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Chapter 2 Roasted Wings with Sweet Honey Sauce

    In the warm room, Su Ke’s two slender white hands were coated with a thick white paste and held on her chest. She languidly collapsed on the sofa, and then secretly looked sideways into the kitchen while baking honey for her. Ji Hong babbled while grilling his wings.

    "You said you, how many times have I told you that you are not allowed to touch those kittens and puppies, you are fine, and I will deaf ears to my words, now all right, look at your two trotters and wait a minute How to record the video..."

    Su Ke slowly nodded his head while listening to Ji Hong's chatter, her eyes slightly guilty.

    At the beginning of the live broadcast, Su Ke was sitting in front of the solid wood table while talking, while using a hand with disposable plastic gloves to take out the honey-glazed grilled wings in the tin foil and put them on the table neatly and said: "Because my hands are allergic today. , So I have taken some protective measures. I hope you don’t mind."

    "Today is...Um...1,2,3...49...Huh? Oh, there is one more here, a total of fifty honey-glazed grilled wings." She shook the honey-roasted wings in her hand, Su Ke's face was soft.

    "Xiaowo Xiaowo, are you swollen..."

    "Fuck, my wife, you ate too much and was beaten by your agent..."

    "I just finished reading the seven deadly sins-gluttony..."

    "Licking hands and licking hands... 嘤嘤嘤, The Lun family wants to lick their hands..."

    "That's obviously fifty-two honey-glazed grilled wings, okay? Those two wrapped in plastic wrap...hehe..."

    Su Ke slowly finished a honey-glazed grilled wing and saw After swiping on the screen, I shook my hands three-layered with disposable plastic gloves, whispering aggrieved: "Because I like cats, dogs and cats downstairs too much, the manager is jealous, so I prepared to ask Chop my claws and say that I only need to open my mouth."

    Su Ke's white and tender face wrinkled, and there was another bloody storm on the screen, and he swept Ji Hong's name upside down and brushed it upside down for ten minutes.

    Su Ke swallowed the honey-roasted wings in her mouth, chuckled for a few minutes and then saw Ji Hong carrying a trash bag out of the house, and silently moved the screen.

    Blowing her cheeks and swallowing the honey-roasted wings in her mouth, Su Ke suddenly heard a "dingdong" doorbell.

    "Probably the agent forgot to bring the key, everyone wait for me." Su Ke said softly to the camera, then got up and walked towards the door.

    Twisting his posture and opening the door with his disposable gloved hand, Su Ke unexpectedly saw a cold-faced man in a suit standing at the door.

    The man stared at Su Ke with a stern face and looked at Su Ke for a long time. He looked from the corners of her oily mouth to her hands wearing three-layer disposable gloves. His eyes moved slightly, and finally he said in a flat voice: "May I have something to eat? Isn't it?" In

    the middle of the night, it was a tall man who came to beg for food. It was really frightening. Su Ke was a little bit afraid that he didn't catch a peek in the eyes of the cat before opening the door.     Of course, she couldn't give her own honey-sauce roasted wings for a show. Su Ke picked a few pieces of honey-sauce roasted wings from Ji Hong's plate and gave them to the man, and then watched the man push the opposite door and walk in.     Seeing the man's movements, Su Ke suddenly realized that it was this guy who looked serious and looked very uncomfortable who lived in front of the door, but fortunately he was not a bad person.     Su Ke secretly concealed herself for a while, but before she returned to her senses, there was a hysterical roar in her ears, "Su Ke! You recorded me half and ran!"     Ji Hong, who returned from throwing the garbage, stepped forward aggressively. Twisting Su Ke's white tender face and rubbing it, he looked like iron can't make steel.     Su Ke wrinkled a face ravaged by Ji Hong, and obediently returned to the screen to chew his wings.     After finally eating fifty honey-sauce roasted wings, Su Ke clapped her hands with a smile, regardless of the wailing on the screen, call it a day!     There are a lot of tin foil and chicken bones spread on the solid wood table. They look greasy and look very ugly. Su Ke just rolled them up and threw them into the trash can, stretched out and picked up the trash bag. Just prepare to swing out the door slowly and take a stroll.

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