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Chapter 21

    After half an hour, Su Ke followed Pei Ke to the destination.

    This is a studio. It seems that some commercial is being filmed in it. Su Ke, wrapped in a down jacket, wandered into the studio behind Pei Ke.

    The flash in the studio "clicked", and the sound continued. Su Ke looked inside and saw a woman wrapped in a black cloth with half of her face sitting inside and shooting.

    "That's..." Seeing the woman's entire face slowly exposed, Su Ke widened her eyes in surprise.

    "The female model of paper, Carloy." Pei Ke took Su Ke's hand and slowly said, "Does Xiaowo know?"

    "Of course I do. She is so famous!" Su Ke said excitedly while covering her mouth. .

    La Roy is a well-known French model actress. She has been suffering from anorexia for several years. As a person who has struggled with anorexia for many years, she brought anorexia to the attention of others and won the title The term "mode".

    Because of the anorexia, Kaloi is really thin. She has almost no meat on her body. Her apical bones protrude. At first glance, she looks like a walking skeleton frame, but her eyes are Unusually firm, his eyes towards the camera are full of firmness.

    It was just at first glance that the depression and gloom spreading out of Carloy's body could not be concealed. Her body was as lifeless as if she was carrying a dead city on her back.

    Pain and torture are the daily routines of anorexia patients. They do not have the desire to eat. Most of them suffer from depression and mental eating disorders, which are characterized by deliberate dieting to reduce weight.

    When a person loses even the food she eats, then her desire for life will also be lost.

    "Do you want to go over to say hello?" Pei Ke looked down at Su Ke, who was standing in front of him, leaning on the wooden shelf behind him.

    "People are still busy taking pictures, let's wait a minute and then go over." After that, Su Ke glanced at Karoy, and then turned to Pei Ke and said: "At that time you got anorexia, and... Is it?"

    "At that time, it was mainly because of the pressure of the role. I noticed it early and I immediately withdrew from the entertainment industry for treatment, so it was not as serious as Kaloi." At this point, Pei Ke paused for a while, and then suddenly moved his face together. Su Ke said in front of him: "And, fortunately, I found a panacea."

    "The panacea?" Tilted his head to look at Pei Ke in front of him, Su Ke reacted instantly, then turned his head blushing.

    Seeing Su Ke's embarrassed little appearance, Pei Ke raised his hand and rubbed her little head and said: "Little Nest, if I don't have you, I am afraid I will not survive."

    "Don't talk nonsense." Raised tremblingly. Looking at Pei Ke in front of him, Su Ke paused and said: "In my eyes, Pei Ke is invincible. No one can beat him down."

    "Yes, no one can beat me down." Embracing Su Ke's soft body, Pei Ke smiled and hugged the person in his arms, full of satisfaction in his body and mind.

    "Blood-sucking worm!" Suddenly, there was a sound of bluffing, and Sun Yibao, who was rushing over with the camera, said anxiously: "Blood-sucking worm, that photo on Weibo really wasn’t my favorite , I have given you all my negatives!"

    Slowly let go of Su Ke in his arms, Pei Ke didn't even have a good expression on this horrible thing.

    Squinting his eyes to look at Sun Yibao, Pei Ke slowly said, "Your studio, I have already divested."

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