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Traditional Chinese

Set up

Turn off the lights




Chapter 33

    Because of Su Ke and Liang Chen's sudden fit, the live broadcast room was almost squeezed.

    This kind of long-lived century frame made a steady stream of Liang Chenfen and Su Kefen squeeze into the live broadcast room. The messages on the screen kept beating, and the crackling couldn't be swept away.

    "Talk between the two giants at the summit!"

    "Wow, both of them are super super-loving~ Star Eyes~"

    "Eat Bankruptcy series."

    "Where is it, I want to

    watch !" "Upstairs, look The background behind should be the Roast Duck Restaurant of the Imperial Capital."

    "Wow, ah, I'm going, I'm going..."

    "The upstairs is high. The tide????"

    "Good, good, good, okay There is a husband and wife, my little nest is good for brewing!"

    "Oh my god, my husband and my wife have a meal together~" The

    message moved quickly, Pei Ke leaned on the chair, and saw the "Husband and Wife" ", he squinted his eyes secretly.

    "Wow, Xiaowo..." Ji Hong sat aside, looked at the dazzling gift and the soaring popularity, and couldn't help covering his mouth.

    She brought so many little stars who were neither red nor purple, but she didn't expect that the most arrogant one turned out to be the least ambitious and laziest one.

    Ji Hong felt she couldn't help crying with joy.

    Su Ke silently leaned in Liang Chen's direction at last Ji Hong's motherly-like look in the eyes of his daughter and son Jackie Chan.

    Pei Ke squeezed the phone in his hand and watched as the gap between Su Ke and Liang Chen became smaller and smaller, his eyes darkened.

    Su Ke and Liang Chen were sitting together, and she was showing Liang Chen using lotus leaf cakes to wrap roast duck.

    "This is the lotus leaf cake, first coated with sweet noodle sauce, then put vegetables and roast duck slices, you can add whatever you like."

    After finishing speaking, Su Ke handed the roast duck slices wrapped in her hand to Liang Chen and said: "Try our Great Chinese cuisine, you won't be disappointed."

    "Thank you Xiaowo." took Su Ke wrapped it in her hand. Liang Chen took a bite of the roast duck, and then nodded vigorously: "Well, it's delicious."

    Smiling at Liang Chen, Su Ke's face ran out of two cute dimples.

    Seeing the dimple on Su Ke's face, Liang Chen stretched out his hand and said, "Little nest, cute."

    "Thank you." Su Ke smiled happily when she heard Liang Chen's words.

    With a sudden "clang", Pei Ke got up from the chair, and then pulled the chair back and squeezed the chair between Liang Chen and Xiaowo.

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