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Chapter 3 Soft and Juicy Veal Steak

    After living a life turned upside down day and night, Su Ke felt that her body was obviously overwhelmed, so she decided to get rid of this bad habit of disordered daily life and exercise her physique by the way.

    The weather in winter is still a bit cold, Su Ke wrapped in a thick down jacket, put on a pair of white frayed snow boots, and rode out on a bicycle leisurely.

    It was about five o'clock in the afternoon, and there was a rush of people off work. Su Ke rode a bicycle for half an hour and stopped at the door of a hotel panting.

    The hotel looked magnificent, with huge crystal chandeliers and spiral staircases from far away. Two doormen stood at the door, and the front desk was wearing a small black suit, looking very professional.

    Su Ke parked his bicycle at the entrance of the hotel, and walked through the revolving door into the hotel in surprise.

    The central air-conditioning is turned on in the hotel, and the air is filled with fine fragrance of flowers, and the floor tiles can reflect people.

    "Hello, I'm looking for a cafeteria." Su Ke walked to the front desk carrying a backpack, her voice was soft and soft with a glutinous smell, and her white face gave a gentle and fresh feeling.

    "Turn right to the third floor of the elevator over there."

    "Thank you."

    There were not many people in the cafeteria. Su Ke took a peek at the formal men and women beside him, then looked down at the down jacket on his body, and reached out to pay with some doubts. Money, and then slowly walked in.

    Because it was the first wave of people who entered, the ingredients in the buffet are not only rich, but also fresh.

    Su Ke spotted the crowd in front of the veal steak, quickly took twenty dishes, filled the table in front of him, and then took out the mobile phone in his bag and set it up to start the live broadcast.

    "I had a buffet today. When I saw a lot of people line up at the steak, I thought it must be delicious, so I took 20 plates, but I always felt like the boss would kick me out."

    Taking off the heavy down jacket, revealing the loose-fitting vintage sweater with flounces inside, Su Ke's small face is white, her hair is tied up to reveal her white and slender neck, and her small round ears are covered with black hair. Looks elegant and gentle.

    "I'm going to start." Su Ke picked up the knife and fork at hand and began to conquer the veal steak in front of him.

    "Um... soft and juicy, delicious..." After speaking, Su Ke cut another piece of beef and put it into her mouth, her big almond eyes narrowed slightly, like a cat of contentment.

    Su Ke's movement attracted the attention of the people at the next table. Some people even recognized Su Ke sitting there, and excitedly took out their mobile phones to take pictures and post on Weibo.

    More and more people came in at the buffet, gradually surrounding Su Ke. When Ji Hong arrived, he looked at the people on the third and third floors and covered his forehead with a headache.

    "Okay, this is the last bite of the day." After that, Su Ke stuffed the ice cream in the spoon into her mouth, and closed her mobile phone live with a smile.

    When Su Ke finished eating, the excited crowd finally couldn't hold back. Several young girls took a mobile phone and asked to take a photo with Su Ke. Su Ke responded with a smile, and the two dimples on the cheek appeared cutely.

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