
46 1 0



Traditional Chinese

Set up

Turn off the lights




Chapter 57:

    Chen Yirou took Su Ke to rest, and then gave her a cup of warm water and said, "Miss Su, pay attention to your body."

    "Thank you." Su Ke sat on the sofa holding the cup of water in her hand, and then sneakily started searching Pei Ke's figure.

    Pei Ke held the wine glass in his hand and was chatting with others.

    Pei Ke, who wore a straight suit, had a handsome face. Women of the right age gathered him around, and some people tried to recommend his daughter and granddaughter to him.

    Pei Ke smiled and responded one by one, and then suddenly raised his finger to point Su Ke in the direction.

    Su Ke held the water cup in his hand before he could react, and saw all those people turning their heads to look at him, as if they were watching some rare species.

    "Miss Su, this is the steak I just picked up for you. I don't know if you have an appetite?" Chen Yirou put the beef in her hand in front of Su Ke and said, "This steak was just fried, and the meat is soft and tender. Miss Su can taste it."

    "Thank you." Su Ke reached out to take the knife and fork in Chen Yirou's hand, and lowered his head slightly embarrassed.

    Pei Ke walked slowly in front of Su Ke, and then sat beside her and said, "Are you eating steak?"

    "Yeah." Su Ke nodded, his big round eyes fixed on Pei Ke's body. .

    "I'll have a taste." After speaking, Pei Ke directly leaned over and took Su Ke into his mouth before he could swallow the steak, and then said in a low voice: "Yes."

    Su Ke pinched. The fork in his hand turned red.

    Chen Yirou sat aside and said with a smile, "Mr. Pei and

    Ms. Su's relationship is really good." "Ms. Chen and Mr. Gu's relationship is also very good." Pei Ke raised his eyes to look at Chen Yirou and reached out to take the table. The disposable tablecloth wiped his mouth.

    "It's all on the spot, it's not comparable to Mr. Pei and Miss Su." Chen Yirou glanced at the ring on Su Ke's left middle finger, and a bitter look appeared in her eyes.

    Even if she has a glamorous appearance, in this circle, she is still just something for people to enjoy. A word of others can make her live, and a word of others can make her die.

    "Playing every time? Where did you play again?" As the host of this private banquet, Gu Sheng returned to Chen Yirou's side after greeting each guest.

    Looking at the smiling Gu Sheng in front of him, Chen Yirou smiled and said: "Mr. Gu is very busy, even if he is acting on the spot, no one can get me."

    Hearing Chen Yirou's words, Gu Sheng's face was slightly cold, and his expression suddenly serious. A bit.

    Seeing the sudden change of Gu Sheng's expression, Chen Yirou realized that she had gone a little bit.

    In fact, she gets along well with this Gu Sheng on weekdays, and each takes what she needs, but this time she saw the engagement ring in Su Ke's hand, her mind changed slightly, and suddenly she had some thoughts before she knew it.

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