
40 1 0



Traditional Chinese

Set up

Turn off the lights




Chapter 40:

    Weibo is still very hot, and Su Ke took a look at it and lost interest. Anyway, it was all made up.

    On the contrary, she saw that the big appetite variety show that had not been broadcasted was announced and replaced with another emerging challenge show. It seems that Mr. Sun yesterday was really a villain.

    "What are you looking at?" Pei Ke came out of the kitchen after washing the dishes and sat beside Su Ke and said, "Your agent said Liang Chen is going to climb the mountain."

    "Climbing?" Hearing Pei Ke's words, Su Ke immediately turned off his phone and said, "Go climbing in such a cold day?"

    "I heard that it is going to be a live broadcast on the top of the mountain." Leaning back on the sofa, Pei Ke put one hand on Su Ke's shoulder and said, "You Is this host mainly to accompany?"

    "...Of course I, the host, must accompany." Su Ke lowered his eyes, and said in a soft voice: "Ah, I hate mountain climbing the most."

    "Why do I hate mountain climbing?" With his faces tightly wrinkled together, Pei Ke said amusedly: "Climbing a mountain can relieve the mood, isn't it a very pleasant thing?"

    "Where to relieve my mood, I just get nervous as soon as I go up the mountain." Su Ke is also accidental. Discovering this problem with her, when she graduated from high school, she climbed halfway up the mountain and looked down the mountain suddenly. She felt that she had difficulty breathing, her legs were soft, and she quickly squatted down on the ground, and then let her stretcher. Lift it down.

    This embarrassing thing was simply a nightmare in Su Ke's life.

    "It's okay, I'll go with you." Holding Su Ke's hand, Pei Ke said in a gentle voice: "It should be that you didn't take precautions and didn't have a bottom, so you were nervous."

    "Maybe..." But the mountain they climbed that time is said to be the lowest mountain in the imperial capital...

    "Xiaowo, are you climbing?" Liang Chen sat on the other side of Su Ke with that greasy face, and said excitedly: "Go together Mountain climbing, live eating."

    "If you want to go, of course I have to accompany it." You bitterly glanced at Liang Chen, who was sitting beside him with excitement, Su Ke was full of reluctance.

    When she got to the top of the mountain, where could she still want to eat, it would be nice not to vomit...

    But apparently, Liang Chen, a foreign friend, couldn’t understand the expression on Su Ke’s face. He immediately turned on the phone after hearing Su Ke’s answer. Began to look for climbing sites excitedly.

    "Go to this mountain. I heard that there is a hotel on the mountain where you can stay." Pei Ke took out his mobile phone and clicked at random, then pointed to a mountain peak: "I heard that the hotel inside is very good. Send things up and go to the mountain easily."

    "Okay, great!" Liang Chen gave Pei a thumbs up, a pair of slightly blue eyes gleaming.

    Su Ke, who was sitting between the two, blinked and was forced to make a decision.

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