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Traditional Chinese

Set up

Turn off the lights




Chapter 34

    Su Ke felt that Great God Pei was too bad. He asked, how would she answer?

    Is it bashful to say yes, or sternly saying no?

    Su Ke knew that this person just wanted to make her embarrassed and wanted to see her face flushed with shame, otherwise, why didn't he just kiss him as if he was in the car just now?

    "Xiaowo doesn't speak, is that the acquiescence?" Pei Ke slightly leaned over, and the breath when speaking was sprayed on Su Ke's cheeks, with a delicate mint fragrance.

    "I...I didn't..." I didn't say no... After

    swallowing the words behind, Su Ke lowered his head, wringed his hands, very nervous.

    "I didn't ask for Xiaowo's opinion when I kissed Xiaowo just now, and I was still wondering if Xiaowo was angry." Putting one hand on Su Ke's shoulder, Pei Ke pressed the exposed sling and slowly put the sweater on. The collar of her mouth was pulled up for her.

    "I, I'm not angry." Feeling Pei Ke's hand touching his shoulder, Su Ke shrank his shoulder.

    "Don't wear clothes with a big neckline in the future." Pressing Su Ke's sweater, Pei Ke kneaded the ball of wool finely and said: "I will suffer from showing so much."


    "My girlfriends are all looked down upon, am I not at a disadvantage?" After speaking, Pei Ke helped Su Ke zip up the down jacket and said: "My den is so beautiful, I don't know how many people are watching."

    "Where is someone watching me..." Reaching out and touching the collar of his down jacket, Su Ke said in a soft voice.

    "There are so many people calling your wife in the message every day, I'm going to be jealous." Putting one hand on Su Ke's waist, Pei Ke put his head on Su Ke's shoulder and said: "From now on, I will only be alone. Call your wife."

    After that, Pei Ke took out her mobile phone from Su Ke's down jacket pocket and said, "Let me use Xiaowo's mobile phone."

    "Hey, what are you going to do?" Su Ke didn't have time to stop, so he watched Pei Ke enter Weibo with her mobile phone.

    "Hey!" Staring at Pei Ke's Weibo, Su Ke stood on tiptoe to grab the phone.

    "Shhh, the sending was successful." Raising his hand and pressing Su Ke's little head, Pei Ke handed the phone to Su Ke and said, "I will be my own pocket in the future."

    Su Ke looked at the phone in his hand. The latest Weibo post wrinkled his face and said: "Peike, I will be scolded to death."

    This person not only posted a very misleading Weibo, but also @了他自己的微Bo.

    "No." Squeezing Su Ke's face, Pei Ke smiled: "I will protect the nest."

    After speaking, Pei Ke looked down and said, "People are almost gone. Let's go."

    Pei Ke took his hands out of the room, Su Ke followed him with a small face and went all the way to the underground garage unobstructed.

    The driver had been waiting there, seeing Pei Ke coming, quickly went up and opened the door for him: "Sir, are you going back to the hotel?"

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