, Y/N!" exclaimed Yachi, as I gave her a plate of sliced watermelons to give out fo the teams.

"I guess you could say that," I said, chuckling.

I could maybe challenge Toga Himiko with these knife skills. Nah, I'd rather be her friend than her rival.

We were all beside the gym up the hill when everyone was enjoying their watermelons. Everyone was sat down on the grass with their own little group. I saw Hinata with Nekoma's Kenma and Lev (I remembered his name from last night), the three of them were eating and I saw Kenma take a bite of his watermelon. He looks adorable.

I also saw Kuroo walk up to where Daichi is, along with Sugawara, Asahi and Tanaka. I already know that he'll be apologizing about Tsukishima.

Speaking of Tsukishima, I looked around to see where he was.

"You'll only eat one slice?" I heard Yachi say, I looked to her direction and saw that she was talking to Tsukishima.

"Yeah, thanks for the food," he said, waving his hand without looking at her.

I, then, remembered what Yamaguchi said to me last night. About Tsukishima's older brother, I can't seem to get it off my mind! I was up until, 2 o'clock in the morning thinking about it. But, I can't seem to bring myself up to go and ask Tsukishima about it.

Just ask him about it already!

I sighed, but once again I chickened out and offered someone a slice of watermelon.


The day went on the same, Karasuno had most of the loses. Of course, meaning they'd have to do the penalty for about 10 times. I was feeling bad about them, but I also kinda feel relieved that I wasn't in their shoes. I'd be having a heart attack after one match, imagine me doing 10 matches in a day. Put "Nice Kill" onto my gravestone because I'll be dead by then.

It was now time for personal practice. Like usual, everyone minded their own business. I watched them from a far with my sketchbook, then I heard Tanaka that caught my attention.

"Oi, Tsukishima!  We're gonna practice the synchronized attack, so stick around and help us out for a bit!" Tsukishima was ready to go outside the gym, but was stopped by Tanaka.

At the end of that conversation, Ennoshita was the one who ended up practicing with them instead of Tsukishima. I sighed, and saw Yamaguchi also listening. I stood up and walked up to him.

"Yamaguchi," I said, his head turned to my direction. "You see Tsukishima as a cool guy, right?"

"Yeah, why did you ask?"

"He seemed really uncool nowadays, can you please give him a few words to come back to his senses of being cool?" I said, smiling at him.

Yamaguchi is smart and very thoughtful. He'd know what to say to Tsukishima. I know that Yamaguchi really looks up to Tsukishima, and I also know that it's not my place to intrude in their personal problems. But, I also know that they're both special to me and seeing them like this bothers me. I think if anyone would talk to Tsukishima about his recent actions, it should be Yamaguchi, not me, not Daichi nor the other members, but Yamaguchi. He seemed to understand Tsukishima more than any of us.

I saw Yamaguchi's eyes shine and widen as he looked at me. It seemed that he got an idea out of what I said.

"I-I'll be right back," he said, before running out of the gym. I, then, heard him shout "TSUKKI!" making me laugh to myself.

A few minutes later, I decided to go out of the gym. I spotted Yamaguchi walking back, with a hint of disappointment across his face.

"What happened?" I asked.

"He said, he's still not convinced, but," said Yamaguchi, I waited for him to continue.

"But what?" I asked, getting a little bit nervous.

"But... he said that, I was cool!" Yamaguchi's face lit up with a huge smile across his face, as I let out a sigh of relief. I laughed at him and patted his shoulder.

"You are cool, Tadashi," I said, he looked shocked since it was the first time I called him by his first name.

"Thanks, Y/N," said Tadashi, giving me a small smile before saying good night and walking inside the gym, he was greeted by Yachi and Hinata.

I wonder what's Tsukishima's thinking right now?

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