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Chapter 12 Stuffing with Glutinous Rice and Beef Siu Mai

    "Have you read the script?" After staring at the cat ears on Su Ke's head for a while, Pei Ke slowly said.

    "I've seen it, there seems to be no lines." With his head down, Su Ke did not dare to look directly at Pei Ke in front of him.

    Before looking at that unconsciously exposing a length of slender neck down when Sook, Pei Ke micro squint squinting, his gaze slowly moved away from that greasy skin, after a moment and said:. "The gloves bring"

    finished, Pei Ke took out a pair of gloves from nowhere and handed them to Su Ke.

    Reaching out to take the glove in Pei Ke's hand, Su Ke put it on her hand, then raised her eyes to look at Pei Ke in front of him and said, "Wearing the gloves...what are you going to do?"

    Seeing Su Kena talk to her left and right. With her tense eyes, Pei Ke bent down and pulled out a cardboard box from the coffee table.

    The full-fed little milk cat huddled in a cardboard box and slept soundly, her little fluffy body curled up in one place, even her tail wrapped around her body.

    "Hey? Why are you here with Great God Pei?" Su Ke's eyes lit up when he saw the little wild cat in the cardboard box.

    "Just call me Pei Ke." Raising his hand to cover the little milk cat with a quilt, Pei Ke suddenly grabbed Su Ke's gloved hand, and then gently said: "Touch it, it's easy to wake up. Feeling.”

    Pei Ke, who slowed down his voice, said with a deep and dull voice, like the low voice of a cello, which was clearly passed into Su Ke's ears, making her blush unconsciously.

    Carefully caressing the little milk cat in the box, Su Ke squatted on the ground, her slender body small, tender and delicate.

    Pei Ke stood aside, looking at Su Ke's drooping white greasy face, moving his fingertips lightly.

    Su Ke suddenly felt the heat above her head and looked up in the direction of Pei Ke like a fright, but happened to meet a pair of dark eyes.

    "This little milk cat is you. You have to look

    at its movements." Looking at Pei Ke who was talking to him solemnly in front of him, Su Ke tried to ignore the hand that was pressing on his head, and nodded seriously. .

    "Okay, go and lie down on the sofa. You can sleep as the little cat sleeps."

    "Oh." Replied blankly, Su Ke got up and sat on the sofa, then looked at her Feet in a daze.

    "Take off your shoes." Noting Su Ke's sight, Pei Ke brought her a pair of cotton slippers from the shoe cabinet beside him.

    Looking at the cotton slippers that are exactly the same as Pei Ke's feet, Su Ke lowered his head and slowly changed it, then wringed his hands and stammered: "Just, just sleep like this...?

    " Of course I want to lie down and sleep." Sitting opposite Su Ke, Pei Ke said with his arms around his chest: "You sleep as the little cat sleeps."

    "Oh." Su Ke nodded when he heard Pei Ke's words. Then he looked down at the little milk cat curled up in the cardboard box, and curled up with every effort.

    "There is also a tail. It's exposed." Getting up from the sofa, Pei Ke walked to Su Ke's side, slowly picked up the tail and stuffed it into Su Ke's arms, then leaned down and said in a low voice: "Hug Okay, don't drop it."

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