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Chapter 10 Kabong Crispy Vegetable and Fruit Salad

    The elevator door slowly closed in front of her eyes, Su Ke panted, her nose was full of the rich cheese tart milk fragrance.

    Swallowing the cheese tart in his mouth with difficulty, Su Ke lowered his head and looked nervous.

    The elevator went up slowly, only Su Ke and Pei Ke were inside. Su Ke swallowed his saliva, his head rumbling.

    "Then, that, thank..."

    "Is your brain fake?" Before Su Ke finished speaking, Pei Ke cut her off suddenly.

    "Huh?" Su Ke raised her eyes blankly and looked at Pei Ke. Su Ke couldn't believe that the sentence just came out of Great God Pei's mouth.

    "If I wasn't here just now, I'm afraid you have been dismembered and thrown into the stinking ditch." Pei Ke squinted his eyes and hung up his slender phoenix tail. , Showing a fierce spirit.

    "I..." Wringing his thin white hands, Su Ke's face was reddish.

    "As a prominent public figure, why would you be alone in the underground garage?"

    "Me, I followed Ji Hong..." Su Ke whispered.

    "Your agent is not qualified." After Pei Ke said, the elevator opened with a "ding", and the three people walked in, and the dialogue between Su Ke and Pei Ke ended.

    Pei Ke's room is on the twenty-third floor, Su Ke's room is on the twentieth floor, and the elevator stopped on the twentieth floor. Su Ke said "thank you" in a low voice to Pei Ke and then quickly turned and walked out of the elevator.

    Seeing Su Ke's slender figure disappearing in front of him, Pei Ke's eyes were dim, and he took out his mobile phone and made a call.

    At the door of the hotel room, Su Ke did not have a room card on her body. The room card was with Ji Hong. She stood at the door of the room and waited for half an hour before Ji Hong hurried over.

    "Xiaowo, why are you standing at the door? Hey, what's wrong, why are your eyes red?" He took out his room card and opened the door of the room. Ji Hong suddenly saw Su Ke's red eyes, and he was immediately anxious. God.

    Su Ke stood there with her head down, and wailed for a long time before wailing slightly: "I, I don't know that my brain is fake, what can I do..."

    Listening to Su Ke , she has no brains. Ji Hong hurriedly pulled the person into the room, and after a few detailed questions, he banged the coffee table with an angry face.

    "It's lawless, doesn't it mean that the hotel management is very strict? Why can anyone enter? No, this kind of thing must be checked clearly, and it may happen again someday."

    After finishing, Ji Hong hurriedly Turn around and leave.

    "Sister Ji Hong, where are you going?"

    "Go to adjust the videotape, I want to see which crazy guy dared to hit your idea."

    Angrily out of the hotel room, Ji Hong walked halfway, and returned uneasy. Come back and let Su Ke lock the room door.

    Ji Hong left, and Su Ke sat there with her head down for a long time before she woke up and wanted to call the customer service phone to order something to eat, but when she just walked to the customer service phone, the phone rang suddenly.

    "Hello?" Su Ke answered the phone hesitantly, and Su Ke's voice was muted.

    After hearing Su Ke's voice, the person on the other side of the phone calmly

    said for a while, "Come to my room." After speaking, the person hung up with a click.

    Su Ke stood there blankly holding the phone, and it took a long time to realize that the person who just called her seemed to be... Great God Pei?

    "Xiaowo, Xiaowo..." Ji Hong stood at the door of the room and knocked.

    Su Ke went up and took the locked chain, and then watched Ji Hong walk in with interest: "I just went down and saw a police car arrested someone. I heard it was caught in the underground garage. , I went to watch the video tape again, the one who was about to attack you."

    "Caught it? So fast?" Su Ke was a little surprised with a pair of eyes.

    "That is, this kind of villain should enter the game." With a look of righteous indignation, Ji Hong shook his hand and suddenly said:

    "Right , where are those clothes?" "Uh..." Su Ke followed Ji Hong with a dull head. I looked around in the room, and then suddenly realized: "Ah! I was taken away by God Pei."

    "God Pei? Why did he take your clothes?" Ji Hongliang raised his voice when he heard Su Ke's words. .

    "I, he helped me just now, so he took it easily." Su Ke squeezed her fingertips, and said stammeringly: "He just called to let me pass.

    " So what are you waiting for, hurry up, clean up, put on makeup, get a script, high heels, high heels, you are half a head shorter than that Zhong Wen, it is better to wear high heels..."

    See Ji Su Ke shrank her neck while Hong was busy, and hurriedly sneaked out of the room.

    Sitting on the elevator to the twenty-third floor, Su Ke stood in front of Pei Ke's door and hesitated to enter.

    With a "click", the door of the room was opened from the inside. Pei Ke leaned on the door frame and waved to Su Ke: "Come in."

    It was probably just after the shower, Pei Ke was still wearing a bathrobe, that was not close. A piece of fair skin appeared on the chest, with a distinct texture, with tight muscles faintly visible.

    Su Ke lowered his head, followed Pei Ke into the room dullly.

    "Then, um, I took the clothes and left..." Standing in the same place hesitated, Su Ke glanced at Pei Ke in front of him, not knowing where to put his eyes.

    "Wait a minute." Pei Ke walked to the side of the sofa and sat down, then pointed to the coffee table and pointed out: "Eat."

    Taking a look at the fresh fruit and vegetable salad and steak on the coffee table, Su Ke shook his head quickly. "No, I'll go with Sister Ji Hong

    later ..." "After eating , I will start to tell the script and eat quickly." After speaking incontrovertibly, Pei Ke began to stare at the computer.

    Su Ke hesitated to sit opposite Pei Ke, looked at the thick and delicious steak in front of him, and couldn't help but pinch his hands.

    If she finishes this steak in front of God Pei, will she have indigestion?

    "Why, don't want to eat?" Pei Ke said suddenly when he raised his eyes to look at Su Ke who was sitting opposite him.

    "No, no." He hurriedly picked up the fork and put the already divided steak into his mouth. Su Ke was immediately impressed by its firm thickness and fragrant taste.

    After swallowing the steak in her mouth, Su Ke took another sip of the fruit and vegetable salad and put it in her mouth. The vegetables and fruits poured in the salad dressing were very fresh, and the bite "cracked" crisply and juicy in her mouth.

    Pei Ke sat on the sofa and looked at Su Ke who put a mouthful of fruit and vegetable salad into his mouth. He couldn't help but raised his lips slightly, and then suddenly got up from the sofa.

    Su Ke was still chewing on the fruit and vegetable salad in her mouth, feeling dark in front of her eyes, and a white finger with distinct bones stretched out from the side, touching Su Ke's exposed vegetable and stuffing it in.

    A bit of salad dressing was stained on the vegetables, Pei Ke retracted his hand and licked slowly.

    The author has something to say: Mr. Pei: I want to kiss my little wife

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