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Traditional Chinese

Set up

Turn off the lights




Chapter 49:

    After finally having time to rest, Su Ke and Su Yuhang carve up the full cheesecake and immediately went to sleep well.

    Early the next morning, she still didn't get up, so Mother Su called out from the bed and said, "Little nest, it's not good, your grandma's cat ran away again."

    "Huh? What?" Su Ke got up from the bed on her feet, her whole person fascinated and still not fully awake.

    "Get up quickly, let's look for it together." After saying this, Su's mother lifted Su Ke from the bed.

    Su Ke half-opened her eyes to take care of herself, and then washed her face again, before she woke up completely.

    "Why did you run again? Will you still run back to the family's house yesterday?" While standing at the door to change shoes, Su Ke looked up at Su Mudao who was standing behind him.

    "I don't know, that black cat is usually behaved, why has it become so naughty these days." Su Mu shook her head helplessly, opened the door of the villa with one hand, and saw Pei Ke standing at the door, smiling and greeting her with a smile Said: "Hello Auntie."

    Pei Ke is very formal today . He is in a silver-gray suit and his hair is well maintained. At first glance, it looks like he just finished filming the cover of a magazine, with this strong country style. Very out of place.

    "Why are you here?" Su Ke came out from behind Su's mother in surprise, with a happy smile on her face.

    "Pick you up for breakfast." Raising his hand and holding Su Ke's hand, Pei Ke pulled the person to his side, then turned to look at Su's mother and said: "Auntie, are you going to have breakfast together?"

    "Ah, no need No need, your grandma’s cat ran away again last night, and we are going to find the cat.” Looking at Pei Ke, who was clean and handsome in front of him, Mother Su waved her hand with satisfaction: “You go and eat. "

    Are you running again? It's okay. I will help my aunt to get it back, and my aunt is waiting for news at home." After speaking, Pei Ke took Su Ke's hand and got into the car.

    Su's mother stood in the same place and nodded, before realizing what was happening, she watched the car drive away with Su Ke.

    Pei Ke carries an aura that makes people surrender unconsciously. He is calm and can quickly grasp leadership. It is a temperament that has accumulated over time, just like layers of traps under the animal world's food chain.

    "Where are we going?" Sitting beside Pei Ke, Su Ke touched her hair a little embarrassed.

    She didn't expect Pei Ke to come so early, and Su's mother urged her, so she grabbed a few hairs and went out.

    "Find a cat." After finishing speaking, Pei Ke reached out to Su Ke and said: "Give me the phone."

    "Hey?" He looked at Pei Ke strangely, but Su Ke took the phone out of his pocket and handed it to Pei Ke.

    "Yesterday I hung a tracker on the black cat's neck." While talking, Pei Ke slid off the map and said: "It came out of the hospital at 2 o'clock this morning and walked along the road until the morning. At 8 o’clock, it’s the house of yesterday."

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