
39 2 0



Traditional Chinese

Set up

Turn off the lights




Chapter 39

    When Su Ke and Pei Ke returned to the hotel room, it was already midnight. Ji Hong and Liang Chen still did not return. She moved into his room under Pei Ke’s arrangement, and Pei Ke slept in the other side of the room. room.

    Although it was the first time to sleep in someone else's bed, Su Ke did not know why but fell asleep very quickly, almost falling asleep as soon as he touched the pillow.

    When I woke up, it was exactly 8 o'clock in the morning, Su Ke slumped into the bed blankly, still a little confused.

    There was a knock on the door of the room, Su Ke pulled her hair to open the door, and saw Pei Ke standing in the door of the room wearing an apron, smiling: "Are you sleeping well?

    " Hmm." Su Ke nodded, with crimson sleep marks on her porcelain-white skin.

    "That's good, I'm still worried that you were scared yesterday." Raising his hand and holding Su Ke's hand, Pei Ke led the person into the bathroom and said: "Toothpaste and toothbrush are ready, and there are towels next to it."

    "Thank you. "Su Ke lowered his head, and thanked him in a soft voice.

    "Xiaowo, I've said it many times, and we don't need to thank you." After speaking, Pei Ke reached out and helped her to press down the messy hair: "Just use mine for the comb."

    "Oh." Su Ke blushed and got into the bathroom.

    The bathroom is well prepared, even the toothpaste is already squeezed. Next to it is a pink bunny towel. The lower left corner is embroidered with a long-eared rabbit. The fluffy looks very cute.

    Reaching out and touching the towel, Su Ke couldn't help but smiled, then quickly washed her face and brushed her teeth.

    Pei Ke's breakfast has been prepared, and the table is filled with fragrance.

    Su Ke pulled her hair over, looked at the bowl of potted yogurt in front of him, and curiously reached out and touched the mint leaves on it.

    "Did you do this?" Su Ke looked up at Pei Ke, Su Ke's face was slightly surprised.

    "The bottom is yogurt, and a layer of broken biscuits is used as soil on the top. The top leaf is mint." Pressing Su Ke on the chair, Pei Ke smiled: "Does it look good?"

    "Yeah." Nodded, Su Ke held the potted yogurt and looked up and down and looked very much.

    "Actually, I'm a handicapped party. It's ugly to make things when I live broadcast, but fortunately, my little friends don't dislike me." Su Ke leaned on the table with his chin and pointed his finger at the small plate. The yellow duck said: "What is that?"

    "Little yellow duck buns with custard filling and strawberries."

    After speaking, Pei Ke turned into the kitchen and brought out a bowl of red bean porridge and said: "Red bean and barley porridge.

    " Wow, it smells good." The freshly cooked red bean and barley porridge has a fragrant aroma, and the warmth hit Su Ke's nose.

    "Spoon." Handed Su Ke the clean spoon in his hand. Pei Ke sat beside her and said: "Your agent came over just now and said that I'm looking for you for something."

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